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画法 Drawing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-18 23:56:03


画法 Drawing英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper introduces one accurate drawing method for working condition diagram to provide the operator of power plant with reliable basis.介绍一种较精确的工况图画法,可以为电厂运行人员提供可靠的基础。

2.The concept of h-v drawing of a binary tree is described.介绍二叉树h-v画法的概念,给出二叉树的一个线性时间h-v画树算法,并给出一个应用实例。

3.The crossing number of a graph is the minimum number of pairwise intersections of edges in a drawing of in the plane.图的交叉数只在好画法中得到,好画法是指满足边自身不交叉,相关联的边不交叉,任意两条交叉的边至多交叉一次的画法。


1.A painting or design in this style.灰色装饰画画法用此种画法画成的画或图案

2.before artists had mastered the tricks of perspective在画画的人掌握透视画法以前

3.perspective representation透视 [远近]画法

4.The art or process of drawing ground plans.平面画法画平面图的方法或过程

5.foreedge painting前切口画法(一种绘画方法)

6.Trompe-loeil is a still-life painting.错视画法是一种静物画法

7.As a painter, she cocks a snook at traditional techniques.作为一名画家,她瞧不起传统画法。

8.Some of the painters have broken with tradition有些画家打破了传统画法。

9.Research on Landscape Painting Law in Painting Manual of Mustard Seed Garden;《芥子园画传》中的山水画法式研究

10.A painting made by this process.胶画用这种方法画的画

11.A painting executed in this manner.树胶水彩画用该种方法画成的画

12.A painting executed in this way.湿壁画用这种方法画的画

13.Painting history equal to painting study: Deng Yizhe’s aesthetics in painting and calligraphy and its methodological significance;画史即画学——邓以蛰书画美学及其方法论意义

14.She learns to paint in the fashion of Picasso.她学着以毕加索的手法(画风格)画。

15.The manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush.笔法画家用画笔染颜料的方式

16.Chinese artists believe that calligraphy and painting share one common source.国画家们相信书法和绘画是相通的。

17.Drawing Electric Circuits with the Help of Painting Brush in "Circuit Analysis用画笔画《电路分析》中电路图的方法

18.Children often draw without perspective.小孩子画画常常不管透视法。


drawing method画法

1.In this paper, designers are expected to better understand and grasp thedrawing methods by showing the forming of perspectivedrawing method through analysis of perspective system.对透视体系进行分析,展示透视图画法的形成,对理解和掌握透视图的画法有很大的帮助。

2.In this paper,thedrawing method of the tapered roller bearing is discussed.7-1998圆锥滚子轴承规定画法进行探讨,并以GB/T297-1994-30206中圆锥滚子轴承为例,提出圆锥滚子轴承定义及其具体作图步骤。

3.This paper dicusses the simpledrawing method of internal force diagram of the simpledrawing method of internal force diagram of the forced pole.本文对受力杆件内力图(包括轴力图、扭矩图、剪力图和弯矩图)的简易画法进行探讨。

3)descriptive geometry画法几何

1.A teaching system ofdescriptive geometry based on AutoCAD;基于AutoCAD的可扩展的画法几何教学系统的开发

2.Research on teaching reform ofdescriptive geometry and architectural drawing;画法几何及建筑制图课程教学改革研究

3.A electronic teaching-system todescriptive geometry based on AutoCAD;基于AutoCAD平台的《画法几何》电子教学系统

4)Line algorithm画线算法

5)drawings therapy绘画疗法

6)making shadow落影画法

1.The difficulties ofmaking shadows of solids,especially for revolved objects by using traditional method,are pointed out and a new method is put forward.充分利用AutoCAD的二维图形编辑功能以及与AutoLISP语言的接口功能,并在数学分析的基础上与程序设计有机地结合起来,将简单平面立体落影的拉伸画法引伸到圆的落影画法,从而实现了对复杂回转曲面体落影的作图。


画法1.画一之法。 2.拟定法令。 3.绘画的技法。
