1500字范文 > 日常生活世界 World of daily life英语短句 例句大全

日常生活世界 World of daily life英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-23 12:30:03


日常生活世界 World of daily life英语短句 例句大全

日常生活世界,World of daily life

1)World of daily life日常生活世界


1.The Existent Horizon of the Metaphysics: Daily Life World;形而上学的生存视域:日常生活世界

2.In the world of daily life supply the gap of twomoral moods;日常生活世界对两种道德模式的克服

3.Science and World of Everyday Life;胡塞尔的“科学与日常生活世界”论

4.Return to the World of Everyday Life: On the Everyday Life Narrative of Novels in the 1990S;回归日常生活世界--论90年代小说的日常生活叙事

5.Construction of Moral Order of “a World of Daily Life”;“日常生活世界”的道德秩序建构:先秦儒家的尝试

6.Changes of everyday life world in Modern China;中国传统日常生活世界的近代变迁述略

7.Characteristics of Human Relationship in the Worldof Everyday Life in China and its Modern Transformation;中国日常生活世界的人情化特质及其现代转换

8.The world of everyday life in China is actually a huge human relationship world, which has its varied meanings and basic characteristics.中国日常生活世界本质上是一个巨大的人情世界,且该人情世界有着多重意蕴与基本特征。

9.A Retrospective Look and Analysis of China s Modern Ethical Indoctrination;从日常生活世界的凸显到人的发现——现代性教化启蒙的历史回眸

10.Lefebver and the Critique of Ordinary Life in Modern World.;列斐伏尔与现代世界的日常生活批判

11.Daily Life and Revelry:Reconstruction of Contemporary Primitive Art in the Living World;日常与狂欢:当代原生性艺术在生活世界的重构

12.Critical Theory on Daily Life and the Way of Grasping the World--A Commentary on Cultural Philosophy of Returning to Daily Life by Yi Junqing;日常生活批判理论与掌握世界的方式——从衣俊卿“回归生活世界的文化哲学”说起

13.The genius of Andersen is that he put so much of everyday life into the wonder of his fairy tales.安徒生的天才就在于他将日常的生活揉进他那奇妙的童话世界。

14.Fairness of Human Nature:Inquiring into the Connotation of Wang An-yi s Novels of Daily Life Narration;日常生活中的人性之光——论王安忆小说世界的艺术内涵

15.I like to live a world of daydreams.我喜欢生活在一个白日梦的世界里。

16.Live as though today is your last day.生活吧,像今天是世界末日一样。

17.It is to be hoped so, I suppose, for his chances of comfort in another world are very small.我倒是希望他现在能舒舒服服地过日子,因为他在另一个世界过上舒服生活的机会非常渺茫。

18.In my childhood, I was always thinking more than other children. From everyday life to world‘ s mysteries.在我的童年里,我就一直在思考着比别的孩子更多的问题,从日常生活到世界上未知的秘密。


everyday world日常世界

3)life world生活世界

1.Harmony between Science and Humanity:Basing on practical philosophy s return to thelife world;科学与人文的融合:立足于实践哲学回归生活世界

2.Returning tolife world:the outcry of comtemporary moral education;回归生活世界:当代道德教育的呼唤


1.Transformation of curriculum theory based on a regression to life-world;基于回归生活世界的课程论变革

2.An Analysis ofLife-world and Everyday-life-world;生活世界与日常生活世界的剖析


1.Habermas theory oflifeworld is the core of his whole critical theory,however,his understanding tolifeworld in his early time is different from that in his later.生活世界理论在哈贝马斯社会批判理论中居于核心地位,但他对生活世界的理解并不是前后一致的。

2.Habermas particularly understands the crisis of modernity with amazing insight and argus that the crux of the problem lies in the colonization oflifeworld and loss of freedom arising therefrom.哈贝马斯对现代性危机有着独特而深刻的理解,认为现代性危机的症结在于"生活世界的殖民化",以及由此导致的自由的丧失。

3.And based on discussing the problem of the later Capitalist society through dual-framework of "lifeworld-system",it elaborates the inevitability that he constructs his communicative rationality by the interaction between language andlifeworld.合理性问题是哈贝马斯关注的重要问题,为了探讨哈贝马斯的理性观思想,通过对韦伯理性观的分析,指出了传统合理性的局限之所在,并在以"生活世界——体制"的双重构架论述晚期资本主义社会弊病的基础上,阐述了哈贝马斯以语言和生活世界的互动去构建其交往合理性的必然性。

6)world of life生活世界

1.World of education andworld of life revisited;教育世界与生活世界的再认识

2.The trend of materialism and weakness of humanity among college students are to draw our attention to theirworld of life.大学生实用主义的倾向和大学人文精神的弱化,必须引起我们对大学生生活世界的高度关注。

3.There are two views about theworld of life in the general philosophical aspect, experiential daily life and nonobjective ideal life,which leads to two deviations in the course of teaching returning to theworld of life.经验的日常生活和抽象的理想生活是一般哲学意义上“生活世界”的两种取向,由此带来了教学在回归生活世界中的两个误区。


日常生活技能日常生活技能daily living skills日常生活技能(daily living skilzs)自行洗脸、穿衣、排泄、沐浴、用餐、移动、使用家庭器具等,对于一个残疾者成为一个独特的问题。对这些进行训练非常重要,可使他们在日常生活中自立自理,而尽量少依赖他人,并增加其生活适应能力。(张宁生撰李考忠审)
