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正始 Zhengshi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-24 14:57:32


正始 Zhengshi英语短句 例句大全



1.From detaching himself from reality to going beyond oneself: the poet s emotion of relieving suffering world ebbed step from Huangchu toZhengshi times;从超脱到超越:建安激情的退潮——论黄初到正始的诗风嬗变

pare the Image of Jianan andZhengshi s Poem;建安与正始诗歌意象之比较研究

3.Jianan andZhengshi Writer s Officials as a Class Mindset and Their Poem Text;建安与正始文人不同仕宦心态及其诗文


1.A Tentative Probe into the Meaning of Zhengshi and the Voice of Zhengshi;“正始”与“正始之音”含义初探——从陆游《老学庵笔记》中的两段文字谈起

2.I arrived just as the match started.我到达时比赛正好开始。

3.He"s beginning to feel pretty bad.他正开始感到很不舒服。

4.I"m beginning to size up the situation - "我正开始估算形势——”

5.Dinner usually begins with soup.正餐通常从汤开始。

6.The French Revolution had actually Begun.法国革命真正开始了。

7."These primitive rock tools fit my hand.“这些原始石器正合我手。

8.The Neolithic Age(New Stone Age)was beginning.新石器时代正在开始。

9.Student B: The crossing formally began.学生乙:横渡正式开始了!

10.The plan is beginning to shape up.这一计划正在开始成形。

11.Through it all he preserved his intelligence.他的神智始终是正常的。

12.Modern science is beginning to prove现代科学正在开始证明

13.The wheat is beginning to spring up.小麦正开始迅速生长。

14.Begin at noon, not before.正午开始,不要提前。

15.The trees are beginning to leaf out.树木正在开始长叶。

16.Your scanner is being initialized, please wait a moment for the process to finish.正在初始化扫描仪。初始化过程中,请稍候。

17.Fanny is the only one who has judged rightly throughout, who has been consistent.只有范妮一个人始终判断正确且始终坚持正确意见。

18.Edward: Here"s your beer. And just in time, the game is already starting.这是你的啤酒。来得正是时候,比赛正好开始。


positive start正起始

1.This paper defines thepositive start, the negative start, the positive termination and the negative termination about the Nyquist Locus.定义了奈魁斯特轨迹的正起始、负起始、正终止、负终止 ,并给出了确定奈魁斯特轨迹起始和终止情况的定理。

3)throughout positive solution始终正解

1.The existence problem of thethroughout positive solution for the second order nonlinear neutral self-adjoint difference equation is studied.讨论了二阶非线性差分方程始终正解的存在性,通过引进适当的映射,利用Banach压缩映射原理,给出了方程具有某种渐近类型的始终正解存在的充分条件。

2.Using Banach contraction mapping principle,the existence theorems forthroughout positive solutions with some limit behavior of this equation is obtained.利用Banach压缩映射原理,得到了这个方程具有某种极限性质的始终正解的存在性定理。

3.By introducing weighted norm and using the Banach contraction mapping principle we obtain the existence ofthroughout positive solutions for the above equations.通过引进加权范数及利用巴拿赫压缩映射原理,得到上面这两种方程始终正解的存在性。

4)the Voice of Zhengshi正始之音

1.Analyzing the Meanings of "the Voice of Zhengshi":a Reply to Mu Kehong;关于“正始之音”含义等问题的辨析——兼答穆克宏先生

2.About my comprehension of "the voice of Zhengshi",and the meaning of "the voice of Zhengshi" in CHEN Zi-ang s "the preface or the chapter slim bamboo" is a phrase mean "poem of classic elegance",and CAO Pi s leading figures of the literary circles in the Jian an period,I still insist my original viewpoint,and do detailed argument.作者细读了丁放教授《关于"正始之音"含义等问题的辨析——兼答穆克宏先生》一文后,有些想法,写出来,供参考。

5)Zhengshi Mingshi正始名士

1.Political Ambition ofZhengshi Mingshi:An Analysis of Xia Hou-xuan s Response to Sima Xuanwang s Current Affairs;正始名士的政治抱负——析夏侯玄《答司马宣王时事议》

6)correct starts正确开始


正始1.正其始。 2.合乎礼仪﹑法则之始。 3.三国魏齐王芳的年号。当时玄风渐兴,士大夫唯老庄是宗,竞尚清谈,世称"正始之风"。当时诗人嵇康﹑阮籍等的诗﹐称为"正始体"。
