1500字范文 > 超文本文学 hypertext literature英语短句 例句大全

超文本文学 hypertext literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-26 05:10:36


超文本文学 hypertext literature英语短句 例句大全

超文本文学,hypertext literature

1)hypertext literature超文本文学

1.Onhypertext literature in digitized time;论数字化时代的超文本文学

2.This article aims at revealing the brilliant post-modernity character ofhypertext literature through analysinghypertext literature in Chinese network.网络文学中的超文本文学是社会发展到一定阶段时,信息科技与文学相结合的产物。

3.Visual style has become more and more important in literature, thushypertext literature is the most powerful witness of the "visual art".网络技术、多媒体技术等电子信息技术则使文学创作进入了“无纸写作”和“无纸传播”时代,文学的视觉形式变得越来越重要,超文本文学则成了“视觉的艺术”的最有力见证。

2)Hypertext mathematical model超文本数学模型

3)The Hypertext Construction Teaching超文本建构教学

4)Literature text文学文本

1.Offering a course of university Chinese or humanity lectures can improve the humanity quality of students major in science and engineering,and offering a course of literature texts reading to the students major in Chinese can guide them read the classics and help them reconstru.给理工科专业学生开设大学语文课程或举办人文讲座等,可以帮助他们提升人文素质;给中文专业学生开设文学文本解读课程,引导他们走近和欣赏文学经典,可以帮助他们重建人文精神。

2.Artistic conception is an important characteristic in literature text,especially in poetry writing as well as a commonness of human spirit.意境是文学文本尤其是诗歌表达的一个重要特征,同时也是人类精神认识的一个共性。

3.Based on the fact that metaphor is largely used in philosophy, Jacques Derrida deconstructs the dualistic antagonism of philosophical texts and literature texts from the perspective of philosophy s anti-center, anti-authority, anti-Logos.雅克·德里达从解构主义立场出发,依据哲学文本中存在大量隐喻性话语的事实,对哲学文本与文学文本的二元对立所作的解构,无论在理论还是实践意义上都是不能成立的。


1.Literary Text in a Consumer Society--The Turn of Literary Textual Form消费社会的文学文本——文学文本形态的转折

2.A Study on Translation of Subjects in English Literary and Nonliterary Texts英语文学/非文学文本中主语汉译研究

3.The New Time Literature 30 Years" Literature Texts and the Christianity Culture新时期文学三十年文学文本与基督教文化

4.Functions of Foregrounding in a Literary Text前景化在文学文本里的功能分析(英文)

5.A Comparative Study on Translation between Literary Texts and Commercial Ads Texts文学文本与商业广告文本翻译比较研究

6.The Self-Identification Theory and Middle School Students Text Reading;自我认同理论与中学生文学文本阅读

7.On the Translation and Comprehension of Literary Text from the Angle Acceptive Aesthetics;接受美学视角下文学文本的翻译理解


9.The Textual and Cultural Relationship Reflected in Strategies of China s Rejuvenation Through Literature;《文学兴国策》所体现的文本、文化关系

10.Paraphrasing Teaching Text - concurrently on Gadamer s Views on Text;教学文本释义——兼论伽达默尔文本观

11.Identity of Japanese Vernacular and Written Language and the Transition of Modern Japanese Literature;日本言文一致与日本近现代文学转型

12.On the Text and the Classics--Contemplation on Literary History in its Own Sense;论文本与经典——关于文学史本体的思考

13.On discrimination of terms “this article”and “thisresearch ” in research paper;学术论文中“本文”和“本研究”用法辨正

14.The Self-discipline of Literature and the Literature about the Cultural Revolution--The Introspection and Vista of Literature about the Cultural Revolution;文学本体性与文革文学研究——文革文学研究的反省与展望

15.On Classical Chinese Teaching Method──Enlightenment from the teaching of classical Chinese readings;文言文点拨教学法刍议──《语文实验课本·文言读本》教学心得

16.On Careful Reading of Texts in the Literatare Course文学课中文本细读初探——以寻根文学一个经典文本为例

17.A printed or written literary work.文学书一本印刷的或书写的文学作品

18.Contemporary Literature History of Japan近代日本文学史文学作品选读


Hypertext mathematical model超文本数学模型

3)The Hypertext Construction Teaching超文本建构教学

4)Literature text文学文本

1.Offering a course of university Chinese or humanity lectures can improve the humanity quality of students major in science and engineering,and offering a course of literature texts reading to the students major in Chinese can guide them read the classics and help them reconstru.给理工科专业学生开设大学语文课程或举办人文讲座等,可以帮助他们提升人文素质;给中文专业学生开设文学文本解读课程,引导他们走近和欣赏文学经典,可以帮助他们重建人文精神。

2.Artistic conception is an important characteristic in literature text,especially in poetry writing as well as a commonness of human spirit.意境是文学文本尤其是诗歌表达的一个重要特征,同时也是人类精神认识的一个共性。

3.Based on the fact that metaphor is largely used in philosophy, Jacques Derrida deconstructs the dualistic antagonism of philosophical texts and literature texts from the perspective of philosophy s anti-center, anti-authority, anti-Logos.雅克·德里达从解构主义立场出发,依据哲学文本中存在大量隐喻性话语的事实,对哲学文本与文学文本的二元对立所作的解构,无论在理论还是实践意义上都是不能成立的。

5)literary text文学文本

1.A Valuable Logic Departure Point —On the Multilevel Structure of Literary Text;一个有价值的逻辑起点——文学文本多层次结构问题

2.Literary Text in a Consumer Society--The Turn of Literary Textual Form;消费社会的文学文本——文学文本形态的转折

3.There are various differences and arguments in the theory of elements and the theory of levels on the formation ofliterary text.在文学文本的构成问题上,一直存在着"要素论"和"层次论"的分歧和争论。

6)literary texts文学文本

1.Foregrounding and interpretation ofliterary texts;前景化的发展历程与文学文本的解读

2.The meanings ofliterary texts vary with different readers in terms of "ego".文学文本的意义在"本我"的基础上因读者而异。

3.Language initiates the forming ofliterary texts and casts shadows over them as well.文学文本作为既定之物自身要求着被理解,语言既开启文学文本的存在又形成对文学文本的遮蔽。


