1500字范文 > 青年人群 young people英语短句 例句大全

青年人群 young people英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-26 21:59:56


青年人群 young people英语短句 例句大全

青年人群,young people

1)young people青年人群

1.Survey research of serum anti-influenza virus antibody levels in Chineseyoung people during 1997-2000;我国青年人群血清中流感抗体的连续三年监测

2.Epidemiological survey of dentine hypersensitivity ofyoung people in Chengdu City成都市青年人群牙本质过敏症流行病学调查研究


1.Analysis of serological markers of HBV in the youth persons in Taian city泰安市青年人群乙型肝炎血清标志物检测分析

2.Risk Factors for Suicide among Chinese Rural Young People Aged 15-34 Years中国农村地区15-34岁青年人群自杀危险因素研究

3.Research on Young Consumers in Brand Apparel Counterfeits Market;假冒品牌服装市场青年消费人群研究

4.Test of Emotion Regulation Scale in Adolescents;情绪调节量表在青少年人群中的试用

5.The Influence of the Talented Group in Hunan Culture on Young MAO;湖湘文化人才群对青年毛泽东的影响

6.The Editorial Colleagues of "New Youth" Bid Farewell to their "Holding on" in the Enlightenment of Thoughts《新青年》编辑群同人告别“牵手”思想启蒙

7.Species of Bacteria on Conjunctiva of The Young with Ametropia青少年屈光不正人群结膜囊细菌状况

8.Young people are different from adults and so are young women from young men.Disregard these characteristics and you will alienate yourselves from the masses.青年人和成年人不同,女青年和男青年也不同,不照顾这些特点,就会脱离群众。

9.The large group of enlightened young men and women are potential leaders.这一大群有知识的男女青年是潜在的领导人.

10.Youth Groups in Sub-health--modernization and the risks of human survival;青年群体亚健康——现代化与人类生存危机

11.Dieting Characteristics of the Overweighted and Fat Adolescents in Hebei Province;河北省青少年超重与肥胖人群膳食特点研究

12.An epidemiological study on mental problems in adolescents in Chengdu, China;成都市区11~18岁青少年人群心理问题调查

13.Analysis of Group Conflicts of Universities Implicit Flow of Young Talent and Its Countermeasures高校青年人才隐性流动的群体冲突及对策分析

14.Difference of Retina Artery Branch Angle among the Youth, the Old and the Hypertension Patients;青年人、老年人、高血压患者三组人群视网膜动脉分支角的差异性

15.The Effect of Beta-Carotene Supplementation on Cellular Activities and DNA Damage in Young and Elderly People;β-胡萝卜素补充对青年和老年人群机体细胞功能影响的研究

16.We should get back "interest"in the form of a large group of enlightened young men and women who are potential leaders.我们应以获得大群有知识的男女青年的形式收回“利息,”这些青年是潜在的领导人。

17.The young should help the old.青年人应该帮助老年人。

18.And among the educated youth who have settled in the rural areas, quite a few have acquired special skills by sharing the life of the masses and studying hard on their own.上山下乡的青年中,也有不少深入群众、用功学习、很有才干的人。


Young crowd青壮年人群

3)Chinese middle-aged adults中青年人群

4)Young Consumers青年消费人群

1.Research onYoung Consumers in Brand Apparel Counterfeits Market;假冒品牌服装市场青年消费人群研究

5)YS young stock青年畜群

6)the editorial colleagues of "New Youth"《新青年》编辑群同人


高危险人群在人群总体中对特定环境污染物的毒性比较敏感,即接触污染物后发生毒性反应的相对危险性明显高于正常对照人群的那一部分人群。同正常对照人群比较,在接触同样水平的环境污染物后,高危险人群表现为毒性反应增强或潜伏期缩短。高危险人群类别因环境污染物的不同而异。例如,儿童对二氧化硫、飘尘等大气污染物比较敏感,呼吸道容易受到损伤;缺钙者对铅污染敏感;维生素 A缺乏者对呼吸道致癌物敏感;遗传性葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏者对多种溶血性化学污染物敏感;着色性干皮病患者由于皮肤上皮细胞DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)修复功能缺损,易患紫外线诱发的皮肤癌;冠心病患者对一氧化碳的毒性比较敏感等。影响人体对环境污染物反应敏感性的因素主要有发育、营养、遗传、行为习惯和疾病等。当个体接触环境污染物时,这些因素在体内引起吸收、 分布、 代谢、排泄等毒物动力学的差别,使有关器官中毒物的浓度增高;或者影响有关器官对毒物的反应性和机体的适应代偿能力,使这部分人群对环境污染物的敏感性增强。高危险人群是环境医学的重点保护对象。在制订环境卫生标准时,必须认真考虑高危险人群的安全。确定不同环境污染物的高危险人群及其占人群总体的比例是环境医学的一项任务。参考书目E.J. Calabrese, PollutantsandHighRisk Groups,Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1978.
