1500字范文 > 失业人群 unemployed people英语短句 例句大全

失业人群 unemployed people英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-21 05:45:41


失业人群 unemployed people英语短句 例句大全

失业人群,unemployed people

1)unemployed people失业人群

1.A sketch of re-employment of theunemployed people in Shanghai during 1927-1937;1927—1937年上海失业人群再就业状况述略


1.A sketch of re-employment of the unemployed people in Shanghai during 1927-1937;1927—1937年上海失业人群再就业状况述略

2."New Unemployed Group":Actuality and Characteristic of Unemployed Graduates“新失业人群”研究:失业大学生的现状与特点

3.China"s status as a colony and semi-colony has given rise to a multitude of rural and urban unemployed.中国的殖民地和半殖民地的地位,造成了中国农村中和城市中的广大的失业人群。

4.Study on the Current Situation and Transition of Life Attitude of the New Unemployed;新失业群体人生态度现状与转化研究

5.A Study on Psychological Assistance for the Laid-Off Workers Among the Vulnerable Groups弱势群体中下岗失业人员的心理救助问题研究

6.Informal Employment of Peasants without Farmland;特殊人口群体人力资本再配置:失地农民非正规就业问题研究

7.Bands of the unemployed patrolled the town.一群群的失业者在城里游行。

8.Remarking on Neo-Youth Unemployment Group;对青年“新失业群体”就业问题的思考

9.The crowd panic and ten people are trampled to death人群惊慌失措,踩死了十个人

10.The crowd panic and ten people be trample to death人群惊慌失措, 踩死了十个人

11.The crowd panicked and ten people were trampled to death.人群惊慌失措, 踩死了十个人.

12.That man whipped round the corner and disappeared in the crowd.那个男人迅速转过拐角,消失在人群中。

13.Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment.萧条的工业使工人失业。

14.Ethnic minorities are concentrated in the cities. The percentage of members of ethnic minorities who are unemployed, or in low-grade jobs, is higher than in the population as a whole.人口很少的种族集中在市区,他们在失业或低收入的人群中占很大比例。

15.On the Characteristics of New Unemployment Group and Its Countermeasures;论“新失业群体”的特征及其解决对策

16.Government Function Location in the "Market Failure" of Industry Cluster产业集群“市场失灵”中的政府职能定位

17.There was a stampede of panic-stricken crowd from the burning hotel.从失火的旅馆中跑出来乱窜的惊惶失措的人群。

18.There was a stampede of panic - stricken crowd from the burning hotel.一群惊惶失措的人们,从失火的旅馆中跑了出来。


laid-off and unemployed population下岗失业人群

1.Thelaid-off and unemployed population and the floating population are two high-risk groups in our country.下岗失业人群、外来流动人群是我国的两类高危人群。

3)Unemployment Clusters失业群集

1.Unemployment Clusters and Policy Options in China;我国的失业群集与政策选择

4)the unemployed group失业群体

5)new unemployment population新失业群体

1.Furthermore,as China s one-child policy will be kept in a long run,thenew unemployment population will exist in a long period,and their unemploymen.近些年来,城镇新失业群体问题浮出水面。

6)former unemployment group老失业群体


高危险人群在人群总体中对特定环境污染物的毒性比较敏感,即接触污染物后发生毒性反应的相对危险性明显高于正常对照人群的那一部分人群。同正常对照人群比较,在接触同样水平的环境污染物后,高危险人群表现为毒性反应增强或潜伏期缩短。高危险人群类别因环境污染物的不同而异。例如,儿童对二氧化硫、飘尘等大气污染物比较敏感,呼吸道容易受到损伤;缺钙者对铅污染敏感;维生素 A缺乏者对呼吸道致癌物敏感;遗传性葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏者对多种溶血性化学污染物敏感;着色性干皮病患者由于皮肤上皮细胞DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)修复功能缺损,易患紫外线诱发的皮肤癌;冠心病患者对一氧化碳的毒性比较敏感等。影响人体对环境污染物反应敏感性的因素主要有发育、营养、遗传、行为习惯和疾病等。当个体接触环境污染物时,这些因素在体内引起吸收、 分布、 代谢、排泄等毒物动力学的差别,使有关器官中毒物的浓度增高;或者影响有关器官对毒物的反应性和机体的适应代偿能力,使这部分人群对环境污染物的敏感性增强。高危险人群是环境医学的重点保护对象。在制订环境卫生标准时,必须认真考虑高危险人群的安全。确定不同环境污染物的高危险人群及其占人群总体的比例是环境医学的一项任务。参考书目E.J. Calabrese, PollutantsandHighRisk Groups,Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1978.
