1500字范文 > 爱国情怀 patriotism英语短句 例句大全

爱国情怀 patriotism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-12 09:03:11


爱国情怀 patriotism英语短句 例句大全



1.This article narratespatriotism of her paintings which rooted in her essentiality and her revolutionary thought through two points that one is her painterly activities and the other is painterly matters.本文从其绘画活动和三大绘画题材入手分析贯之于其中的爱国情怀,这种情怀是她独特的本性,亦是其坚定的革命思想使然,这也足以表明何香凝在中国近现代绘画史上的大师级地位。

2.In his poems,Mister Wu combined theory closely with practice,and expressed hispatriotism and sincerity as an intellectual,sets a good example for younger generation.诗中表现知识人士爱国情怀与真纯品格,堪为后学之楷模。

3.From female Particular visual angle,psychology and experience starting, they broke through and surpassed the male-central culture tradition and the language model of male with the automatic idea of love and the thickpatriotism and the strong feminine spirit and the particular feminine visual angle, and showed the bright feminine consciousness.李清照与舒婷是中国文学史上有着独特地位的作家,她们从女性特有的视角、心理、体验出发,以自觉的爱情理念、浓厚的爱国情怀、强烈的女性精神和独特的女性视角,突破并超越了男子本位的文化传统和以男性为中心的话语模式,凸显出鲜明的女性意识,并进而展现了女性文学的发展和流变,成为女性文学史上的两座丰碑。


1.Patriotic Feelings and Plain Spirits--Thoughts on the Works of Ding Ling;爱国情怀与小草精神——喜读赠书忆丁玲

2."Dream poems": Lu You s Patriotism;“梦诗”:陆游爱国情怀的另一种表达

3."Bowl of Rice Movement" and Contemporary Chinese Patriotism“一碗饭运动”与近代中国民众的爱国情怀

4.All of them, he says, have the same patriotic obsession: “making India great”.他说他们都有相同的爱国情怀:“强大印度”。

5.Ode to the Lovely Scenes of the Western Regions:On the Song Bolu s Patriotic Sentiment Expressed in His Western Region Poems;西域美丽风情的热情赞歌——论宋伯鲁西域诗的爱国情怀

6.Snow Stay and the True Feelings Make Artistic Conception Far-reaching--The Comment on Patriotism of He Xiangning s paintings;傲雪可盘桓 情真致境远——何香凝绘画的爱国情怀评述

7.On the Nostalgic Complex and Patriotic Sentiment in Wang Dingjun"s Prose--A Case Study of The Whirlpool of the Left Atrium王鼎钧的乡愁情结与爱国情怀——以《左心房漩涡》为探究中心

8.We are Chinese and like you, Americans, our patriotic feelings is something very natural to us.我们是中国人,正如你们美国人一样,我们的爱国情怀是自然流露的。

9.LU Xun s Study On Chinese Classical Literature;深沉的爱国情怀及现代的批评意识——论鲁迅的中国文学研究

10.Xin Qiji s Patriotism When He Was in Fujian;人间正觅擎天柱 无奈风吹雨打何——论辛弃疾七闽期间的爱国情怀

11.Xin Qiji s Patriotic Feelings and the Changes of His Poems Style after His Living in Seclusion;从辛弃疾罢官归隐后的词作看辛弃疾的爱国情怀和词风变化

12.A Hero and Saint"s Sorrowful Song--The commentary of Xin Qiji"s patriotic pome侠之大者与圣之任者的失路悲歌——辛弃疾词爱国情怀管窥

13.Even as a young student, he was filled with patriotic sentiments.还是青年学生时,他就满怀爱国热情。

14.Country and Family s Rise and Fall Reflected in Shenzufen s Ci Lyrics--Review of Shenzufen s ci lyrics of love and lady s hidden bitterness in boudoir;家国兴亡恨 寄怀柔情中——读沈祖爱情及闺怨词

15.From Confusion to Transcendence--On Xu Su s Patriotism in His Writing;从困惑到超越——论徐速创作的爱国主义情怀

16.Patriotic Feelings,Body Politics,Selfish Lust-Comment on An Lee s Lust,Caution;国族情怀 身体政治 私己爱欲——解析李安电影《色·戒》

17.Reflections on Cultivating the Patriotic Emotions among University Students of the New Period;对培养新时期大学生爱国主义情怀的思考

18.and fleet in my arms,爱情飞出我的怀抱,


patriotic feelings爱国情怀

1.Ding Ling s works Essays on the Visiting to the USA and What Do Literary Talents Mean reflect from certain aspects Ding Ling s zealouspatriotic feelings and plain spirits as an ordinary person.丁玲的《访美散记》和《文学天才意味着什么》两部著作,从某些侧面反映了丁玲热诚的爱国情怀和作为一名普通劳动者的小草精神。

3)care for love爱情关怀

4)feelings of love and hatred爱恨情怀

5)benevolence mood仁爱情怀

6)Patriotism of Peter H.L.Chang张学良的爱国情怀


爱国女学与爱国学社中国教育会主办的从事资产阶级民主革命的女校和男校。该会在1902年 4月由蔡元培、蒋智由、林獬、叶瀚等发起,蔡元培任会长。教育会既办教育培养革命人才,又利用学校进行革命活动。它开始时还致力于编辑教科书。会址在上海原英租界大马路泥城桥外福源里。爱国女学于1901年冬由蔡元培、蒋观云、黄宗仰、林少泉、陈梦坡等发起,1902年开学。校址先在登贤里,后迁福源里,蒋观云任经理,不久由蔡元培继任。初办时学生很少,旋因爱国学社社员家中的妇女都进女校,学生骤增。数理化教师有王小徐、严练如、钟宪鬯、虞和钦等,文史教师为叶瀚、蒋维乔等。还讲法国革命史。理化则注重炸弹制造。该校作为革命活动联络机关,为辛亥革命培养了不少革命战士。1907年脱离革命秘密机关的关系,成为普通女校。爱国学社成立于1902年11月,是中国教育会为接纳上海南洋公学沈联、胡炳生、俞子夷等200多名学生反对当局的封建压迫,愤然退学而设。1903年春季开学,先后又接受南京陆师、浙江大学堂杭州陆师风潮中退学学生章士钊等40人。由蔡元培任总理,吴稚晖为学监,章炳麟(太炎)、黄炎培、蒋维乔、吴丹初等为义务教师。校址亦在福源里。分寻常、高等两级,各为2年,后又增设蒙学班。寻常级课程有修身、国文、算学、史地、理化;高等级有伦理、国文、算学、物理、化学、心理、论理、社会、国家、经济、政治、法理、日文、英文、体操,并进行军事训练。学社实行学生自治,编印《学生世界》,以"国民公会"名义,常在张园集会,宣传资产阶级民主革命,还参加当时的拒法、拒俄运动。《苏报》作为学社师生发表言论的园地,"所载文章, 素为东南学界所注目。" 1903年6月"苏报案"发,章炳麟、邹容被捕,蔡元培走青岛,爱国学社被迫解散。
