1500字范文 > 语言层次论 hierarchy theory of languages英语短句 例句大全

语言层次论 hierarchy theory of languages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-18 09:42:33


语言层次论 hierarchy theory of languages英语短句 例句大全

语言层次论,hierarchy theory of languages

1)hierarchy theory of languages语言层次论

1.He put forward the famoushierarchy theory of languages,created systematic semantics in modern sense,shew the extraordinary glamour of semantics to the world,and made widespread and profound influence on the scope of philosophy.塔尔斯基以现代逻辑为手段 ,用逻辑分析和语义分析的方法对唯物主义真理符合论中甚为模糊的内容做出语义学的重新阐述 ,给“真的”一词下了一个实质上适当、形式上正确的定义 ,也提出了著名的语言层次论 ,创建了现代意义上的系统的语义学 ,从而向世人展示了语义学的非凡魅力 ,在世界哲学界产生了广泛而深远的影响。

2)the Hierarchy of Languages语言层次理论

3)language level语言层次

1.The research onlanguage level in object language and meta-language sense originates from the modern logic philosophy, and plays an extremely important role in the development of scientific theory of linguistics.从对象语言与元语言意义上来研究语言层次开始于现代逻辑哲学,这一研究在语言学的科学理论发展中也扮演着极其重要的角色。


1.Looking at the Essence of Mo-ching Logic in View of Linguistic Levels of Modern Logic;从现代逻辑的语言层次观看《墨经》逻辑

2.Chomsky hierarchy language乔姆斯基层次结构语言

3.hierarchy of high-level language processor高级语言加工程序层次

4.Level and Character of Purpose Language in Textbook教材语言中非课文对象语言的层次与特性

5.How Meaning Is Positioned in the Hierarchical Structure of Language: A Second Look;再论语言的层次结构——语义层在语言研究中的地位

6.The Syntactic Tiers of Altaic Inflectional Suffixes --An Approach of Generative Syntax阿尔泰语言构形成分的句法层次问题

7.On stratification of linguistic vagueness under cognitive view认知视阈下语言模糊性的层次性考察

8.On the Negative Transfer of Wuhan Dialect s Pronunciation and Intonation to the English Pronunciation and intonation in the Suprasegmental Level;超音段层次武汉方言对英语语音的负迁移作用

9.The Application of the Whole Language Approach to Different Levels of Foreign Language Teaching;全语言理论在不同层次外语教学中的应用

10.Hierarchy and Content of Culture Introduction in English Language Teaching;英语专业语言教学中文化导入的层次及内容

11.On Historical Stratum of the Phonological Features of Labiodental nitial Consonants in Chuzhou Dialects:A Geographical-Linguistics Analysis;吴语处州方言非组声母读音历史层次的地理语言学分析

12.On the Directions and Strata of Diffusion of Phonetic Features in Shandong Dialect;山东方言语音特征的扩散方向和历史层次

13.Exaction,Validity and Adequacy--Administrative Levels of Standard Language of Chinese Textbooks;准确 贴切 适度——中文教科书语言规范的层次观

14.On the Multi-level Structural Pattern of Writing Language Expression in Writing;论写作中文本语言表现的多层次结构模式

15.On the Negative Transfer of Wuhan Dialect s Pronunciation to the English Pronunciation in the Segmental Level;音段层次上武汉方言对英语发音的负迁移作用

16.The Two Layers of the Phonetic Evolution of the Rusheng Characters in Pingdingshan Dialect;平顶山方言古入声字语音演变的两个层次

17.Basic-level Category and Its Features;认知语言学中的基本层次范畴及其特征

18.On the Historical Layers and Differences in Meaning Concerning Words in Common Language and in Dialect;浅析共同语词与方言词的历史层次和词义差异


the Hierarchy of Languages语言层次理论

3)language level语言层次

1.The research onlanguage level in object language and meta-language sense originates from the modern logic philosophy, and plays an extremely important role in the development of scientific theory of linguistics.从对象语言与元语言意义上来研究语言层次开始于现代逻辑哲学,这一研究在语言学的科学理论发展中也扮演着极其重要的角色。

4)discourse level言语层次

1.This paper aims to divide the equivalence theories in translation into three levels:language level,discourse level and culture level with special reference to its theoretical foundation——the interpretative theory of Paris School.以法国释意学派对语言和言语的区分为出发点,将翻译中的对等分为语言层次、言语层次和文化层次的对等。

5)non-speech level非言语层次

6)distinct view of hierarchical语言层次观

1.Ma Jian-zhong(马建忠) not only had thedistinct view of hierarchical analysis, but also consciously used the hierarchical analysis to analyze the sentence.马建忠不仅具备明确的语言层次观,而且在析句时自觉运用所具语言层次观对句子进行了层次 分析。


