1500字范文 > 爱国思想 patriotism英语短句 例句大全

爱国思想 patriotism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-19 21:40:58


爱国思想 patriotism英语短句 例句大全



1.Patriotism in Wei-Jin South and North Period’s Proses;浅谈爱国思想在魏晋南北朝散文中的体现

2.The simple analysis on the regional and tribal cause of Qu Yuanpatriotism;试论屈原爱国思想的区域性和血缘性根源

3.Qu Yuan s love for the homeland and Bangguo,is the source of the Chinese nation spatriotism.屈原对故土邦国的热爱,是中华民族传统爱国思想的源头。


1.The orign of Chinese nation patriotism and the patriotic education of present stage;近代爱国思想的产生与当代的爱国主义教育

2.Peter H.L.Chang s Patriotism to Fight Against Japanese Aggression and Its Epochal Significance;张学良的抗日爱国思想及其时代意义

3.Chen Yuan s Patriotism in TONGJIAN HUZHU BIAOWEI;《通鉴胡注表微》与陈垣先生的爱国思想

4.A Comparison of the Pariotic Ideas Between GUO Mo-ruo, WEN Yi-duo,and AI Qing;郭沫若、闻一多、艾青爱国思想比较论

5.Patriotic Moral Education and Steering for the College Students in the New Time新时期大学生爱国思想的培育与引导

6.Re-discussing LIN Ze-xu"s Patriotic Ideology位卑未敢忘忧国——再谈林则徐的爱国思想

7.foster the conception of patriotism树立爱国主义的思想

8.On Deng Xiaoping’s Patriotic Principle Thought in “Taking People’s Benefit as Essence”;论邓小平爱国主义思想中的“人本”思想

9.Higher unity of loving a country, loving people and loving socialism --Discussion on Deng Xiaoping s patriotic ideas;爱国、爱人民、爱社会主义的高度统一——论邓小平的爱国主义思想

10.Reflection on the Thought of Mozi’s"Jian-ai" --Concurrently Discussing the Enlightenment of"Jian-ai"Thought to Current Moral Construction in Our Country对墨子“兼爱”思想的反思——兼谈“兼爱”思想对我国当前道德建设的启示

11.Confucius Patriotism Ideology and the Unity of Our Motherland孔子的爱国主义思想与祖国统一大业

12.The Meaning of Patriotism of Huang Zunxian"s History of Japan黄遵宪《日本国志》的爱国主义思想内涵

13.imbue a mind with new ideas [patriotism]将新思想 [爱国心] 灌输进 (人的) 头脑

14.On the Formation and Development of Qiu Fengjia s Patriotism Ideas;试论丘逢甲爱国主义思想形成的原因

15.Tries to Discuss the Lin Zexu Patriotism Thought the Time Characteristic;试论林则徐爱国主义思想的时代特色

16.Transmission of Patriotism in Xinmin Public School in Hundred Years;新民公学堂爱国主义思想的百年传承

17.Patriotism is the Eternal Theme of Political and Ideological Education;爱国主义是思想政治教育的永恒主题

18.DENG Xiao-ping s Thoughts on patriotism and collectivism;论邓小平的爱国主义和集体主义思想


patriotic ideas爱国思想

1.Chronologically,the traditional patriotism can be divided into the ancientpatriotic ideas and the neoteric patriotism.按照时代内容来分析,传统爱国主义可以划分为中国古代爱国思想和近代爱国主义两个阶段。

3)patriotic thought爱国思想

1.He expressed hispatriotic thought in his poems in which exasperation of cruel reality as well as his ideal society with wise emperor and virtuous officials are expressed.他的这种爱国思想是通过对冷酷现实的愤慨;寄希望于明主贤臣的社会理想和对南宋统治者否定与批判表达的。

4)patriotic feeling爱国思想

1.This article proved there ispatriotic feeling in The Fan Up Which Peach Blossom Is Drawn from five aspects.本文以文本为根据,从老赞礼形象塑造、春秋笔法等五个方面论证了《桃花扇》是一部具有反清爱国思想的作品。

5)patriotic thoughts爱国爱民思想


1.Patriotism is a deep passion for one′s country which traces its history back to thousands of years ago.在社会主义建设新时期,深入研究、探讨毛泽东爱国主义思想的形成和发展,有着十分重要的意义。

2.To date,the culture self-examination and patriotism in Xinghuipian is still of great significance.《醒回篇》是中国回族最早的自办刊物,它反映了回族知识分子在救亡图存大潮中的觉醒,在近代中国回族文化史上占有重要地位,时至今日,它所提出的文化自省以振兴国家的爱国主义思想仍具有重要现实意义。

3.In particular, the thorough inquiry into the ideas of his poems can demonstrate the sequence of his thoughts in the different periods, his contribution to the antiJapanese war, his patriotism to recover the Northeastern area, his expectation to the young students, his great concern to the national education, and a.表达了他抵御外侮、光复东北的爱国主义思想,寄托了他对广大青年学生的殷切期望和抒发了他一生关注民族教育的高尚情怀,同时也流露出张学良将军在幽禁生活中的苦闷。


爱国女学与爱国学社中国教育会主办的从事资产阶级民主革命的女校和男校。该会在1902年 4月由蔡元培、蒋智由、林獬、叶瀚等发起,蔡元培任会长。教育会既办教育培养革命人才,又利用学校进行革命活动。它开始时还致力于编辑教科书。会址在上海原英租界大马路泥城桥外福源里。爱国女学于1901年冬由蔡元培、蒋观云、黄宗仰、林少泉、陈梦坡等发起,1902年开学。校址先在登贤里,后迁福源里,蒋观云任经理,不久由蔡元培继任。初办时学生很少,旋因爱国学社社员家中的妇女都进女校,学生骤增。数理化教师有王小徐、严练如、钟宪鬯、虞和钦等,文史教师为叶瀚、蒋维乔等。还讲法国革命史。理化则注重炸弹制造。该校作为革命活动联络机关,为辛亥革命培养了不少革命战士。1907年脱离革命秘密机关的关系,成为普通女校。爱国学社成立于1902年11月,是中国教育会为接纳上海南洋公学沈联、胡炳生、俞子夷等200多名学生反对当局的封建压迫,愤然退学而设。1903年春季开学,先后又接受南京陆师、浙江大学堂杭州陆师风潮中退学学生章士钊等40人。由蔡元培任总理,吴稚晖为学监,章炳麟(太炎)、黄炎培、蒋维乔、吴丹初等为义务教师。校址亦在福源里。分寻常、高等两级,各为2年,后又增设蒙学班。寻常级课程有修身、国文、算学、史地、理化;高等级有伦理、国文、算学、物理、化学、心理、论理、社会、国家、经济、政治、法理、日文、英文、体操,并进行军事训练。学社实行学生自治,编印《学生世界》,以"国民公会"名义,常在张园集会,宣传资产阶级民主革命,还参加当时的拒法、拒俄运动。《苏报》作为学社师生发表言论的园地,"所载文章, 素为东南学界所注目。" 1903年6月"苏报案"发,章炳麟、邹容被捕,蔡元培走青岛,爱国学社被迫解散。
