1500字范文 > 日常生活批判 criticism of daily life英语短句 例句大全

日常生活批判 criticism of daily life英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-25 06:32:11


日常生活批判 criticism of daily life英语短句 例句大全

日常生活批判,criticism of daily life

1)criticism of daily life日常生活批判


1.The Way of Returning to the Real Life--The Research on the Critical Theory of Everyday Life回归生活之路——日常生活批判研究

2.To Foster Modern Personality of “Civilianization”with the Criticism of Daily Life以日常生活批判培育“平民化”现代人格

3.Establishing and Exploring the Way of Cirtique of Everyday Life in the Modern World;现代日常生活批判道路的开拓与探索

4.Lefebver and the Critique of Ordinary Life in Modern World.;列斐伏尔与现代世界的日常生活批判

5.Daily Life and Marxism--On Lefebvre s "Criticism of Daily Life";日常生活与马克思主义——列斐伏尔的“日常生活批判”

6.The Corruption and Salvation of Daily Life--the Criticism of Daily Life of Heigger s philosophy;日常生活的沉沦与拯救——海德格尔哲学中的日常生活批判思想

7.Defending again Daily Life Criticism--On the basic meaning of Lefebvre s second volume of Daily Life Criticism;为日常生活批判再辩护——论列斐伏尔《日常生活批判》第二卷的基本意义

8.Critique of Everyday Life:A Philosophy towards Concrete Ontology;日常生活批判:走向微观具体存在论的哲学

9.On the Transformation of Lefebver s Concept of Ordinary - life Critique.;列斐伏尔日常生活批判概念的前后转变

10.Lefebvre:Critique of Everyday Life in the View of Literature and Modernity列斐伏尔:文学与现代性视域中的日常生活批判

11.The Logic Transformation of Lefebvre’s Critical Theory of Everyday Life列菲伏尔日常生活批判理论的逻辑转变

12.The Reflection and Reconstruction on the Theory of Rule of Law Order Construction In China--From the visual angle of daily life criticize theory中国法治秩序建构理论的反思与重构——以日常生活批判理论为视角

13.Research on the Essence Function of Ideological and Political Education from the Critique of Everyday Life Pespective;从日常生活批判理论视阈看思想政治教育的本质功能

14.On the Turn of Post-Marxian Philosophy in Henri LefebvreS Daily-Life Critical Theory;论列斐伏尔日常生活批判理论的“后马克思哲学”转向

15.Lefebvre and Several Inclination of Criticism of Western Daily Life in 20th Century;列斐伏尔与20世纪西方的几种日常生活批判倾向

16.Why Art Stems From Life yet Surpasses Life: Revisiting the Relation Between Art and Life from the View of Everyday Life Critique Theory;艺术何以源于生活,如何高于生活——从“日常生活批判”理论角度的重新解读

17.Critical Theory on Daily Life and the Way of Grasping the World--A Commentary on Cultural Philosophy of Returning to Daily Life by Yi Junqing;日常生活批判理论与掌握世界的方式——从衣俊卿“回归生活世界的文化哲学”说起

18.Lefebver:Terroristic Critique of Everyday Life;列斐伏尔:日常生活的恐怖主义批判


critique of everyday life日常生活批判

1.Lefebver is the pioneer in thecritique of everyday life of Western Marxism.列斐伏尔是西方马克思主义日常生活批判哲学的开拓者。

2.In this dissertation the researcher mainly studiescritique of everyday life, a concept first put forward by Henri Lefebvre (1901-1991), a modern French philosopher and the founder of Western Marxism.本论文主要研究列斐伏尔(Henri Lefebvre 1901-1991)这位现代法国哲学家、西方马克思主义创始人的日常生活批判哲学思想及其发展过程。

3)daily life criticism日常生活批判

1.Defending again Daily Life Criticism——On the basic meaning of Lefebvre s second volume of Daily Life Criticism;为日常生活批判再辩护——论列斐伏尔《日常生活批判》第二卷的基本意义

2.They reflect indaily life criticism.独立个性发挥与公共意识形成是人的现代化的两个方面,它们体现在日常生活批判中。

4)Critique theory of everyday日常生活批判理论

5)daily life日常生活

1.The affection of behavior therapy to thedaily life of chronic schizophrenic inpatients;行为治疗对住院慢性精神分裂症患者日常生活作用的影响

2.Rewriting of Ideal and Affirmation of Daily Life Experience——On Wangmeng s Series of Novels on Seasons and Else;理想的重写与日常生活经验的肯定——论王蒙的“季节”系列小说及其他

3.Beauty is life and the aestheticization ofdaily life——to begin with Cheruyshevski′s aesthetic theory;“美是生活”与“日常生活的审美化”——由车尔尼雪夫斯基的美学理论想起

6)everyday life日常生活

1.Aestheticization ofeveryday life and thinking of the subject of literature and art;日常生活的审美化与文艺学的学科反思

2.Modern Design in Everyday Life;现代设计的日常生活批判

3.The Seek and Loss of Aesthetic Ideal——Urbaneveryday life and the change of aesthetic orientations in women writing of China in 1990s审美理想的寻找与迷失——城市日常生活与20世纪90年代女性写作的审美取向


日常生活技能日常生活技能daily living skills日常生活技能(daily living skilzs)自行洗脸、穿衣、排泄、沐浴、用餐、移动、使用家庭器具等,对于一个残疾者成为一个独特的问题。对这些进行训练非常重要,可使他们在日常生活中自立自理,而尽量少依赖他人,并增加其生活适应能力。(张宁生撰李考忠审)
