1500字范文 > 魏晋名士 Wei-Jin Celebrities英语短句 例句大全

魏晋名士 Wei-Jin Celebrities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-30 10:34:33


魏晋名士 Wei-Jin Celebrities英语短句 例句大全

魏晋名士,Wei-Jin Celebrities

1)Wei-Jin Celebrities魏晋名士


1.The View about the Atmosphere of unconventionality of the Scholor-officials in Wei and Jin Dynasties;从裴启《语林》一书看魏晋名士任诞之风

2.The Seclusive Thought of the Elitein Wei and Jin Times in Shi Shuo Xin Yu;从《世说新语》看魏晋名士的隐逸思想

3.The Romance of the Wives of the Literary Celebrities--On the Life of the Wives of the Literary Celebrities in the Wei and Jin Dynasties in New Collections of Anecdotes of Famous Personages;名士风流 名士妇亦风流——从《世说新语》看魏晋名士妇

4.Bohemianism was the epoch symbol of the learned celebrities in the Wei-Jin Dynasties.放达不羁是魏晋名士的一种时代性标记。

5.The Art Analysis of Wei-Jin Style in a New Account of Tales of the World;关于《世说新语》中魏晋名士人格之美的分析

6.Practice and Transformation of Zhuangzi s Spirit Made by Famous Scholars in Wei and Jin Dynasties--An Analysis of New Account of Tales of the World;从《世说新语》看魏晋名士对庄子精神的实践与改造

7.Like Walking on Thin Ice All the Time,Who Knows My Anxiety--On Ruan Ji and the Political Psychology of the Eminent Personsin Wei and Jing Dynasty;终日履薄冰 谁知我心焦——略论阮籍及魏晋名士的政治心态

8.“ Ethic” and “ Nature” : The “ Trilogy" of the Wei and Jin Scholars Psychological Adujsting;“名教”与“自然”:魏晋士人心态调适“三部曲”

9.Cao Xueqin and "Integrity of Wei and Jin Dynasty";同为名士风采 曹雪芹与“魏晋风度”

10.On the Manners Typical of Wei-Jin Dynasties-Analyses of the Ideal Character of the Celebrities;试论魏晋风度──名士理想人格的美学透析

11.On the complex process of becoming nobles in the Wei and Jin Dynasties from celebrities in the late Han Dynasty;论汉末名士到魏晋士族的复杂历程——以汉末颍川荀、陈、钟三家为中心

12.The Ethos & Mindsets of the Wei & Jin Esquires Reflected in the Emotions and Styles of Wei & Jin Verses;魏晋士风、士人心态与魏晋诗歌的情感、风格

13.The celebrities in the late Eastern Han Dynasty were the predecessors of the nobles in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. However, not all the celebrities could become nobles.东汉末年的大姓名士是魏晋士族的前身,但并不是所有的大姓名士都能成为士族。

14.From “Practical Talk”to “Theoretical Talk”--The Change of Famous Scholars Value Ideas During Late Han and Wei,Jin Dynasties;从“谈论”到“清谈”——论汉末至魏晋时期“名士”价值取向的变化

15.Formation of Calligraphy Style--Advocating of Pleasing Charm in Jin Dynasty from the Perspective of Metaphysics Thoughts of Wei and Jin Scholars;从魏晋士人玄学思潮看“晋代尚韵”书风的形成

16.The Intelligentsia of Wei and Jin Dynasties,Metaphysics and the Raise of"Liufalun论魏晋士族、玄学与“六法论”的提出

17.Discussion on Shih-shuo Hsin-yu and Prevailing Aesthetic Custom of Intellectuals in Wei-Jin Dynasties;论《世说新语》与魏晋士人的审美风尚

18.Seeing the Spiritual Atmosphere of the Wei-Jin Literati Groups in the Presentable Poems;从赠答诗看魏晋文士集团的精神气象


Celebrities in WEi-Jin Dynasties and the Musical Instrument Guqin魏晋名士与古琴

3)On the Emerging of the Learned Celebrities of the Wei and Jin Dynasties论魏晋名士的形成


5)On the Transcendence of the Famous Scholars in Wei & Jin Dynasties论魏晋名士的超越

6)scholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋士人

1.Thescholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties pursued overstepping Confucian doctrine and returning to themselves, therefore, they inevitably overstepped Confucian ethical codes and indulged themselves in emotions, thus becoming a group of affectionate scholars.魏晋士人追求超越名教、回归自我,也就必然越礼而任情,因而成为一个多情的人群。


《魏晋玄学论稿》中国现代哲学史家汤用彤的著作。1962年 9月由中华书局第一次正式出版。本书包括论文 9篇,在1938~1947年期间陆续写成,其中除《言意之辨》一篇,其余都曾先后分别发表于当时国内的报刊杂志上。《王弼之周易论语新义》一篇,曾由奥人李华德译成英文,载1947年美国《哈佛亚洲研究杂志》,引起了国外学术界的重视。《魏晋玄学论稿》的第1篇《读刘劭人物志》,是关于魏晋玄学思想探源的专门论文。第 2篇《言意之辨》,在综论魏晋玄学方法论的同时,比较了过去烦琐的"汉代经学"与新起"魏晋玄学"的根本不同点。第3篇《魏晋玄学流别略论》,对魏晋玄学思想发展史作了扼要的评述,是全书的纲领。本书其他一些论文,对"魏晋玄学"的创始人之一王弼的思想,进行了深入系统的分析,并阐明了中国汉魏之际的哲学从"宇宙构成论"到形而上学"本体论"的转变。此外,本书对有代表性的玄学家,如向秀与郭象的《庄子注》是怎样"以儒道为一"的思想,也作了具体分析。最后一篇是《谢灵运辨宗论书后》,论及道生的"顿悟"说在中国哲学思想发展史上的意义,指出了它对后来宋明理学的影响。本书附录《魏晋思想的发展》,是根据作者一次专门学术演讲的记录整理而成,是一篇全面总结性的著作,涉及中国魏晋玄学的产生是否受到外来佛教影响的问题。《魏晋玄学论稿》力图结合中国社会历史条件,具体阐明魏晋玄学思潮产生、发展乃至没落的过程及其规律,是一本有较高学术价值的著作。
