1500字范文 > 爱国 patriotism英语短句 例句大全

爱国 patriotism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-25 05:35:53


爱国 patriotism英语短句 例句大全



1.THRENODY OF NATION——Plain discussion on WANG PENG-YUN S ci poetry ofpatriotism;国殇——王鹏运爱国词浅论

2.Lu You on Daoism andpatriotism论陆游的道教信仰与爱国思想

3.Under the banner of fighting Yuan andpatriotism,Jiangxi patriotic Ci writers united a group in the Late Song Dynasty and the Early Yuan Daynasty.宋末元初的江西爱国词人们在抗元爱国的旗帜下,通过互相酬唱结成群体。


1.National Patriotic Movement全国爱国运动(爱国运动)

2.Rwanda Patriotic Army卢旺达爱国军(爱国军)

3.All patriots belong to one big family, whether they rally to the common cause early or late.爱国一家,爱国不分先后。

4.Rwandese Army (APR)卢旺达军(爱国军)

5.religious [patriotic] sentiment宗教情操 [爱国心]

6.Love of and devotion to one"s country.爱国主义热爱祖国和为国献身的精神

7.One who loves, supports, and defends one"s country.爱国者热爱、支持和保卫自己国家的人

8.Union des Patriotes Democratiques民主爱国人士联盟(爱国联盟)

9.It is traditional for Chinese religious believers to love their country and religions.中国的宗教徒有爱国爱教的传统。

10.Feeling, expressing, or inspired by love for one"s country.爱国的,有爱国热情的爱国的,表达对祖国的热爱的,被对祖国的爱所鼓舞的

11.Patriotism are its roots deep in the instincts and the offections, love of country is the expansion do dutiful love.爱国注意根植在人的本性和爱心中,热爱祖国是忠诚之爱的延展。

12.Higher unity of loving a country, loving people and loving socialism --Discussion on Deng Xiaoping s patriotic ideas;爱国、爱人民、爱社会主义的高度统一——论邓小平的爱国主义思想

13.The patriot rendered services to his country all his life.爱国者毕生为国家效力。

14.Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association中国天主教爱国委员会

15.Patriotism is penalized and innocent people are in jail everywhere;爱国有罪,冤狱遍于国中;


17.Someone has said that not loving socialism isn"t equivalent to not loving one"s motherland.有人说不爱社会主义不等于不爱国。

18.imbued with patriotism, ambition, love, etc充满爱国主义精神、 雄心勃勃、 满怀爱心



1.Contemporary scan of thepatriotic Complex in Yue Fei’s “Man Jiang Hong”;岳飞《满江红》爱国情结的当代审视

2.Start from strongpatriotic wish ,Liu Guangdi,as an intellectual, was bent on the reform movement, and brought forward his opinions on politics,economy and culture.刘光第作为一个士大夫 ,出于爱国的强烈愿望 ,致力于维新运动 ,并在政治、经济、文化等方面提出了自己的主张。

3.Secondly, thepatriotic ways should conform to the rationality, and comply with the situations of the countries.陈独秀认为,健全的爱国主义应该具有三个特点:其一是所爱对象为民主之国,值得去爱;其二是爱国方式符合理性,能顺应国家的形势要求;其三是爱国落实在私德之上,完善自我就是爱国。


paring to her ci poems,there are morepatriotic characteristics in Li Qing-zhao s poems,which has close relationship with her family background,personal experiences and rebelling spirit.李清照的诗歌与她的词比较,具有明显的爱国特征,这主要跟她的家教渊源、个人遭遇和叛逆精神有很大的关系。

2.CHEN Yin que, a historian andpatriot, had an infinite deep feeling towards his country and his people, and was always concerned about the territorial integrity of his motherland.史学大师陈寅恪的爱国之情 ,主要包括他的“归正首丘”之义 ,对国家领土完整的关注 ,对民族气节的尊崇 ,以及忧国忧民的忧患意识。

4)patriotism and love of the religion爱国爱教

5)cherishing the love for the country and the people爱国爱民


1.Enhancing Spirits of Patriotism Based on the Globalization Background;全球化背景下弘扬爱国主义精神的基本内容

ment on Chinese modern aeronautical historical materials and thepatriotism education;中国近代航空史料与爱国主义教育

3.Patriotism Education Attachment and Reinforcement;要重视和加强大学生的爱国主义教育


