1500字范文 > 话语秩序 order of discourse英语短句 例句大全

话语秩序 order of discourse英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-04 08:10:36


话语秩序 order of discourse英语短句 例句大全

话语秩序,order of discourse

1)order of discourse话语秩序

1.The article elucidates respectively Russian theorist and thinker Bakhtin s heteroglossia,French philosopher and historian Foucault s discursive formation,and British critical discourse analyst Fairclough sorder of discourse,and on the assumption of Marxist d.本文作者在对前苏联思想家、理论家巴赫金的异质论理论,法国哲学家、历史学家福柯的话语集合体理论和英国批评话语学家费尔克兰福的话语秩序理论进行详细阐述的同时,基于马克思主义对语言的历史唯物观,提出贯穿于这3个社会学话语理论的核心概念是语篇的互文性原则。

2.Viewed from the discursive aspect, every social institution has its ownorder of discourse, i.从话语层面看,每一个社会机构都有其自身的话语秩序,也就是这一机构内部各种话语实践的有机组合。


1."Orders of Discourse" and the Discursive Construction of Foreign Policy: A Diachronic Analysis of Lexical Variations in the AWR话语秩序与对外政策构建:对《政府工作报告》的词汇变化分析

2.The Purpose of Teaching Literary Theory:Extending Discourse Space and Constructing Discourse Order;话语空间的拓展与话语秩序的建构——论文艺学学科体系中的教学目标设置

3.On Foucault s Theory about Discourse;论“话语的秩序”——福柯话语理论的一次重要转折

4."Order, please, Mr. Blunt, address your remarks to the chair."请注意秩序,布仑特先生,请对主席讲话。

5.Region,structure and order:A dialogue across historiography and anthropology;区域·结构·秩序——历史学与人类学的对话

6.New International Order, World Order and New World Order;国际新秩序、世界秩序与世界新秩序

7.When my words were acted upon at lower levels, order was immediately restored on the railways.这个话传下去以后,铁路上的秩序马上就好了。

8.Language,Identity and International Order:On Postconstructivism;语言、身份与国际秩序:后建构主义理论研究

9.Theories of Economic Man,Order and Institutions Applied in CET;大学英语教学中的“经济人”、秩序和制度问题探讨

10.The Rule of Contract Language and the Objectivism of Contract Interpretation;合同语言的内在秩序与合同解释的客观主义

11.Reconstruction of the New Social Ethical Standard--Translation of the cultural connotation of the “filial piety” in Confucian Analects;社会伦理新秩序的重构——释《论语》“孝”字的文化内涵

12.Language Ideology and Order:Globalization and Multilingual Education in the US and China语言意识形态和语言秩序:全球化与美中两国的多语(教育)战略

13.Ordnung und Ordnungspolitik Ordo--ausgehend vom Jahrbuch für die Ordnung;论奥尔多秩序与秩序政策——从秩序年鉴谈起

14.If he"s right, science had better get its ethical house in order quickly.如果他的话没错,科学最好赶快重整它的伦理秩序。

15.It is only contemporary mythos about closing digitial divide if the new system of supergovernment and international economy can"t be established.不建立国际政治经济新秩序,消除或缩小数字鸿沟只能是当代神话。

16.South Korea"s Social Order Lets the Age Speak--The Confucian Thoughts of Traditional Respect for the Elderly韩国的社会秩序让年龄“说话”——韩国敬老传统的儒学思考

17."Quiet down a bit, fellows. Order. We must keep order!" one of the deputies shouted.“同学们,安静点,秩序,我们要保持秩序

18.Rule of Law and Rule of Law in China’s Countryside;论法治秩序与中国乡村社会法治秩序


discourse order话语秩序

1.The analysis of intertextuality reveals how a text selects thediscourse orders (various conventions,e.互文性分析揭示文本怎样在特定情形下有选择地使用话语秩序(各种规范,如体裁、话语和叙事)。

3)unbalanced international discourse order不对称国际话语秩序

1.This paper firstly defines the talents as the ones who could break through theunbalanced international discourse order,namely those who are good both at language and rhetoric competence.本文认为外语创新人才是能突破“不对称国际话语秩序,”能在复杂的国际格局中提供强有力的“外语支撑”的人才,即具有语言能力又有较强西方修辞能力的人才。

4)language order语言秩序

1.In the Marxist tradition,a language ideology is a system of beliefs,assumptions,and so on,while alanguage order is a reality; the former is a representation of the views of the latter but acts upon the latter in return.针对这些问题,本文提出语言意识形态和语言秩序两个概念,并以这两个概念为理论框架,对美中两国的语言意识形态、语言秩序及语言战略的历史和现实做出初步分析。

5)discourse sequence语话序列


1.Drug Price Policy and Medical Market Order;浅谈药品价格政策与医药市场秩序的关系

2.Study on formation mechanism of cyberspaceorder based on evolutionary games theory;基于进化博弈理论的网络秩序生成机理研究


