1500字范文 > 仲裁规律 The law of arbitration英语短句 例句大全

仲裁规律 The law of arbitration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-12 06:40:09


仲裁规律 The law of arbitration英语短句 例句大全

仲裁规律,The law of arbitration

1)The law of arbitration仲裁规律

2)arbitration law system仲裁法律

1.This article compares and analyzes the similarities and differences ofarbitration law system, and finds a way to promote the cooperation between Taiwan and the mainland in the field of arbitratio文章比较并分析了两岸仲裁法律制度的异同,以求在知己知彼的基础上,推动两岸仲裁合作的发展。


parison On Arbitration Systems of Mainland and Macao;内地与澳门仲裁法律制度的比较(上)

2.On Some of the Problems of the China Arbitration Law;中国商事仲裁法律制度若干问题研究

3.China s Accession Into WTO and the Reform of Arbitration system;加入WTO与我国仲裁法律制度改革

4.The Public Policy in the Choice of Law in International Commercial Arbitration国际商事仲裁法律适用中的公共政策

5.On the Construction of Arbitration Legal System of China"s Securities Disputes论中国证券纠纷仲裁法律制度之构建

6.The Criticism of Arbitrator’s Legal Responsibility仲裁员法律责任之检讨(上)——兼评“枉法仲裁罪”

7.On the Legal Effects of Seat of Arbitration in the International Sport Arbitration--especially on the Olympic Games Sports Arbitration;论仲裁地在国际体育仲裁中的法律意义——特别述及奥运会体育仲裁

8.Legal Responsibilities of an Arbitrator in Internaltional Commercial Arbitrations;国际商事仲裁中仲裁员的法律责任研究

9.On the Repeal ot the Award of International Arbitration;对我国撤销涉外仲裁裁决的法律思考

10.I am Keeper of the Law - judge and arbiter.我是法律的维护者——审判官和仲裁官。

11.Arbitration in Hong Kong and English law shall be applied.如需仲裁,在香港进行,并依据英国法律。

12.Studies on the Legal Force of International Commercial Arbitration s Agreement;国际商事仲裁协议法律效力问题研究

13.Study on Legal Problems in Online Arbitration;网上国际商事仲裁若干法律问题研究

14.Research on the Relevant Problems of International Commercial Arbitration Agreement;国际商事仲裁协议相关法律问题研究

15.The Construction of Theory System on Sports Arbitration Institutions;论体育法律仲裁制度理论体系的建构

16.Research About The Interim Measure Of International Commercial Arbitration;国际商事仲裁临时措施法律问题研究

17.General Discussion on the Characteristics、Legal Binding Force and its Nature;浅析仲裁协议特征、法律效力及其性质

18.On Issues of Application of Law in China s International Commercial Arbitration;论中国国际商事仲裁的法律适用问题


arbitration law system仲裁法律

1.This article compares and analyzes the similarities and differences ofarbitration law system, and finds a way to promote the cooperation between Taiwan and the mainland in the field of arbitratio文章比较并分析了两岸仲裁法律制度的异同,以求在知己知彼的基础上,推动两岸仲裁合作的发展。

3)legal arbitration法律仲裁

4)arbitration rules仲裁规则

1.Thearbitration rules regulate the procedures carried out by the parties and arbitration institutions and tribunals.仲裁规则是规定如何通过仲裁的方法解决当事人之间争议的程序性规则。

2.The law application of international commercial arbitral proceedings includes the applications of arbitral procedure act andarbitration rules.国际商事仲裁程序的法律适用既包括仲裁程序法的适用,又包括仲裁规则的适用,两者既有联系而有所区别。

3.The clause of "waiver of right to object" (hereinafter referred to as "the Clause") has been established in manyarbitration rules,it plays a role in urging the parties of arbitration to exercise their rights to object quickly and reasonably.目前许多仲裁规则中都设有"异议权放弃条款",其目的在于督促当事人迅速合理地行使其在仲裁程序中的权利。

5)provisions as to arbitration仲裁规定

6)The Law of the Place Where the Arbitration Body Is Located仲裁地法律


