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学说 Theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-25 10:27:38


学说 Theory英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of function of the theory in international private law;试析学说在国际私法中的作用

2.The theory about the correlation between phlegm turbidity and senility was originated NeiJing Dynasty.痰浊衰老相关性学说萌起于《内经》时期 ,发展成熟于宋金元时期 ,完善演化于明清时期。

3.Qian Xuesen,the famous scientist of our country,advanced a theory of modern systematic structure of science and technology after his longtime persistent research.我国著名科学家钱学森经过长期潜心研究,提出了现代科技体系结构的学说,从本世纪50年代到90年代,该学说有一个产生、发展的过程。


1.theory of stress胁强学说,应激学说

2.Children learn speech before they learn writing.孩子先学说话后学写字。

3.triple receptor theory三色感受器学说三色感受器学说

4.theory of natural selection自然选择学说 自然选择学说

5.side chain theory(抗体产生机制的)侧链学说,侧锁学说

6.space time pattern theory时空类型学说时空类型学说

7.develop a new theory by the synthesis of several earlier theories综合以前的几种学说而创立的新学说.

8.The doctrine that there is no God or gods.无神论学说无上帝或神存在的学说

9.Academic liberalism has four dimensions of economic,political,social ethics and philosophical doctrines.学理上的自由主义 ,主要有经济学说、政治学说、社会伦理学说和哲学学说四个维度。

10.Pragmatic Model of Explanation:Scientific Explanation or Historical Explanation?;“回答问题”的说明模型:科学说明还是历史说明?

11.income theory of money从所得来说明货币需求的学说

12.He illustrated the new theory with several examples.他举出几个例子来说明新学说。

13.Gap creationism, also called Restitution creationism ?间隙创造学说,也称作归还创造说?

14.the literal belief in the account of creation given in the Book of Genesis.照章相信创世纪宇宙起源之说的学说。

15.To be honest, everyone makes mistakes when learning to speak a foreign language.说实话,每个人学说外语都会犯错误。

16.Walk, speak, learn, react slowly走、说、学、反应得慢

17.classical theory of radiation古典派辐射(学)说

18.habit theory of learning学习的习惯说 学习的习惯说



1.The study on subject matter of civil action can be divided into threedoctrines.民事诉讼标的理论的研究可以分为相互联系的三种学说。

2.He built in the field of moral education a characteristic system ofdoctrine, which has profoundly influenced the theory and practice of our moral education for over 2 500 years, and is now of much practical value.孔子关于道德教育的学说体系包括:(1)提前以德治为目标的道德教化构想;(2)设计关于道德教育的基本内容;(3)塑造具有民族特色的君子人格;(4)倡导循循善诱式的道德教育方法;(5)确立自我修身的一系列重要原则等。

3)On Confucianism说说儒学

4)say learning说学

1.According to the normal university students present mathematics study situation,it has constructed the normal university student mathematics learning instruction strategy: "Goal guidance,study method instruction" strategy,"study scheme leading study,studentsay learning "strategy,"homework redo,reappraise " strategy.根据师范院校学生学习现状,探讨了师范院校学生数学学习指导策略:"目标导向,学法指导"策略、"‘学案’导学,学生‘说学’"策略、"作业‘重生’,二次评价"策略。

5)colloidal concept胶体学说

1.According to the traditional condensation polymerization theory,colloidal concept of UF resin,and some experimental and production facts,this paper discussed the formaldehyde content of UF resin,formaldehyde emission and water resistance of wood-based boards,and the effects of m.该文依据高分子缩聚的经典理论和胶体学说以及一些实验与生产事实,讨论了脲醛树脂中的游离甲醛问题、胶接制品的甲醛释放问题、脲醛树脂的耐水性问题、脲醛树脂固化速度与摩尔比以及固化剂种类的关系问题,分析了脲醛树脂固化的经典理论与胶体学说存在的问题。

6)ionization theory电离学说

1.The recognition to solution theory early and foundation ofionization theory and formation of ion hydration are introduced.介绍了对溶液理论的早期认识、电离学说的创立和离子水化的形成过程。


