1500字范文 > 语言天赋论 genetic theory of language英语短句 例句大全

语言天赋论 genetic theory of language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-03 08:08:37


语言天赋论 genetic theory of language英语短句 例句大全

语言天赋论,genetic theory of language

1)genetic theory of language语言天赋论


1.genetic theory of language语言天赋论语言天赋论

2.The Innateness and Modularity in Human Language;语言的天赋性与模块性——S.Pinker的“语言本能”理论述评

3.It seems that I haven"t got a gift for languages.我好像没有语言天赋,

4.On Materialism and Dialectics Reflected in the Linguistic Philosophy of Noam Chomsky s Innateness Hypothesis;“天赋”假设语言哲学思想中的唯物论与辩证法

5.She"s a natural linguist, ie learns languages easily.她有语言天赋(学习语言毫不费力).

6.Language Acquisition Theories in the Same Context;一脉相承的语言习得理论——浅析洪堡特的语言能力理论和乔姆斯基的天赋说

7.Tom has a knack for languages. He can speak Russian, German and French.汤姆有语言天赋。他能说俄语,德语和法语。

8.He has an aptitude for languages.他具有学习语言的才能 [天赋] 。

9.On innatism, internalism and evolutionism in Chomskyan linguistic thoughts;生成语法研究中的天赋论、内在论和进化论观点

10.View of the critics in Six Dynasties on beauty of literature language molding and colouring;六朝批评家论文学语言的造型赋色之美

11.He seemed to have the gift of prophecy.他似乎有预言的天赋.

12.Another rare gift is the Inner Eye, the ability to prophesy.天眼是另一项罕见的天赋,这项天赋用于预言。

13.It is said that the boy, who had a great gift for language and persuasion, is the father of the Manchu people .据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,他具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。

14.On the Peircean philosophical foundations in Chomskyan innateness hypothesis: logic of abduction;乔姆斯基语言天赋思想的皮尔士哲学根源:溯因逻辑

15.Language Presents:The Way of Heaven and the Nature of Human--The Comparative Language Study between Bible and The Analects天道人性显于语言——《圣经》与《论语》语言观的对比

16.He has a great faculty for learning foreign languages.他有学习外语的天赋。

17.The Significations of the Character "Fu" and The Aesthetics Construction of "Fu" Style Language;汉字“赋”的语义系统和赋体语言的美学建构

18.Inner feelings self-presenting through Image--on the interrelationship of inner feeling and language;“立象尽意”:内在情感的自我赋形——试论情感与语言的互塑关系


language talent语言天赋

3)language innateness hypothesis语言天赋假说

1.Those studies suggest that thelanguage innateness hypothesis is t.这些研究说明语言天赋假说总的说来是对语言输入丰富性和语言学习机制复杂性认识不足的产物。

4)He has a genius for languages.他有语言的天赋。

5)"Fu"style language赋体语言


1.Noam Chomsky and Jean Piaget separately formed theinnatism and the constructionism of linguistic capacity, and their disputes presented a dialectical process of history in the development of linguistics.乔姆斯基和皮亚杰分别建立了语言能力的天赋论与建构论 ,两者的冲突体现了历史发展的辩证过程。


