1500字范文 > 仲裁协议性质 The nature of the arbitration agreement英语短句 例句大全

仲裁协议性质 The nature of the arbitration agreement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-01 19:16:37


仲裁协议性质 The nature of the arbitration agreement英语短句 例句大全

仲裁协议性质,The nature of the arbitration agreement

1)The nature of the arbitration agreement仲裁协议性质

2)arbitral agreement仲裁协议

1.Think arbitral agency has the right to explain the subject of thearbitral agreement according to the concrete case, give a brief account of the objective level should be controlled when the objective seniority extend to the side hasn t signed the contract.认为仲裁机构 (或仲裁庭 )有权就仲裁协议的主体根据具体案件进行解释 ,并且就仲裁协议当事人主体资格在适当时机扩展到未签约方应掌握的客观标准作了概

2.The internationalarbitral agreement of commercial affairs is prerequisite of international commercial arbitration.国际商事仲裁协议则是国际商事仲裁的前提,它是双方当事人合意将他们之间已经发生或者将来可能发生的国际商事争议交付仲裁解决的一种书面协议。


1.arbitration agreement in cases of collision碰撞仲裁协议船舶碰撞仲裁协议

2.A Study on the Feasibility of the Unsigned Party to Take Apart in Arbitration;仲裁协议未签字人参与仲裁问题研究

3.On The Defective Compromise of Commercial Arbitration in China;我国商事仲裁中的瑕疵仲裁协议探析

4.On the Arbitration Law and the Enforceability of Arbitration Agreement;论《仲裁法》与仲裁协议的可执行性

5.Where the matter to be arbitrated falls outside the scope of the arbitration agreement or the jurisdiction of the arbitration agency.裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的范围或者仲裁机构无权仲裁的。

6.The matter being adjudicated falls neither within the limits of the agreement of arbitration nor the limits of the arbitration organ"s authority,裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的范围或者仲裁机构无权仲裁的,

7.Where the parities conclude an arbitration agreement, that shall promptly apply for arbitration.当事人之间有仲裁协议的,应当及时申请仲裁。

8.On the Relationship between Intemational Commercial Arbitration Agreement and Jurisdiction of Arbitration;国际商事仲裁协议与仲裁管辖权之关系研究

9.Effect of Mediatorial Agreement Choosing Both Mediation and Litigation;既选择仲裁又选择诉讼的仲裁协议效力

10.Research on the Validity of Arbitration Agreement:On the 17,18 Items of Arbitration Law;仲裁协议效力问题研究——兼论仲裁法第17、18条

11.applying to arbitration bodies for arbitration proceedings pursuant to relevant agreements reached with the producers, and根据与经营者达成的仲裁协议提请仲裁机构仲裁,

12.Parties to a foreign related contract may apply to a Chinese arbitration institution or another arbitration institution for arbitration.涉外合同的当事人可以根据仲裁协议向中国仲裁机构或者其他仲裁机构申请仲裁。

13.An arbitration agreement means an arbitration clause in a contract concluded between the parties or any other form of written agreement providing for settlement of dispute by arbitration.仲裁协议系指当事人在合同中订明的仲裁条款,或者以其他方式达成的提交仲裁的书面协议。

14.An arbitration agreement means the arbitration clause stipulated by the parties in their contract, or agreements in writing concluded in other forms to submit disputes for arbitration.仲裁协议系指当事人在合同中订立的仲裁条款,或者以其他方式达成的书面仲裁协议。

15.If the parties contest the validity of the arbitration agreement, the objection shall be made before the start of the first hearing of the arbitration tribunal.当事人对仲裁协议的效力有异议,应当在仲裁庭首次开庭前提出。

16.Suggestions for the Modification of Relevant Provisions to the Arbitration Agreement in Arbitration Law of China;我国《仲裁法》中仲裁协议相关规定修改完善的建议

17.A Study on Theoretical and Practical Legal Aspects of International Commercial Arbitration Agreements;国际商事仲裁协议的法理与实证研究

18.Studies on the Problems of International Commercial Arbitration Agreement and the Jurisdiction of Arbitration;国际商事仲裁协议与管辖权问题研究


arbitral agreement仲裁协议

1.Think arbitral agency has the right to explain the subject of thearbitral agreement according to the concrete case, give a brief account of the objective level should be controlled when the objective seniority extend to the side hasn t signed the contract.认为仲裁机构 (或仲裁庭 )有权就仲裁协议的主体根据具体案件进行解释 ,并且就仲裁协议当事人主体资格在适当时机扩展到未签约方应掌握的客观标准作了概

2.The internationalarbitral agreement of commercial affairs is prerequisite of international commercial arbitration.国际商事仲裁协议则是国际商事仲裁的前提,它是双方当事人合意将他们之间已经发生或者将来可能发生的国际商事争议交付仲裁解决的一种书面协议。

3)arbitration agreement仲裁协议

1.Suggestions for the Modification of Relevant Provisions to the Arbitration Agreement in Arbitration Law of China;我国《仲裁法》中仲裁协议相关规定修改完善的建议

4)independence of arbitration agreement仲裁协议的独立性

1.The article considers the basis of judging arbitration agreement validity isindependence of arbitration agreement, formal condition of arbitration agreement availability and material condition of arbitration agreement availability.仲裁协议效力认定的依据为仲裁协议的独立性、仲裁协议有效的形式要件和仲裁协议有效的实质要件。

5)arbitration character仲裁性质

1.According to the arbitration contract and para-judiciary attribute,limited responsibility exempts belong to the arbitrator s responsibility in accordance witharbitration character.责任论和责任豁免论都有其合理成分,基于仲裁的契约性和准司法性属性,有限的责任豁免应当属于较为符合仲裁性质的仲裁员责任承担方式。

6)electronic arbitration agreement电子仲裁协议

1.In the aspect of substance,there are some displacement and dislocation betweenelectronic arbitration agreement and the requirement of traditional arbitration law.在实质要件方面,电子仲裁协议与传统仲裁法的要求出现了一定的错位与脱节,若不予以适当的协调和衔接,必定影响电子仲裁协议的实质有效性。

2.Therefore,to make a judgment about the effect ofelectronic arbitration agreement is based on whether the data message belongs to the written form.因此,数据电文是否属于书面形式,就成为判断电子仲裁协议是否有效的基础。


