1500字范文 > 比较文学中国学派 Chinese School of Comparative Literature英语短句 例句大全

比较文学中国学派 Chinese School of Comparative Literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-29 04:20:12


比较文学中国学派 Chinese School of Comparative Literature英语短句 例句大全

比较文学中国学派,Chinese School of Comparative Literature

1)Chinese School of Comparative Literature比较文学中国学派

1.Chinese School of Comparative Literature:Thirty Years of Development比较文学中国学派三十年


1.The Chinese School of Comparative Literature in the Context of Post-colonialism--Discussion on the Multi-culturalism and Transcendent Spirit;后殖民语境中的比较文学中国学派——论其文化多元主义及超越精神

2.The Chinese School of Comparative Literature in the Background of Multi-culture;多元文化背景下的比较文学“中国学派”

3.Chinese School:The Theoretical Construction of the Third Phase of Comparative Literature;中国学派:比较文学第三阶段学科理论的建构

4.The Farmer Image s Comparison within Agrestic Novel about the Russian National Writers and the Chinese Folk Writers;俄国民粹派文学与中国乡土作家群乡土小说中的农民形象比较

5.A Chinese Voice in Comparative Literature and World Literature Studies-Reflections upon Selected Papers by Yao Junwei;比较文学与世界文学研究中的中国学术气派——《姚君伟文学选论》读后感言

6.The Comparison of Physiocrates and Chinese Ancient Agriculture Priority Ideas;重农学派与中国古代重农思想的比较

7.What is the “French School” in Comparative Literature?--After Reading Brunel s What is Comparative Literature;“法国学派”究竟是怎样的学派?——读布律内尔等著《何谓比较文学》

8.The History of Chinese New Literature中国现代比较文学史

9.The comparison between imagist poems and the theory of "imagery" and "sense" in Chinese poems;象征主义文学意象派诗歌与中国诗歌意象论的比较

10.A Comparison of the Two Schools in the History of Chinese Sociology in the 1920s;20世纪代中国社会学两大学派之比较分析

11.Contrast Between Guo Cui Pai and Xue Heng Pai in the Early 20th Century;20世纪初国粹派与学衡派之异同比较

12.Study on Li Demao"s Literature and the Comparison with Chinese Literature;李德懋文学研究——兼与中国文学相比较

13.Study Chinese Literature from a Comparative Perspective;以比较文学的观念推进中国文学研究

14.From Wellek, Etiemble, Bernheimer to the Chinese School: The Trajectory of Cross-civilization Studies in Comparative Literature;从韦勒克、艾金伯勒到伯恩海默至中国学派——比较文学的跨文明研究轨迹

15.The Comparative School in Private International Law:from "Reality" to "Ought To Be"国际私法中的比较法学派:从实然走向应然

16.On the Time s Aspect of the Literary Variation View of the School Tending to Be New in Ancient China--And the Comparison with the Literary History View of the Modern Evolution s Theory;中国古代趋新派文变观中的时间之维——兼与现代进化论文学史观之比较

parative Literature Study in China: Disciplinary Position and Construction of System;中国比较文学:学科定位与体系建构

18.Analysis of the Comparative Way of Chinese Literature Teaching in Higher Teachers-training;高师《中国文学》教学的比较法论析


Chinese comparative literature中国比较文学

1.On Aphasia of Chinese Comparative Literature——Exemplified by Reading of Laocoōn中国比较文学的失语症——以《读〈拉奥孔〉》为例

2.This paper expounds the fact that “accord yet d iffer" runs through the entire Chinese culture, and owing to its significant pos ition in history, should be the basic strategy ofChinese comparative literature .在中国比较文学理论问题的争论、探讨中 ,有的学者视“和而不同”为中国比较文学的基本文化策略 ,也有的学者对此提出质疑。

3.As one of the founders ofChinese comparative literature, Ji Xianlin has written many prefaces for comparative literature works, which are an invaluable treasure in the library ofChinese comparative literature.作为中国比较文学的奠基人之一,季羡林先生为多部比较文学类的书籍撰写过"序言",这些"序言"是我国比较文学文库中的一笔宝贵财富。

3)Comparative literature in China中国比较文学

4)A Brief Statement on the Schools of Comparative Literature简论比较文学学派

5)Comparative Literature in the United States美国比较文学

1.Reflections on ModernComparative Literature in the United States;当代美国比较文学的反思

6)French comparative literature法国比较文学

1.Positivism is the logical starting point ofFrench comparative literature studies.法国比较文学为规范比较文学学科创立了一整套严密的研究体系 ,这一体系迄今仍在学术界发挥着巨大作用。


