1500字范文 > 正始之音 the Voice of Zhengshi英语短句 例句大全

正始之音 the Voice of Zhengshi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-19 00:39:45


正始之音 the Voice of Zhengshi英语短句 例句大全

正始之音,the Voice of Zhengshi

1)the Voice of Zhengshi正始之音

1.Analyzing the Meanings of "the Voice of Zhengshi":a Reply to Mu Kehong;关于“正始之音”含义等问题的辨析——兼答穆克宏先生

2.About my comprehension of "the voice of Zhengshi",and the meaning of "the voice of Zhengshi" in CHEN Zi-ang s "the preface or the chapter slim bamboo" is a phrase mean "poem of classic elegance",and CAO Pi s leading figures of the literary circles in the Jian an period,I still insist my original viewpoint,and do detailed argument.作者细读了丁放教授《关于"正始之音"含义等问题的辨析——兼答穆克宏先生》一文后,有些想法,写出来,供参考。


1.Analyzing the Meaning of "the Voice of Zhengshi" and Other Problems;关于“正始之音”等问题辨析之辨析

2.An Analyses on the Inherited Relationship between the Style of the Zhengshi s Poetry and the Style of the Jian an s;试析正始之音对建安诗风的继承关系

3.A Tentative Probe into the Meaning of Zhengshi and the Voice of Zhengshi;“正始”与“正始之音”含义初探——从陆游《老学庵笔记》中的两段文字谈起

4.Analyzing the Meanings of "the Voice of Zhengshi":a Reply to Mu Kehong;关于“正始之音”含义等问题的辨析——兼答穆克宏先生

5.The real sound is always a song of thanksgiving and of Love.真正的声音始终是感恩与爱之颂。

6.The orchestra is tuning up and the concert is about to begin.乐队正在调音,音乐会马上就开始。

7.The well-prepared performers are tuning their notes, waiting for their big performance to begin.有准备的演出家正在调音,等待著大演出开始。

8.Please wait while audio and video capture devices are initialializing...请稍候,音频和视频捕获设备正在初始化...

9.After some pleasant talk, we got down to business.寒暄笑谈之后,我们开始做正事。

10.This week, we formally started our Shandong trip.这一周,我们正式开始了山东之行。

11.They are showing "The Sound of Music"at the movie theater.那家影剧院正在上映《音乐之声》。

12.Some Problems on the Consonant System in Proto-Sino-Tibetan原始汉藏语辅音系统中的一些问题──关于原始汉藏语音节结构构拟的理论思考之二

13.a pure note, voice, etc纯音、 纯正的嗓音.

14.omission of a sound between two words (usually a vowel and the end of one word or the beginning of the next).在两个词之间的某个音的省略(通常省略一个词的最后一个元音或下一个词的起始元音。

15.We is wait for plan permission before we start building the cinema.在开始兴建电影院之前,我们正等待建筑许可证。

16.After a month in the hospital she is back in circulation.在医院住了一个月之后,她重新开始正常工作。

17.、Varying Appraisals on Jikang Ruanji Poems and Zhengshi Poems Style ,Held by Critics in QiLiang Dynasties;论齐梁批评家对嵇阮诗与正始诗风评价之差异

18.A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step--Talking about the Right Use of the Auto Tires“千里之行 始于足下”——谈汽车轮胎的正确使用


On "the Voice of Zhengshi""正始之音"论

3)"Zheng Shi Zhi Yin" Discriminated"正始之音"辨


1.From detaching himself from reality to going beyond oneself: the poet s emotion of relieving suffering world ebbed step from Huangchu toZhengshi times;从超脱到超越:建安激情的退潮——论黄初到正始的诗风嬗变

pare the Image of Jianan andZhengshi s Poem;建安与正始诗歌意象之比较研究

3.Jianan andZhengshi Writer s Officials as a Class Mindset and Their Poem Text;建安与正始文人不同仕宦心态及其诗文

5)the original domination元始之神

1.As for the “brain is the house of original domination” said by Li Shi zhen,a famous ancient doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine,what does “the original domination” refer to?Does it really refer to the human domination,consciousness,and activity of thinking?It s necessary to make it clear for it involves the basic theories of TCM.为此详细论述了李时珍在《本草纲目》中所说“元神”的原意 ,并结合《内经》理论 ,指出此“元神”实际是“元始之神” ,指的是命门与脑存在的生命初始本原物质 ,这种物质并且决定了一切生物体的生长壮老已 ,而并不指人体的精神、意识、思维活动。

6)first monarch始封之君

1.Who was thefirst monarch of Lu fief?Zhou Gong Dan or his son Bo Qin?Controversies around this question have lasted for a long time.谁是鲁国的始封之君 ,周公旦抑或其子伯禽 ?自古至今聚讼未决。


正始之音1.指魏晋玄谈风气。出现于三国魏正始年间。当时以何晏﹑王弼为首,以老庄思想糅合儒家经义,谈玄析理,放达不羁;名士风流,盛于洛下,世称"正始之音"。 2.指纯正的乐声。
