1500字范文 > 比较不是理由 The Crisis of Comparative Literature英语短句 例句大全

比较不是理由 The Crisis of Comparative Literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-16 18:58:14


比较不是理由 The Crisis of Comparative Literature英语短句 例句大全

比较不是理由,The Crisis of Comparative Literature

1)The Crisis of Comparative Literature比较不是理由

1.On René Etiemble"sThe Crisis of Comparative Literature理想的比较文学——阅读艾田伯的《比较不是理由》


1.On René Etiemble"s The Crisis of Comparative Literature理想的比较文学——阅读艾田伯的《比较不是理由》

ments on FANG Han-wen"s "Comparative Thoughts" in the Theory of Comparative Literature比较就是理由——方汉文“比较思维”的比较文学理论述评

3.The more intelligent part of the audience only laughed.不过比较理智一点的听众只是笑着。

4.The second reason was altogether more expansive and imperial.第二个理由整个说来比较普遍,也比较冠冕。

5.The classification management of nonprofit organization is complex with multiplicity due to different focuses.由于关注焦点的不同,非营利组织分类管理一直比较复杂和多样。

6.Tearing is faster, but may not be possible because of the nature of the weave.将面料撕开比较快,但是由于织造的结构不同,有些面料无法撕开。

7.The same data is entered by two operators independently. The computers will then compare two sets of data to check whether it is correct or not.数据由两位不同的操作员输入.电脑会比较两组数据是否相同.

8.This is because the default behavior of equals( ) is to compare references.这是由于equals()的默认行为是比较句柄。

9.This is not to be compared with that.这是不能和那个比较的。

10.From Sensibility to Sense──the contradistinction of“the two kinds of Jian Deng”;由扬情到崇理──“剪灯二种”之比较

11.The darker colour of your" Mette Skou" shipment is undoubtedly due to poor bleaching.你们这批由"麦脱司谷"轮装运的货,颜色比较灰暗,肯定是由于漂白不良所造成的。

12.Kaleri didn"t believe the sound was from balky equipment; rather it seemed to originate from outside.他认为那声音应该不是太空站机械运转不顺所引起,比较像是由太空站外部传来的。

13.Be pretty good of course, when investing rich at present, growing is firmer method, accrual ideal.当然是不错啦,目前投资博时成长是比较稳的方法,收益理想。

parative Analysis of Free Radical in Serum Between Lhasa s Tibetans and Xi an Han Healthy Men;不同海拔不同民族人群机体自由基代谢的比较

15.But there was no point trying to figure out her reason.If they wanted him to leave, then he"d leave.He wasn"t about to hang around, nor would he bother disputing with them over who was at fault.不过,那理由不用去追究,他们要他走,他就走,决不留连,也不屑跟他计较是非。

16.Tensile Strength of various kinds of Stainless Steel Wire under Different Finish各种不锈钢线在不同处理拉力比较表

17.For the popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang, Secretaries of Departments and Directors of Bureaux released today, since their polling cycles are all different, comparisons should only be made after the figures are synchronized.是次发放涉及特首、长和局长的民望数字,由于调查周期不同,同步变化应以同步周期的数字比较。

18.It must be emphasized that the data presented, especially those for education and health, are not comparable for a number of reasons.必须着重指出,由于许多原因,所列的数据特别是教育和医疗卫生数据不能互相比较。


Compared of Freedom自由观比较


4)comparison principle比较原理

1.Acomparison principle is given so that the existence of periodic solutions to the system =φ(y),=-h(x,y)φ(y)-g(x) can be obtained by means of the existence of periodic solutions to the system =φ(y),=-f(x)φ(y)-g(x).证明了一个比较原理,使得方程x=φ(y),y=-f(x)φ(y)-g(x)的周期解存在性定理可以用来判断系统x=φ(y),y=-h(x,y)φ(y)-g(x)的周期解的存在性。

2.This is done using thecomparison principle and establishing iteration schemes involving positive solutions supremum and infimum.应用比较原理和建立与正解的上下确界相关的迭代格式,得到了一些改进的结果,即惟一的正常数平衡态是全局渐近稳定的。

3.Adopting thecomparison principle and the theory of existence, the initial and boundary conditions of reaction-diffusion systems with time delays are dealt with to obtain the sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions and global asymptotic stability of a positive steady-state solution.研究了具有时滞反应扩散方程组的初边值问题,采用比较原理、解的存在性定理,得到了解的存在性和平衡态方程正解的全局渐近稳定性的充分条件。

5)Nursing comparison护理比较

6)comparison theorem比较定理

1.Thecomparison theorem of bachward stochastic differential equations under non-Lipschitz condition;非Lipschitz条件下倒向随机微分方程的比较定理

2.Conversecomparison theorems for reflected BSDEs with double obstacles;带有双障碍的反射倒向随机微分方程的逆比较定理

3.A kind ofcomparison theorem of multi dimensional FBSDE;一类高维正倒向随机微分方程的比较定理


