1500字范文 > 存在论形而上学 ontological metaphysics英语短句 例句大全

存在论形而上学 ontological metaphysics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-20 10:10:57


存在论形而上学 ontological metaphysics英语短句 例句大全

存在论形而上学,ontological metaphysics

1)ontological metaphysics存在论形而上学

2)Metaphysical Realism形而上学实在论

3)An Essay on metaphysics形而上学论

4)metaphysics of presence在场形而上学

1.For over 2000 years the Socrates-Plato-Hegel tradition of Western philosophy has been dominated by"metaphysics of presence"which takes the supersensory and abstract concept for the founda tion of all things.西方自苏格拉底—柏拉图到黑格尔两千多年间的哲学追问方式,就其占统治地位的方面而言,是以超感性、超时空的抽象概念为万事万物之根底的“在场形而上学”。

5)Present metaphysics在场的形而上学

6)internal metaphysics内在形而上学

1.According to the object of metaphysics—"absoluteness" is "surpass" or "internal" for men\"s cognition and practical activities,so metaphysics should be treated as "external metaphysics" and "internal metaphysics".根据形而上学对象——"绝对"对于人类认识和实践活动来说是"超越"的还是"内在"的,形而上学应该被区分为"外在形而上学"和"内在形而上学"。


1.Faith:Practical Capability of Internal Metaphysics--One key issue in Kant"s Critique of Practical Reason信仰:内在形而上学的实践能力——康德《实践理性批判》中的一个根基性问题

2.Intrinsic and Transcending--the Ultimate Illogicality of Metaphysics Inhering in Idea;内在与超越——内在意识形而上学的根本焦虑

3.Hegel s View on the Inner Defects of Old Metaphysics;黑格尔视野下的旧形而上学的内在缺陷

4.The Internal Implication of Metaphysics;形而上学的内在意蕴——以亚里士多德、康德、海德格尔哲学为例

5.Meditationes de Prima Philosophia《形而上学的沉思》

6.Vindication for "Metaphysics"--A Survey on "Metaphysics" and Its Significance during the Period of Culture Reconstruction;为“形而上学”辩护——“形而上学”在中国现代文化重建过程中的意义考察

7.pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics.关于形而上学或具有形而上学特征。

8.Deconstruction Theory and Metaphysics vs Anti-metalphysics;解构论形而上学与反形而上学的视阈

9.A Comparison between Chinese Metaphysicsand Western Metaphysics;形而上学刍议——中西形而上学之比较

10.Metaphysical logic:an axiomatic system concerning metaphysical content;哲思逻辑——一个形而上学内容的公理体系

11.Concept of Metaphysics in Existent and Essence;论《存在者与本质》中的形而上学概念

12.A Survey on Metaphysics and its Meaning during the Period of Culture Reconstruction;“形而上学”及其在文化重建中的意义

13.Levinas Differenciating Metaphysics and Ontology;勒维纳斯对形而上学和存在论的区分

14.Taoism-Metaphysical Reflection on Non-being and Being;“道”——一种对存在的形而上学思考

15.Metaphysics is an accidental problem in the history of western philosophy.形而上学在西方哲学史上是一个古老的问题。

16.Translation and Critique of Metaphysics:At the Turning Point of Western Philosophy翻译与形而上学批判:在西方哲学的转折点上

17.The practice reality theory of Marx is inner unification of scientific spirit and humanity spirit, which will surpass western traditional metaphysics radically.马克思的实践本体论是科学精神与人文精神的内在统一,能够根本超越传统形而上学。

18.The movement of transcendental metaphysics is inevitably related to the principle of freedom in modern philosophy as well as its internal contradiction.超越形而上学的运动与近代哲学的自由原则及其内在矛盾有着必然联系。


Metaphysical Realism形而上学实在论

3)An Essay on metaphysics形而上学论

4)metaphysics of presence在场形而上学

1.For over 2000 years the Socrates-Plato-Hegel tradition of Western philosophy has been dominated by"metaphysics of presence"which takes the supersensory and abstract concept for the founda tion of all things.西方自苏格拉底—柏拉图到黑格尔两千多年间的哲学追问方式,就其占统治地位的方面而言,是以超感性、超时空的抽象概念为万事万物之根底的“在场形而上学”。

5)Present metaphysics在场的形而上学

6)internal metaphysics内在形而上学

1.According to the object of metaphysics—"absoluteness" is "surpass" or "internal" for men\"s cognition and practical activities,so metaphysics should be treated as "external metaphysics" and "internal metaphysics".根据形而上学对象——"绝对"对于人类认识和实践活动来说是"超越"的还是"内在"的,形而上学应该被区分为"外在形而上学"和"内在形而上学"。


