1500字范文 > 真实商业周期理论 Real-business-cycle theory英语短句 例句大全

真实商业周期理论 Real-business-cycle theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-21 06:32:31


真实商业周期理论 Real-business-cycle theory英语短句 例句大全

真实商业周期理论,Real-business-cycle theory

1)Real-business-cycle theory真实商业周期理论


1.The Theoretical Analysis of Real Business Cycle on the Base of Microeconomic Foundation --The Revelation of Nobel Economics Award in for China;基于微观经济基础的真实商业周期理论分析——诺贝尔经济学奖对中国的启示

2.Hicks"s trade cycle theory希克斯商业周期理论

3.The Cognition of the Truth of Chinese GDP Since 1978;对1978年以来中国GDP事实特征的认识——基于实际商业周期理论

4.Business Organizational Theory and Analysis of the IT Market Life-Cycle;商业组织理论与IT卖场生命周期分析

5.A Research on Real Business Cycle;真实经济周期理论探析及其比较分析

6.Real Business Cycle Theory and the Comparison of This Theory and Traditional Business Cycle Theory;真实经济周期理论及其与传统经济周期理论的比较

7.On the Origination,Connotation and Influence of the Real Business Cycle Theory;论真实经济周期理论的源流、内涵及影响

mercial loan theory of banking (real-bills doctrine)银行业务的商业放款理论(真实票据理论)

9.Business Cycle s Co-movement and Asymmetry;商业周期理论的协动性和非对称性综述

10.The Elementary Thoughts of Real Business Cycle Theory and Its Critiques;真实经济周期理论的基本思想及其评价

11.Confusing true economy cycle theory under currency economy angle混沌与货币经济视角下的真实经济周期理论

12.Business cycle; trade cycle商业周期,经济周期

13.Study on Strategic Option of China s Commercial Banks Asset and Liability Time Limit Management in the Increasing Interest Rate Cycle;论升息周期中商业银行资产负债期限管理的策略选择

14.The Balance of Innovation Capability and Controlling Capability of State - owned Commercial Banks;从企业生命周期理论看国有商业银行创新力与控制力的平衡

15.Research on Interest Rate Risk Management of Commercial Bank Based on Duration Theory基于久期理论的商业银行利率风险实证研究

16.A Missing Link Between Schumpeter s Theories of Economic Development,Business Cycles and Democracy--Schumpeter s Unknown Article Development;熊彼特之经济发展理论、商业周期理论和民主理论间的缺环——评熊彼特的《发展》

17.On Long Wave Theory and Periodicity of Cultural Industry;论技术长波理论与文化产业成长周期

18.An empirical study of the development features of the Zhejiang real estate industry from 1991 to based on the cycle theory of real estate industry;1991—浙江房地产业发展特征——基于房地产周期理论的实证研究


Theory of Real Business Cycle实际商业周期理论

3)Real Business Cycle真实商业周期

1.Government Purchase Shocks and Business Cycles:parative Analysis Between Keynesian Fluctuation Theory andReal Business Cycle T;政府购买冲击与商业周期——一个基于Keynes波动理论与真实商业周期理论的比较分析

4)International Real Business Cycle国际真实商业周期(IRBC)

5)Real business cycle theory真实经济周期理论

1.The Elementary Thoughts of Real Business Cycle Theory and Its Critiques;真实经济周期理论的基本思想及其评价

2.In the respective of the real business cycle theory,the change of farmer s expectation is the main cause of agricultural wave.按照真实经济周期理论,农户对两种外生冲击预期收益率的变化造成了家庭经营投资费用的波动。

6)Business Cycle商业周期

1.This paper documents a correlation between business cycle and regional economic integration,and explores the regional difference from both natural segmentation and economic structure and policy.文章着重从商业周期角度来对我国区际一体化状况进行实证研究,即主要从“市场自然分割”与“政策与经济结构”两方面因素来探索商业周期的区域差异。

2.It has nothing in common with the business cycle under the market economy.这种波动与市场经济制度条件下的商业周期不可同日而语 ,简单套用研究市场经济中经济周期的方法无助于客观科学地认识我国旅游业的运行特点和机理。

3.Economists named this phenomenon“business cycles".在经济增长过程中,增长的路径并不是一条平滑的曲线,而是显示出不断波动的形态,并且表现出周期性的特征,经济学家将这种现象称之为商业周期。


