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论说 theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-09 21:46:53


论说 theory英语短句 例句大全




1.The Correlation between "Yan", "Yu", "Lun", "Shuo" and the Argumentation Style of the Pre-Qin Period;“言”、“语”、“论”、“说”与先秦论说文体

2.remarked old Roger Chillingworth.老罗杰-其灵渥斯评论说。

3.pick theory to pieces把某理论说得一钱不值

4.He commented that her acting was superb.他评论说,她的演技精湛。

5.tending to persuade by forcefulness of argument.用有说服力的论据说服。

6.For what is worth随便说说,不论真假

7.public demand theory公需说(赋税理论)

8.On The Inspiring Madness Theory、The Mimetic Theory and The God-Perception Theory;论“迷狂说”、“摹仿说”与“神感说”

9.The Three Realms of Novel Writing--On Jin Shengtan s Writing Theory;小说创作的“三境界说”——论金圣叹的小说创作理论

10.There"s no need to labour the point/argument.该论点(论据)无需详细说明或讨论。

11.What Is The Theory--A Study on the Contestation of the Aesthetical Ideology;理论何为?——从“审美意识形态论”论争说起

12.weak arguments, evidence无说服力的论据、 证据.

13.quantitative theory定量理论,因子量说

14.They gained him over in the debate.他们在辩论中说服了他。

15.micellar theory粒子学说,胶束理论

16.argue in order to convince or persuade sb为说服某人而与之理论

17.Generally, a Book has an introduction.一般说来,书都有绪论。

18.a doctrinaire preacher一个空谈理论的说教者


stage discourse阶段论说

3)theoretical hypotheses理论假说

4)theoretical expounding理论说明

5)lesson-saying theory说课论

1.The lesson -- saying theory is a new branch of the teaching theory which arises and forms from the summary experiences on the basis of teachers lesson -- saying practice in the basic education In cultivating new -- typed teachers with the abilities of teaching and scientific research, It has its own position and role that can not be replaced.说课论是在基础教育教师说课实践的基础上总结升华形成的教学论新兴的分支理论,对培养具有教学科研能力的新型教师具有不可替代的地位与作用、高师学生应学习说课论,学会说课。

6)novel theories小说理论

1.Limitations of Liang Qichao snovel theories and creation practice;梁启超小说理论与创作实践的局限性

2.They focus on the roles and functions of novels,relationship between novel and politics,artistic laws,forming political utilitarianism,non-utilitarianist artistic aesthetics and entertainment concept,which is a conversion to "modernization" innovel theories in the late Qing.这个时期小说理论重点探讨了小说的作用与地位,小说与政治的关系以及小说的艺术规律等一系列问题,形成了小说的政治功利观、非功利的艺术审美观以及小说的消遣娱乐观,显示了晚清小说理论批评向"现代化"的转化。

3.The first chapter aims to discuss thenovel theories before Henry James.文章共由三部分组成:第一章论前亨利·詹姆斯时代的小说理论。


论说1.议论评说。 2.论说文。 3.按理说。
