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无名氏 Wu Mingshi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-12 17:51:25


无名氏 Wu Mingshi英语短句 例句大全

无名氏,Wu Mingshi

1)Wu Mingshi无名氏

1.NARRATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE LMAGES IN HAI YAN——One Re-Analysis ofWu Mingshi;《海艳》的意象解读——无名氏小说重读之一

2.The study on the spirit independence ofWu Mingshi s writing;论无名氏创作的精神独立性


1.Bitter pills may have blessed effects.--Anonymous良药苦口利于病。无名氏

2.An anonymous author wrote this book.这本书出自无名氏之手。

3.One that is unknown or unacknowledged.匿名者,无名氏不被认识或知道的人

4."Extremely fine, mademoiselle," responded the unknown without the slightest hesitation.“非常精彩,小姐。”无名氏毫不犹豫地答道。

5.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.--Anonymous每日一个苹果胜过灵丹妙药。无名氏

6.Mischief comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce.--Anonymous病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。无名氏

7.And, Anonymous, I"m really starting to wonder who you are!「无名氏」我真的开始纳闷你是何许人了!

8.All are not saints that go to church. --Anonymous去朝拜的不会是圣徒。无名氏

9.“Extremely fine, mademoiselle,” responded the unknown without the slightest hesitation.“非常精彩,小姐。”无名氏毫不犹豫地答道。

10.NARRATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE LMAGES IN HAI YAN--One Re-Analysis of Wu Mingshi;《海艳》的意象解读——无名氏小说重读之一

11.Nameless: a writer composing romantic fiction by means of appealing to popular tastes;无名氏:以媚俗手法写现代的言情故事

12.Fudenberg "folk theorem" and Ping Xin-qiao"s mistakesFudenberg无名氏定理与平新乔先生的误读

13.Wu Ming-shi"s Literary Creation and Western Culture"s Influence无名氏的文学创作与西方文化的影响

14.On Wumingshi"s Contributions to the Development of Modern Love Novels论无名氏对现代派爱情小说的新发展

15.an anonymous letter, message, gift, phone call匿名信、 不具名的信息、无名氏的礼物、 未留名的电话.

16.An Epic of Heart Submerging in the Long River of Creation: On Anonymous Manuscript by the Anonymous Author;沉潜于创作长河型的“心灵的史诗”——论无名氏的《无名书稿》

17."You mean the part of Jupiter," returned the unknown.“您是指扮演朱庇特的那位吧?”无名氏接着说。

18.Well, friends, we figured out who Anonymous was.好的,各位朋友,我们已经猜出谁是「无名氏」了。


WU Ming-shi无名氏

1.Periodical Review on the Study ofWU Ming-shi at the Present Age;当代无名氏研究的历时性考察

2.Brief Discuss onWU Ming-shi and the Draf ofWU Ming-shi;略论无名氏与《无名书初稿》

3.QU Xu andWU Ming-shi s Novels: Legendary Characteristics;徐訏、无名氏小说传奇特征论


1.On Wumingshi"s Contributions to the Development of Modern Love Novels论无名氏对现代派爱情小说的新发展

2.As an unusual phenomenon in the history of modern Chinese literature, Wumingshuwritten by Wumingshi, is receiving more and more attention andcomments.无名氏的《无名书》被称为中国现代文学史上的一朵奇葩,正在受到越来越多的关注和评论。

3.In Wumingshi s novels, poetic flavor is always accompanied by philosophical thinking.在无名氏的小说创作中,诗化与哲理相互交融。


1.The Character about Culture Introspect ofAnonymity s Creation;建构:略论无名氏小说的文化反思

2.Perfect and Illusory: The Character ofAnonymity s Culture Introspection;建构的圆满与乌托邦:无名氏的文化反思品格

3.The essay displays fully similarities and differences of Lu Xuns and(Anonymitys) culture introspect and special contribution and value of creation of different scholar in the different culture circumstances in the light of Confucianism,Mohism,Taoism Buddhism and Christianism.本文从儒、墨、道、佛、耶等方面比较了鲁迅与无名氏的文化反思的异同,指出在不同文化境遇下的两个不同文化人之间在文化追求与探索上的相通及相悖。

5)Wu Ming Shi无名氏

1.Based on life philosophy, guided by marxism, and used comparative literature and structuralist theories for reference, this thesis backgroundedWu Ming Shi in the nineteen forties literature of china and investigated him through the three works selected from Nameless Book, at the aim of exploring the relation between life philosophy and the art of Nameless Book.本论文以生命哲学为理论起点,运用了马克思主义的立场、观点与方法,汲取比较文学、文学文化学和结构主义的批评方法,将无名氏放置于20世纪40年代中国文学的历史背景中考察,以创作于40年代的《无名书》前三部为考察对象,从中寻绎无名氏的生命哲学与《无名书》的小说艺术的关系。

6)dingus-?[英]["di??s][美]["d???s]无名氏 - ?


