1500字范文 > 正始名士 Zhengshi Mingshi英语短句 例句大全

正始名士 Zhengshi Mingshi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-16 11:05:06


正始名士 Zhengshi Mingshi英语短句 例句大全

正始名士,Zhengshi Mingshi

1)Zhengshi Mingshi正始名士

1.Political Ambition ofZhengshi Mingshi:An Analysis of Xia Hou-xuan s Response to Sima Xuanwang s Current Affairs;正始名士的政治抱负——析夏侯玄《答司马宣王时事议》


1.Political Ambition of Zhengshi Mingshi:An Analysis of Xia Hou-xuan s Response to Sima Xuanwang s Current Affairs;正始名士的政治抱负——析夏侯玄《答司马宣王时事议》

2.the Swiss Confederation瑞士联邦((瑞士的正式名称))

3.Initializing Rename Category Dialog Box...正在初始化“重命名类别”对话框...

4.The soldier is standing out of position.这名士兵正站在错误的位置。

5."Being a member of a organization, company, armed force, etc."在士兵名册上,在编,是正式成员

6.Terrorists attacked two soldiers on patrol.恐怖分子袭击了两名正在巡逻的士兵.

7.As the following antithetical couplet goes: The hero has given his life in defence of his beloved motherland/The land has taken on new lustre by the presence of the martyr.正是,英雄为河山捐躯,名城因烈士增辉。

8.Appraisement of Guo Tai and Mi Heng in Outer Chapter of Baopuzi;正郭与弹祢——《抱朴子外篇》汉末名士评议

9.Nature and Name of Praetor: A Study of Roman Public Law by Justifying the NamePraetor的实与名:从正名开始的罗马公法研究

ing out of the prison, he changed his name to Yifeng, became a Taoist monk and began to study painting.他出狱后改名"一峰",并当了道士,开始画画。

11.The officer called the soldiers to attention as the inspection was soon going to begin.军民叫士兵们立正,因为检阅马上就要开始了。

12.Re-understanding of Advertisement in China;为广告重新正名——从主流媒体的广告观开始

13.The hundred knights were all men of choice behaviour and sobriety of manners.那一百名武士都是品行端正,绝不胡作非为的。

14.Language Logic or Philosophy Logic--Appreciation of Aristotle s Logic;语言逻辑还是哲学逻辑——为亚里士多德逻辑正名

15.As the soldier"s wound was not attended to, gangrene set in and his leg had to be cut off.因为那名士兵的伤口没被注意到,坏疽开始而他的腿得被切除。

16.Then the boat came close up to Kwashin Koji; and Kwashin Koji climbed into it; and the boatman turned about, and began to row away very swiftly.接著船紧紧地靠近果正居士;果正居士爬进船内,船夫调转方向,而后开始迅速地划开了。

17.As a mechanic, it was his official duty to make sure that the soldiers" vehicles were kept running.作为一名技工,他的正式职责是确保士兵们的车辆能够正常运行。

18.The famous Aristotelian distinction between distributive and corrective justice will be discussed elsewhere.亚里士多德对分配正义与平均正义的著名区分拟另作讨论。



1.Lizhi went along with the variety deeds of the Wei and Jinpersonages,such as drink and absurd,easy and over-confident,etc.他的多种著作对魏晋人物故事多加记载品评,魏晋名士饮酒放诞、风流自赏、任性畅情、狂傲不羁的种种行为,深得李贽赞赏,并引为同调。


1.Celebrities are always relevant to the social environment and the main ideas of certain period.名士总是与一定时期的社会环境、主流思想相联系的。

2.Celebrities began with the Later Han Dynasty,the social environment and fashion of Later Han Dynasty had a fairly great effect on celebrities.名士渊源于后汉,汉末的社会环境、风尚对名士有较大的影响。


1.The formation of personality of Chinese intellectuals experiences the process from design to stereotype, and it is a process from "sage" personality, that is, internal saints and external kings, tocelebrity s casual and elegant life style.中国知识分子的人格形成经历了一个由设计到现实定型的过程,是一个由“内圣外王”的“圣人”人格,到“外圆内方”的“名士风流”的过程,是一种理想与现实相揉合的人格,一直影响着古往今来的知识分子。


1.From detaching himself from reality to going beyond oneself: the poet s emotion of relieving suffering world ebbed step from Huangchu toZhengshi times;从超脱到超越:建安激情的退潮——论黄初到正始的诗风嬗变

pare the Image of Jianan andZhengshi s Poem;建安与正始诗歌意象之比较研究

3.Jianan andZhengshi Writer s Officials as a Class Mindset and Their Poem Text;建安与正始文人不同仕宦心态及其诗文

6)unconventional and unrestrained behaviour of talented scholars名士风流

1.The general view is that the reason of compilation "Shishuoxinyu" is to advocateunconventional and unrestrained behaviour of talented scholars and against Confucianism.关于《世说新语》编撰的原因,学术界有不同的观点,一般认为《世说新语》的编撰是为了鼓吹名士风流,反对儒教。


正始石经中国三国曹魏时期刊刻的碑石经书。又名《魏石经》、《三体石经》。刻制于正始二年 (241)。原立于魏都洛阳南郊太学讲堂西侧。遗址在今河南省偃师县佃庄乡。东汉末年战乱之后,魏文帝黄初元年 (220)重新恢复太学,整理《汉石经》碑石,并刻古文经石作为补充。书石者一说邯郸淳,一说卫觊,但均不能肯定。这次仅刻写了《尚书》、《春秋》 2经。它与《汉石经》不同,是用篆文、古文、隶书 3种字体书写的,《三体石经》由此得名。其篆文即秦代通行的小篆。由于先秦古经当时并无完整传本,故《正始石经》中的古文可能系集字而成,其中多数与战国古文字形相合,有少数奇字的字形,难以理解。刻法为每一碑面均以纵横直线划出界格,每字三体下行,自左向右刻写。根据书者不同,又有一字式与品字式两种格式。一字式为三体排成一直行,品字式为古文在上,篆文在下右侧,隶书在下左侧。每面约33行,每行60字。但各碑行数不尽相同。碑石为平顶长方形,总数有25石、27石等说。20世纪30年代初,曾出土《尚书·君奭》一石残片,正面下刻 "第廿一",背面刻"第八"。马衡据以判断《正始石经》应有28碑。1957年在西安市发现了《尚书·梓材》残碑,下刻"正始二年三"及"第十七石"等文,可协助证实28碑的推断是正确的。北朝时期,正始石经与熹平石经一起被多次迁移,屡遭毁损。清末以来陆续出土了一些残石。19在洛阳太学遗址出土一块至今最大的残石,正面存《尚书·无逸》、《君奭》 2篇34行,背面存《春秋》僖公等部分32行,共得1800余字。因盗卖者嫌运转不便,将其凿为2 石,损坏数十字,现一半存中国历史博物馆,一半存河南省博物馆。此外小块残石尚有很多,马衡曾统计总字数为2576字。近年在考古工作中又有新的残石发现。
