1500字范文 > 引书入画 draw calligraphy into painting英语短句 例句大全

引书入画 draw calligraphy into painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-03 02:40:38


引书入画 draw calligraphy into painting英语短句 例句大全

引书入画,draw calligraphy into painting

1)draw calligraphy into painting引书入画


1.The Great Infection of Calligraphy to Huang Binhong"s Chinese Landscape Painting;“引书入画”在黄宾虹山水画笔墨转换中的重要作用

2.Wu used seal cutting and calligraphy brushstroke techniques in his flower and bird paintings, forming a bold and vital painting style.吴昌硕从篆刻书法入手,把金石篆籀笔法引入花鸟画中,形成"雄健古茂,盎然有金石气"的风格。

3.The Integration of the Book and Painting and Its impact in Northern Song Dynasty北宋书画形式的融合及“以书入画”的影响

4.The Dilemma and Opportunities for the Development of the Original Picture Books原创图画书发展的困境与契机——“中、日、韩图画书发展论坛”引发的思考

5.The introduction of Western realistic painting skills after the founding of New China,同时,西方写实画法引入中国,

6.The Concept of Fractal was Drawn into by the Geometric Drawing Board;用《几何画板4.X》引入《分形几何》概念

7.Introduce “The Geometer’s Sketchpad” into Advanced Mathematics Class Teaching;把《几何画板》引入高等数学课堂教学

8.His paintings also show the cursive script style in his rough sketches.他以草书入画,擅长粗笔写意,

parative study on the appliance of the guidance way of the earlier Han dynasty in Dao Yin Tu and bamboo slips Yin Shu对西汉帛画《导引图》和竹简《引书》中的器械治疗导引式的比较研究

10.His biography was included in the" List of World calligraphy and painting"17 dictionaries, books.其传略入编“世界书画家铭录”等17部辞书、籍.

11.Thoughts on the Authentication of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Occasioned by Chu Shi Song;由《出师颂》引发出的关于中国书画鉴定的思考

12.The Methods of Breathing and Making Gas Go in One s Body and the Methods of Health Care and Treating--Trying to Analyze the Bamboo Book <Leading Book>f Han Dynasty and the Silk Picture <Guiding Picture>;吐纳行气术与保健治疗功——试析汉简《引书》和帛画《导引图》

13.Conflict Between Western Realistic Painting Style and Chinese Traditional Painting Conception;西方写实艺术的引入与传统绘画观念的矛盾

14.The contents of each chapter in the book are properly indexed.这本书各章的内容都被编入索引。

15.The book is a page-turner.这本书引人入胜,叫人爱不释手。

16.The very style of the book fascinates.这本书的风格本身就会引人入胜。

17.There is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.一本好书开卷引人入胜,掩卷使人获益.

18.index all the quoted names in a book把书中提到的所有人名编入索引.


calligraphic techniques into painting以书入画

1.Chinese art has developed on an unique ethical characteristic road, based onthe introduction ofcalligraphic techniques into painting, and the convergence of calligraphyand painting.中国书法与绘画是具有亲缘关系的姐妹艺术,共有的工具使二者密不可分,书法以它的内在精神和笔墨线条作用于绘画,以书入画、书画结合成为独具民族特色的艺术发展之路,特别是文人画兴起以后,书法对绘画的影响越来越大,正是由于书法艺术的融入绘画,使得中国的绘画从写实而逐渐转入写意。

3)Calligraphy picturesque援书入画

4)introducing painting to drama引画入剧

5)introducing calligraphy to drama引书法入剧

6)The Threshold of Chinese Calligraphy Entering the Field of Chinese Painting以书入画的起点


西江月 清河书画舫卷六引书史会要案影印洪【诗文】:屈指追思前世,低头省悟令望。今生若不做修行。又与轮回作争。幸遇直常要妙,点头莫故昏蒙。便挥宝剑杀三朋。唬得龟蛇火遁。【注释】:【出处】:
