1500字范文 > 仲裁第三人 the third party of arbitration英语短句 例句大全

仲裁第三人 the third party of arbitration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-13 04:39:08


仲裁第三人 the third party of arbitration英语短句 例句大全

仲裁第三人,the third party of arbitration

1)the third party of arbitration仲裁第三人

1.The lawmaking of other countries concerningthe third party of arbitration usually found that the third party who attend to arbitrating procedure is party.其他国家关于仲裁第三人的立法多把进入仲裁后的第三人认定为当事人,我国仲裁法学界大多数学者则将其称为仲裁程序进行中的第三人,两种倾向均有偏颇。


1.Research on the Third Party Problems in Chinese Sports Arbitration关于我国体育仲裁第三人问题的研究

2.Stepping Out of the Forbidden Zone of Setting Up Arbitration System of Third Person;走出设立仲裁第三人制度的禁区——写在《仲裁法》颁布十周年之际

3.Theoretical Analysis and Practical Study on Third Party in Arbitration;对仲裁第三人制度的理论分析及实务探索

4.Consideration on the System about the Third Party of Foreign-related Arbitration in China;关于设立我国涉外仲裁第三人制度的构想

5.Article13 The arbitration commission shall appoint fair and honest person as its arbitrators.第十三条仲裁委员会应当从公道正派的人员中聘任仲裁员。

6.On Arbitration of the Third party in Civil Lansuit;民事诉讼第三人制度对仲裁的启发——关于仲裁中确立第三人地位的思考

7.We think the arbitration court shall consist of arbitrator from a third country.我们认为仲裁庭应由第三国的仲裁员组成。

8.Article 35 Where the parties have agreed on the place of arbitration, the case shall be arbitrated in that place.第三十五条当事人约定了仲裁地点的,仲裁案件的审理应当在约定的地点进行。

9.Do you permit arbitration In a third country ?您是否同意仲裁在第三国进行?

10.Article 32 The arbitration tribunal will hold oral hearings.第三十二条仲裁庭应当开庭审理案件。

11.In other words, whether the third party should be bound to the contract"s arbitration dause?换言之,该第三人是否应当受该合同中的仲裁条款的约束?

12.Is It Effective? An Arbitration Agreement Involving the Interest of Third Party in Its Liability for Breach of Contract;违约责任涉及第三人时该约定是否有效——对一起仲裁案件的评析

13.Article 30 The Chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall decide whether an arbitrator should be withdrawn.第三十条仲裁员是否回避,由仲裁委员会主任作出决定。

14.Article 8 The Arbitration Commission has one honorary Chairman and several advisers.第八条仲裁委员会设名誉主任一人、顾问若干人。

15.Article 32 Where a real right is damaged, the right holder may settle the problem by means of conciliation, mediation or arbitration, etc.第三十二条物权受到侵害的,权利人可以通过和解、调解、仲裁、诉讼等途径解决。

16.Article15 The China Arbitration Association is a social organization with the status of a legal person.第十五条中国仲裁协会是社会团体法人。

17.Mediation If an impasse is declared under Section39.01, the parties will participate in non-binding mediation by a third-party mediator in good faith.仲裁如果出现如39.01种所述的僵持,则双方应该参加由可信任的第三方主持的仲裁调节。

18.Article3 The fees for accepting a case shall be used to pay the arbitrators and maintain the necessary expenditures for normal operation of the arbitration commission.第三条案件受理费用于给付仲裁员报酬、持仲裁委员会正常运转的必要开支。


Third Party of Arbitration仲裁第三人

3)third party in arbitration仲裁第三人

1.Theoretical Analysis and Practical Study on Third Party in Arbitration;对仲裁第三人制度的理论分析及实务探索

2.The problem of whether there should be athird party in arbitration is controversial in the law circle.作者在厘清仲裁第三人概念的基础上,总结了赞同和反对仲裁第三人的理由,对国外相关立法和仲裁规则进行阐述,实证分析了我国仲裁和司法实践中的典型案例,认为,基于仲裁制度本身的特点,不宜设立仲裁第三人制度。

4)the third party of arbitrating agreement仲裁协议第三人

5)Study on Third Party in Arbitration论仲裁第三人

6)Discuss on Third Party of Arbitration也谈仲裁第三人


