1500字范文 > 爱国主义精神 patriotism英语短句 例句大全

爱国主义精神 patriotism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-26 18:01:03


爱国主义精神 patriotism英语短句 例句大全



1.This article sketches on thepatriotism in Xi an Incident——the strongest spiritual backbone.70年来国内外专家学者对西安事变的研究几乎涉及各个方面,文章拟就事变中所表现出作为中华民族强大精神支柱的爱国主义精神略作论述。

2.This article tries to discuss hispatriotism from his growing-up experience and his struggle in the anti-Japanese war.本文试从他的成长历程和在抗日战争中所表现出的斗争意志与必胜信心探讨其爱国主义精神的具体表现。


1.Spirits of patriotism, ethos, devotion and struggle consist of the basic connotation of the spirit of China"s Resistance War Against Japanese Invasion.爱国主义精神、族精神、献精神、争精神是抗日战争精神的基本内涵。

2.imbued with patriotism, ambition, love, etc充满爱国主义精神、 雄心勃勃、 满怀爱心

3.Preliminary Exploration of Chinese Entrepneurs Patriotism and Patriotism Education;试论企业家的爱国主义精神与爱国主义教育

4.They infuse the young people with patriotism他们向年轻人灌输爱国主义精神。

5.A Probe on the Patriotic Spirits and Technological Development in the 1911 Revolution;辛亥革命的爱国主义精神与科技发展

6.Encouraging Patriotic Tradition and Developing Patriotic Spirits;发扬爱国优良传统,在新时期弘扬爱国主义精神

7.The Scientific Connotation of the Spirit of Patriotism and its Practical Significance爱国主义精神的科学内涵及其现实意义

8.His heroic deeds inspired the young people with patriotism他的英雄事迹激发起年轻人的爱国主义精神。

9.The vast JiangHan brought up the loyal soul--On the cause of the spirit of Quyuan s patriotism;浩浩江汉铸忠魂——屈原爱国主义精神的成因探析

10.Patriotism--A Leading Banner in Xi an Incident;爱国主义精神——西安事变中一面伟大的旗帜

11.Enhancing Spirits of Patriotism Based on the Globalization Background;全球化背景下弘扬爱国主义精神的基本内容

12.Victory of Anti-Japanese War and Carrying Forward Patriotic Spirit;抗日战争的胜利与爱国主义精神的高扬

13.A Discussion on Yu Dafu"s Patriotism in the Anti-Japanese War论郁达夫在抗战中所表现出来的爱国主义精神

14.A Comment on Wang Lixi s Patriotism;论王礼锡的爱国主义精神——纪念爱国诗人王礼锡诞辰一百周年

15.Love of and devotion to one"s country.爱国主义热爱祖国和为国献身的精神

16.Internationalism and patriotism also belong to this realm.国际主义、爱国主义都属于精神文明的范畴。

17.The Party has always educated us in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism.党一贯以爱国主义和国际主义精神教育我们。

18.Characterized by chauvinistic patriotism.以沙文主义的爱国精神为特征的


patriotic awareness of the crisis爱国主义忧患精神

1.Full of the deep awareness of the crisis, The Book of Changes is the basic ancient records of thepatriotic awareness of the crisis in the mind of the Chinese people for thousands of years.《易经》充满着深厚的忧患意识,是中华民族几千年爱国主义忧患精神的元典。

3)The Party has always educated us in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism.党一贯以爱国主义和国际主义精神教育我们。

4)Excessive or fanatical patriotism;chauvinism.强烈的爱国精神;沙文主义


1.The traditional culture spirit of Shangqiu mainly includes innovative spirit of invention and creation,patriotism of paying attention for the people and resisting foreign aggressions,generous spirit of leading a humble but virtuous and simply life.商丘地域传统文化精神主要包括善于发明创造的创新精神,关注民生、抵御外侮的爱国精神,安贫乐道、淡泊名利的旷达精神,文人相重、互相切磋交流的团队精神,廉洁勤政、刚正不阿的清官精神。

2.In his works, Shu yuan s Collection of Poems was full of strongpatriotism.他一生有多种著作传世 ,其中《菽园诗集》千余首诗中 ,充满着强烈的爱国精

3.Patriotism,pragmatism,the spirit of law and the spirit of harmony form the mainstream of the national spirit.爱国精神、务实精神、法治精神及和谐精神是古罗马共和时期的主流精神。

6)patriotic spirit爱国精神

1.Eight flag soldierspatriotic spirit was the treasure of Chinese people and we should affirm, cherish and develop it.八旗官兵反侵略斗争的爱国精神,是中华民族的瑰宝,我们应予以肯定、珍惜、发扬。

2.The educational workers should work out the tactics to cultivate the studentspatriotic spirit, struggling spirit, scientific-technological consciousness and global and parti- cipating consciousness.面对这一变化,要特别注重新世纪人才的精神和意识塑造:要培养他们的爱国精神、奋斗精神、科技意识、世界意识和参与意识。

3.This paper expounds the special library spirit of National Southwestern Associated University established in special environment in the period of anti-Japanese War,including thepatriotic spirit,democratic spirit,professional dedication spirit and innovative spirit.论述了抗日战争时期的特殊环境所造就的独特的西南联大图书馆精神,主要包括爱国精神、民主精神、敬业精神、创新精神。


