1500字范文 > 日常生活活动 Activities of daily living英语短句 例句大全

日常生活活动 Activities of daily living英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-11 08:31:04


日常生活活动 Activities of daily living英语短句 例句大全

日常生活活动,Activities of daily living

1)Activities of daily living日常生活活动

1.Predictors of outcomes of activities of daily living in stroke patients;影响脑卒中患者日常生活活动能力预后的相关因素分析

2.Influence of reciprocating gait orthosis on the activities of daily living in paraplegic patients;截瘫步行器对截瘫患者日常生活活动能力的影响

3.Quantitative evaluation on activities of daily living of patients with lumbar disc herniation;腰椎间盘突出症患者日常生活活动功能定量评估


1.On the Affecting Factors on Old People s Daily Life Activity Function;对老年人日常生活活动功能影响因素的研究

2.Effects of occupational therapy on motor function of upper limbs and activities daily living independence in patients with hemiplegia作业治疗对偏瘫患者上肢运动功能及日常生活活动能力的影响

3.The Study of the Influence of the Community-based Rehabilitation on the ADL and the Motor Function of Patients with Stroke;社区康复对脑卒中患者运动功能和日常生活活动能力的影响

4.Effects of Early Rehabilitation Training on Activities of Daily Living in Patient with Hemiplegia after stroke;早期运动康复治疗对脑卒中偏瘫患者日常生活活动能力的影响

5.Effects of Exercise Therapy on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Activities of Daily Living运动疗法对慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者日常生活活动能力的影响

6.The Research on Daily Life Activity Function and Influencing Factors for Elder P eople;上饶市老年人日常生活活动功能评价及其影响因素

7.Their lives consist of the humdrum activities of everyday existence他们的生活由日常生存的平凡活动所构成

8.Their life consisted of the humdrum activities of everyday existence.他们的生活由日常生存的平凡活动所构成。

9.Stimulating Children s Numerical Thinking by Organizing Activities in Daily Life Situations;运用日常生活情境开展活动刺激幼儿数思维

10.Crystallization of Literature and Life;文学与生活的融合——明末清初吴江叶氏家族的日常生活与文学活动

11.coefficient of daily necessities日常生活必需品系数

12.Moral Education: the Mutual Space between Everyday Life - World and Non - everyday Life - World;道德教育:在日常生活与非日常生活之间

13.The book give a good picture of everyday life in ancient rome那部书对古罗马人的日常生活描写得很生动

14.The book gives a good picture of everyday life in ancient Rome.那部书对古罗马人的日常生活描写得很生动.

15.Influence of sports dance on university students" daily life浅谈体育舞蹈运动对大学生日常生活的影响

16.Aestheticism and Life-Rethinking on the Aestheticalization of Daily Life;审美与生活——日常生活审美化再思考

17.The Way of Returning to the Real Life--The Research on the Critical Theory of Everyday Life回归生活之路——日常生活批判研究

18.How could any computer eavesdrop on all the goings-on that take place in there every moment of ordinary life?计算机怎么能窃听日常生活每时每刻发生在大脑里的全部活动呢?



1.Cognition function was measured by mini-mental state examination (MMSE), and the activities of daily living (ADL) was assessed by Barthel index(BI).目的:观察常规康复治疗结合神经肌肉电刺激治疗对脑卒中患者认知功能和日常生活活动能力的影响。

2.To analysis effects of rehabilitation and improvement ofADL in post-stroke patients, 114 cases were divided into two groups A and B.目的 :探讨正规、系统的康复治疗对不同时期脑卒中患者日常生活活动能力 (ADL)的影响。

3)activity of daily living日常生活活动

4)activities of daily living (ADL)日常生活活动

1.ObjectiveTo explore the effect of different properties and hemisphere of stroke on trunk control ability and the relationships between the trunk control and cognition, activities of daily living (ADL).结论脑出血患者较脑梗死患者躯体控制能力受损大,但康复治疗后恢复也较快;左右半球卒中对躯体控制能力损害无差异;躯体控制能力与日常生活活动能力在康复治疗前后高度相关,与认知功能在康复治疗前无相关性,但治疗后有相关性。

2.ObjectiveTo explore the related factors influencing effect of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) on activities of daily living (ADL) in stroke patients in.目的探讨影响脑卒中患者日常生活活动能力(ADL)社区康复效果的相关因素。

5)daily life日常生活

1.The affection of behavior therapy to thedaily life of chronic schizophrenic inpatients;行为治疗对住院慢性精神分裂症患者日常生活作用的影响

2.Rewriting of Ideal and Affirmation of Daily Life Experience——On Wangmeng s Series of Novels on Seasons and Else;理想的重写与日常生活经验的肯定——论王蒙的“季节”系列小说及其他

3.Beauty is life and the aestheticization ofdaily life——to begin with Cheruyshevski′s aesthetic theory;“美是生活”与“日常生活的审美化”——由车尔尼雪夫斯基的美学理论想起

6)everyday life日常生活

1.Aestheticization ofeveryday life and thinking of the subject of literature and art;日常生活的审美化与文艺学的学科反思

2.Modern Design in Everyday Life;现代设计的日常生活批判

3.The Seek and Loss of Aesthetic Ideal——Urbaneveryday life and the change of aesthetic orientations in women writing of China in 1990s审美理想的寻找与迷失——城市日常生活与20世纪90年代女性写作的审美取向


日常生活技能日常生活技能daily living skills日常生活技能(daily living skilzs)自行洗脸、穿衣、排泄、沐浴、用餐、移动、使用家庭器具等,对于一个残疾者成为一个独特的问题。对这些进行训练非常重要,可使他们在日常生活中自立自理,而尽量少依赖他人,并增加其生活适应能力。(张宁生撰李考忠审)
