1500字范文 > 绘画素描 painting drawing英语短句 例句大全

绘画素描 painting drawing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-18 06:15:12


绘画素描 painting drawing英语短句 例句大全

绘画素描,painting drawing

1)painting drawing绘画素描

1.This paper analyzed the distinction and sameness betweenpainting drawing and designing drawing from the aspects of training purpose ,exhibiting objects, observing method , composing methods, composing procedures, composing exhibiting ways and space notion ,in order to understand special values and fundamental demands for painting and drawing majors in drawing teaching.从训练目的、表现对象、观察方法与构图、方法步骤、表现形式和手段、空间观念等方面对绘画素描和设计素描的异同进行分析,以便理解素描教学在绘画与设计艺术专业的特殊规律和基本要求。


1.Discussion of Sketch Teaching of Ethnic Painting in View of Differences between Chinese and Western Ideas of Modeling;从中西方不同的造型观念谈民族绘画素描教学的几个问题

2.do a drawing, painting, sketch, etc作图样、 绘画、 素描

3.Drawing and painting In the art room:在画室里素描绘画。

4.a drawing made with charcoal.用木炭绘制的素描画。

5.the arts of drawing or painting or printmaking.素描、绘画或版画复制的艺术。

6.Other Interests: Sketching, painting, photography, develop films in dark room其他兴趣:素描、绘画、摄影、暗室冲印

7.Drawing As Basic Language Of Teachability作为绘画语言的素描——析素描作为基础性语言的可传授性

8.It was suggestive somewhat as a picture in outlines.它富于暗示的作用,好像绘画中的一幅素描。

9.The pictures depicting the life of the prairie people are simple but touching.这些描绘草原人民生活的画面都很素朴动人。

10.On Toner as a Medium of Representation of Art in Modern Sketch Drawing;谈色粉材料在现代素描绘画中的艺术表现

11.Training Method of Drawing Consciousness and Conception Conversion;素描教学中绘画意识和观念转换的训练方法

12.Thinking over the Differences of Sketch in Drawing Arts and Design Arts;素描在绘画艺术与设计艺术中差异性的思考

13.In his realistic portrayal of the grand scene, the painter did not stick to Western sketching, perspective and color rules.在写实手法的描绘中,画家在透视和色彩的处理都没有严格地按西方写实绘画中的素描要求,

14.The effects and pleasant form impression of oil painting,Chinese painting, water color, sketch, black and white dran and decorating painting in draning can not be comparable with computer desigh.绘画中的油画、国画、水彩、素描、黑白画、装饰画等效果和形式美感,是电脑设计无法企及的。

15.a cartoon depicting a sea monster;描绘海中怪物的卡通画;

16.Conversation picture描绘一群人物的风俗画

17.a drawing of the outlines of forms or objects.描绘形态、物体的轮廓的一种绘画。

18.a painting depicting an expanse of natural scenery.描绘广阔的自然景观的绘画作品。



3)line-drawing painting白描绘画

4)painting factors绘画因素

1.This thesis tries to explore the influences of Post-impressionistpainting factors on Woolf’s masterpiece To the Lighthouse, probing how Woolf combines painting with literature to promote a kind of aesthetic effect in a novel, enriching the studies on Virginia Woolf.后印象派绘画因素在伍尔夫的代表作《到灯塔去》中得到了充分地体现。

5)painting element绘画元素

1.The first chapter tries to find out the aesthetic principles that applicable to bothpainting element and film language.第一章节探讨绘画元素与电影语言的共通性。

6)ink and wash sketch国画素描

1.There are now many, besides the traditional Chinese painters, printmakers, oil painters and sculptors who are interested in the form of "ink and wash sketch" because of its expressiveness and formal beauty as well as its adaptability for artists expressions.现在除国画家外,亦有不少版画家、油画家、雕塑家对“国画素描”的形式颇感兴趣,因为这种素描有着高度的表现力和形式美感,更能表达作者的感情。


