1500字范文 > 文学文本言语 textual discourse of literature英语短句 例句大全

文学文本言语 textual discourse of literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-11 13:23:37


文学文本言语 textual discourse of literature英语短句 例句大全

文学文本言语,textual discourse of literature

1)textual discourse of literature文学文本言语

1.Fabrication is shown in every aspect, including thetextual discourse of literature.虚构表现在文学的各个方面,包括文学文本言语方面。

2)literary language text文学语言文本

1.An essential means to cultural meaning ofliterary language text is breaking into the context and controlling the text in it.要揭示文学语言文本的文化意义,重要之点是进入语境,把文学语言文本放到语境中去把握。

3)literary version language文学文本语言


1.Reflections on Language Change of Texts Of Classic Chinese Literature;对中国古典文学文本语言结构演变的几点思考

2.On Characteristics of Text-based Computer-Mediated Communication Language from Sociolinguistics Perspective基于文本的CMC语言的社会语言学分析

3.On the Power of Language in a View of Language Philosophy,Cultural Studies论语言的力——语言的哲学、文化学与语用学本质

4.On the natural difference between the application letter language and literature language;也谈应用文语言与文学语言的本质差异

parative philology比较语言[语文]学

6.On Classical Chinese Teaching Method──Enlightenment from the teaching of classical Chinese readings;文言文点拨教学法刍议──《语文实验课本·文言读本》教学心得

7.A Comment on the Terms of “通” and “同” Used to Explain the Ancient Chinese Language in the Middle School Textbook;中学语文课本文言文注释术语“通”、“同”评议


9.Cultural Restriction on Language Politeness in Literary Translation从文学文本翻译看言语礼貌的文化制约性

10.Nonverbal Communication in Japanese Culture and Japanese Intercultural Communication Teaching日本文化中的非语言交际与日语跨文化教学

11.The Living World and Textual World of Human Being--On the Textual Dimensions of Language Philosophy;人的生活世界与文本世界——语言哲学的文本维度

12.College Chinese or Reader of Chinese Language & Literature?;是《大学语文》还是《汉语言文化读本》?——从《大学语文》的合理定位说起

13.the humanistic study of language and literature.语言与文学的人文学习。

14.Article12 The spoken and written Chinese language shall be the basic spoken and written language in teaching in schools and other institutions of education.第十二条汉语言文字为学校及其他教育机构的基本教学语言文字。

15.linguistics defined as the analysis of formal structures in a text or discourse.分析文本或论述的形式结构的语言学。

16.A Case Study of the Chaozhou Dialectal Words in the Ming Opera Script Jinhuanü金花女;明本潮州戏文《金花女》之语言学考察

17.Review on the Research of the Relationship between Buddhism and Japanese Language Literature佛教与日本语言文学关系的研究述评

18.Text,Metaphor and Cognize:A Cognitive Linguistical Study on Riddles文本·隐喻·认知:灯谜的认知语言学研究


literary language text文学语言文本

1.An essential means to cultural meaning ofliterary language text is breaking into the context and controlling the text in it.要揭示文学语言文本的文化意义,重要之点是进入语境,把文学语言文本放到语境中去把握。

3)literary version language文学文本语言

4)On Literary Version Language论文学文本言语

5)Japanese cultural linguistics日本文化语言学

1.Japanese cultural linguistics is a new subject shaping up.日本文化语言学是一门尚在建设中的新学科 ,其理论基础主要在于语言与文化相互影响、相互制约的“共变”关系。

6)Japanese language and literature日本语言文学


文学语言1.文学作品里所用的语言。它以民族共同语﹐特别是人民群众生动的口头语言为基础﹐经过作家加工﹑提炼而形成﹐富于形象性和艺术感染力。 2.即标准语。参见"标准语"。
