1500字范文 > 中职素描 painting drawing in vocational schools英语短句 例句大全

中职素描 painting drawing in vocational schools英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-01 18:36:46


中职素描 painting drawing in vocational schools英语短句 例句大全

中职素描,painting drawing in vocational schools

1)painting drawing in vocational schools中职素描

2)charcoal drawing teaching of higher professional education高职素描教学


1.On the Importance of Literary Sketch in Higher Vocational Sketch Teaching论速写在高职素描教学中的重要性

2.On the Teaching Choice of Design Sketch in Higher Vocational Education论高等职业教育中的设计素描教学抉择

3.Some Thinks for the Vocational College of Design Drawing针对高职高专设计素描教学的几点思考

4.On Sketch and Handpainting Teaching Reform of Industrial Design of in Vocational Colleges;高职工科工业设计素描与速写教学探析

5.Basic Sketch Teaching of Artistic Design in Vocational Colleges;高职艺术设计专业素描教学改革的几点思考

6.Disscussion about the importance of sketch in charcoal drawing teaching of the higher vocational education;论速写在高职美术素描教学中的重要性

7.Specialized sketch teaching of industrial art design in technical institute of higher learning;浅谈高职工业美术设计类专业的素描教学

8.The Problem and Resolving Plan Existing in Sketching Teaching in Higher Vocational Collage高职动画专业素描教学存在问题及解决方案

9.The teaching of sketch of non-artistic design specialty in the college of vocational and technical college论高职院校非艺术设计专业的素描教学

10.Reflection on Drawing Teaching for Cartoon Design Major--Setting up a Drawing Teaching System Meeting the Requirements of Cartoon Design Major in Higher Vocational Education;动漫专业素描课程教学思考——建立适应高职类动漫专业需求的素描教学体系

11.In higher vocational sketch teaching, it is the universal phenomenon to neglect the literary sketch in class teaching in higher vocational colleges.在高职的素描教学中,忽略了速写的课堂教学是高职院校乃至普通高校的普遍现象。

12.An Investigation into Cultivating Students Creative Thinking in Vocational Colleges Designing Sketch Teaching;高职设计素描教学中培养学生创造性思维的探索与实践

13.On Analyzing Design Line Drawing Teaching in the Specialized Subject of Industrial Products Design in College;高职学院工业产品设计专业之设计素描教学探析

14.Sketch in Art Design Speciality of Higher Vocational Education;写实素描在高职艺术设计专业基础教学中的作用

15.Design professional case study and suggestion of the reform that sketch exist of the teaching to professorship;对高职设计专业素描教学中存在的问题分析与改革的建议

16.The Influence of Square Sketch Discrepancy between China and the West on College Sketch Teaching;中西素描的差异对高校素描教学的影响

17.About the Research-Teacher-Training-Oriented Sketch Teaching in Teachers College;培养研究型教师的高师素描教学研究

18.Reform of Sketch Teaching of Art and Design Major in Colleges and Unversities;论高校艺术设计专业的素描教学改革


charcoal drawing teaching of higher professional education高职素描教学


1.The new thought of the sketch instruction of design profession;设计专业素描教学的新思路

2.The Shape Language in DesigningSketch Teaching ideas in designing sketch course for art designing major;设计素描中的造型语言——兼议设计艺术专业设计素描课程的教学理念

3.Adjusting teaching pattern of sketch course of architecture and city planning subject;调整建筑学与城市规划专业的素描教学模式

4)Pencil Sketch素描

1.With rapid development of science of industrial design,Pencil Sketch as a college course is undertaking constant changes both in form and content.随着工科学校工业设计学科的飞速发展,传统素描内容和形式也在不断更新,而作为传统"绘画性"素描教学法对此力所不及,所以我们对工科素描的探索,力图寻求一种适合工科设计专业发展的素描基础教学方法,对起步中的零基础学生既有一定的规范性教学,又要因材施教。

2.Using observation of phe- nomenological style of modem representation painting,the pencil sketch will lead the student to begin with observation,then learn how to think by eyes.现代具象表现绘画中的现象学的观看方式被引入素描教学中,将使学生从观看开始,学会用眼睛去思考,让他们真正睁开自己的双眼,自主地去"观看",以纯视觉的方式理解世界,这一步的跨出,将真正跨人到视觉发现和视觉创造之中。

3.This paper offers some measures to solve the problems existing in the pencil sketch teaching, the substance of which is to emphasize the infiltration of knowledge and culture, and strengthen the training power of the combination of ideality and reality so as to teach and illumine the students effectively.在素描教学中提高学生的道德意识并与能力培养(合称“双育”)相辅相成,是创新之举。


1.New Field onDrawing of Major of Design in Higher Education;当今高校设计专业素描教学的新视野

2.Learning inthe realization——some advice on learning of drawing;在认识了解中学习——对素描学习的一点建议

3.Some Thoughts onDrawing;对素描的一些认识与看法


1.On the restructuring of teaching materials ofsketching and coloring for art design specialty;艺术设计类专业素描、色彩教材的重构研究

2.An improved genetic algorithm based on thesketching in art is proposed to avoid the problem of local optimum.传统遗传算法容易陷入局部最优解,本文借鉴美术中“素描”的思想,对传统的遗传算法进行了改进,提出了基于素描的新型遗传算法。

3.The traditional teaching model for thesketching doesn t fit the new situation in thesketching educa- tion when the functions of the subject in thesketching teaching has been greatly changed.素描的功能与教育的主体发生变化后,原来的素描教学模式已经不能适应教学需要。


