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学理 theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-24 01:36:31


学理 theory英语短句 例句大全



1.Thetheory of Chang-style boxing emphasizes the "importance of Chi" both in terms of skills and internal cultivation,whereas that of Taichi Boxing emphasizes "giving up the Chi & following the man" and("continuity) of gas as a whole".武术学理作为武术运动最为重要的文化内涵,可以说是武术学术研究的核心。

2.The systematic collation and in-depth study on this precious cultural heritage have important practical significance for carrying forward the excellent national culture, for carrying forward the contents of patriotism education, for improving the modern Wushutheory building and for enriching actual comba.本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法,对《剑经》技法特点及学理精要展开初步探讨。

3.Traditional figure painting is the focus of this thesis, which deeply studies outline drawing method (Goulefa) in Chinese painting through traditional academic sequence, which is method totheory, andtheory for spirit.本文以传统人物画为中心,依照由“法”入“理”、由“理”求“道”的传统学术次第,对中国画“勾勒法”进行了较为深入的学理探微。


1.Theories and History of Psychology心理学理论与心理学史

2.Master of Science in Health Care [MSc in Health Care]医疗护理学理学硕士

3.Cognitive Psychology, Physical Theories and Educational Research of Physics in Middle-School;认知心理学、物理科学理论与中学物理教学研究

4.Master of Science in Health Care with a specialism in Nursing医疗护理学理学硕士──护理学专业

5.Master of Science in Health Care with a specialism in Physiotherapy医疗护理学理学硕士──物理治疗学专业

6.(physics) nuclear physics.(物理学)核物理学。

7.Management: Principles of management, organization theory, behavioral science.管理学:管理学原理、组织理论、行为学。

8.Doctor of Science [Medicine; Laws; Divinity]理学[医学、法学、神学]博士

9.Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences [BSc(BiomedicalSc)]理学士(生物医学)

10.Bachelor of Science [University of Hong Kong]理学士〔香港大学〕

11.the Faculty of Law, Science, etc法律学院、 理学院.

12.clinical medicine [pathology]临床医学 [病理学]

13.Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy [BSc(Hons) in Physiotherapy]物理治疗学(荣誉)理学士

14.psychology of investigation侦察心理学 侦察心理学

15.psychology of interrogation审讯心理学 审讯心理学

16.hotel administration旅馆管理学,饭店管理学

17.measurement in psychology心理学测量 心理学测量

18.quantification in psychology心理学定量 心理学定量


academic theory学理

1.The view of ecological organic whole would further broaden the horizon of the practical aesthetics,optimize its thinking potential,enrich itsacademic theory and raise its orig.生态有机整体观的进入将有助于实践美学进一步扩大视野、优化思维、丰富学理、提升境界,再次积极参与到"以人为本"、可持续发展的社会主义整体建设的现实当中。

3)Confucian school of idealist philosophy理学

1.As a Confucian scholar of idealist philosophy,ZHU Xi couldn t do without the thinking of the history of human society,in order to form his own system ofConfucian school of idealist philosophy.作为一个理学家,朱熹要建构自己的理学体系,离不开对人类社会历史的思考。

2."Reflections on Things at Hand"is a rudimental reading to the study of theConfucian school of idealist philosophy in the Song and Ming dynasties which is considered as the most important classic works in disseminating theConfucian school of idealist philosophy and in studying ZHU Xi s theory.《近思录》是理学入门的基础读物,在理学思想传播和朱子学研究中具有经典地位。

3." He applied theConfucian school of idealist philosophy of ethics into the calligraphy that is the restoration of ancient neutralization.项穆的书论,把"中和之美"与"中庸之为德"的理论结合在一起,把伦理学的理学渗透到书法美学中,完全是"中和"复古。


1.On Ontology Thoughts of Chen Beixi sNeo-Confucianism;北溪理学本体论思想探微

2.Impact of Song dynasty neo-Confucianism on feminine image;宋代理学对女性形象的影响

3.On Poetic Thought of JinhuaNeo-Confucianism School in the Late Period of the South Song;论宋末金华朱子后学的极端化理学诗论

5)Neo confucianism理学

1.The explanatory theory on Neo Confucianism is a combined explanation of study on Confucian classics and Neo Confucianism.朱子的理学诠释学实际上是绾经学诠释与理学诠释为一途。

2.He criticized the theory of DaoTong(道统) in Neo Confucianism.其中 ,叶适对《周易》、《礼记·大学》、《礼记·中庸》及先秦诸子、历代史籍等都加以评论 ,并对理学“道统”说进行了批评。

3.Among them, the ideological trend of Neo Confucianism had great influence on the aesthetics realm of literature and art.其中 ,理学思潮对文艺审美的影响不可低估。


1.Unification of Buddhism,Taoism andConfucianism Leading to the Confucian School——On the ideological tendency of Unscrambling Zhuangzi by Lin Xiyi;三教合一 归终理学——论林希逸《庄子口义》的思想倾向

2.Neo-Confucianism s View on Natural Science——An Anatomy of "Dao Wen Xue" and "Zun De Xing;从“道问学”与“尊德性”之辩看理学对自然科学的态度


