1500字范文 > 比较文学视野 vision of comparative literature英语短句 例句大全

比较文学视野 vision of comparative literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-17 16:28:17


比较文学视野 vision of comparative literature英语短句 例句大全

比较文学视野,vision of comparative literature

1)vision of comparative literature比较文学视野


1.On Studies of Shakespeare from the Perspective of Comparative Literature;比较文学视野观照下的莎士比亚研究

2.Summary of Ten-years Study on The Book of Songs in the Horizon of Contrast Literature;十年比较文学视野下的《诗经》研究综述

3.Shuogua and Ximing Viewed in Comparative Literature;比较文学视野下的《说卦》和《西铭》

parative Literature and Interdisciplinary Possibilities (Written Statements);文学与历史的纠缠——比较文学视野中的留日作家群

5.Cartoon and Folk Literature in View of Comparative Culture;比较文化视野下的动画片与民间文学

6.Media-translatology:A New Perspective for Comparative Literature and Translation Study;译介学:比较文学与翻译研究新视野

parative Research into Poetic Characteristics of Ebo Culture of the Zangs and Mongolians;比较视野中藏蒙峨博文化的诗学特征

8.A Comparison between Chinese and Western Love Ethics in the Perspective of Cultural Philosophy;文化哲学视野中的中西爱情伦理比较

9.World Outlooks of the Chinese and the Westerners in View of Cultural Philosophy;文化哲学视野下的中西宇宙观之比较

10.Multi-perspective Comparison Between Chinese Mythology and Greek Mythology;文化哲学视野下的中、希神话之比较

11.Read the Comparison Vision in Teaching Western Modernism Literature;西方现代主义文学阅读教学中的比较视野

12.A Comparative Study on the Difference between Chinese and American Students Mathematical Thinking from Cross-cultural View;跨文化视野下中美学生数学思维差异的比较

13.On the Cultural Ideas of "the Western Culture Originating from China and Making Chinese Culture the Foundation and the Western Culture Reference";比较视野中之晚清“西学中源”与“中体西用”文化观

14.A Comparative Study of North and South Shaanxi s Folk Songs from the Perspective of the Geography of Culture;人文地理学视野中的陕北、陕南民歌之比较阐释

15.Prospects for the Culture: On Comparative poetics by Earl Miner;跨文化的眼光和视野——厄尔·迈纳的《比较诗学》

16.This viewpoint attaches a new temporal dimension to the combination of comparative literature and contemporary Chinese literature.这为比较文学与当代文中国文学的结合提供了新的时间视野。

17.Donggan Literature of Middle-Aisa: A New Land of Chinese Original Literature in World under Cultural Comparative Perspective比较文化视野下的世界华裔文学新大陆:中亚东干文学

18.To Solve Tough Problems in New Literature from a Comparative Perspective:Jia Zhifang’s Modern Chinese Literature Studies在比较视野中破解新文学领域的难题——论贾植芳先生的新文学研究


the field of vision of compared culture比较文化视野

3)comparative vision比较视野

1.Socialism with Chinese characteristics in acomparative vision;比较视野中的中国特色社会主义(英文)

4)comparative perspective比较视野

1.An Analysis on Narrative of Legends in Tang Dynasty from a Comparative Perspective:Focusing on Wei Guan"s Zhouqin Xingji比较视野中的唐传奇叙事学分析——以韦瓘《周秦行记》文本分析为中心

2.Through the discussion on the nature, characters and functions of comparative education, this article offers an idea that the subject features of comparative education arecomparative perspective, quality of cross-culture and quality of reality.本文从本体、性质和功能等方面对比较教育的学科特征进行论述,提出比较教育的学科特征为比较视野、跨文化性和现实性。

5)the perspective of comparative literature比较文学视域

6)literary horizon文学视野

1.His "mistranslation" is illustrated from cultural horizons andliterary horizons separately,which benefits the achievement of particular translating purposes when facing the particular readers in the particular time.以读者关照为主旨,从文化视野、文学视野的角度举例论证林译小说中的部分有意"误译"本质是为达成翻译目的在当时特定时代、面对特定读者群的有益之举。


