1500字范文 > 存在论革命 Ontological Revolution英语短句 例句大全

存在论革命 Ontological Revolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-08 04:02:40


存在论革命 Ontological Revolution英语短句 例句大全

存在论革命,Ontological Revolution

1)Ontological Revolution存在论革命

1.However,the criticism on the rational metaphysics and the ontological revolution actually started in Marx\"s thought.但是,对理性形而上学的批判以及存在论革命实际上在马克思思想中已经发动。


1.On A Few Basical Questions of Marx s Ontological Revolution;关于马克思的存在论革命的几个基本问题

2.Marxian Ontological Revolution and the Destruction of Mythology of the Supersensory World马克思的存在论革命与超感性世界神话学的破产

3.Do Scientific Revolutions Exist?;真的存在科学革命吗?——试论巴恩斯对库恩的诘问

4.Moreover, the views of "abdication" have theoretical defects, and have restricted the research of problems related with the Revolution of 1911.此外 ,“让位”论还存在理论上的缺陷 ,制约了辛亥革命有关问题的研究。

5.Existentialism s Revolution to Ontology--The Significance of Kierkegaard s Individual Existentialism on Ontology;本体论的生存论革命——克尔凯郭尔个体生存论中的本体论意蕴

6.The Party did exist during the "Cultural Revolution".“文化大革命”中间,我们还是有个党存在。

7.Some comrades have argued that the Party ceased to exist during the "Cultural Revolution".有的同志说,“文化大革命”中党不存在了。

8.“Change in Direction of Doctrine of Being” and Revolution of Methodology--Several Problems Concerning Research on Ontology of Marxist Philosophy;“存在论转向”与方法论革命——关于马克思主义哲学本体论研究中的几个问题

9.Here again, however, there is also a wide gulf between the possibility of revolution and the success of revolution.但是,革命的可能性和革命的成功之间也存在着一道鸿沟。

10.From Letting A Hundred School of Thought Contend to Seeking Common Ground While Reserving Differences --The Remark on the Character of Xinhai Revolution;从百家争鸣到求同存异——辛亥革命的性质述论

11.Life is the Only Being--Nietzsche s Non-metaphysical Ontology;生命是唯一的存在——尼采的非形而上学存在论

12.They maintain, as they have done all along, that revolution of whatever kind is worse than imperialism.他们过去是、现在仍然是在说:革命(不论什么革命)总比帝国主义坏。

13.Another factor was the existence of counter-revolutionaries and bad elements.再一个因素,是反革命分子和坏分子的存在。

14.On the potential historical influence of the Cultural Revolution论“文化大革命”的潜在历史影响

15.Maodun s stance and plight in the controversy of "Revolutionary Literature";茅盾在“革命文学”论争中的姿态与境遇

16.On Evolution of National Revolution Ideas in the Peasant Movement;论国民革命思想在农民运动中的流变

17.Epic Versus Anti-epic: An Inner Paradox of Revolutionary History Novels;史诗/反史诗:革命历史小说的内在悖论

18.On Building an Honest and Clean Government During the Period of New Democratic Revolution;论党在新民主义革命时期的廉政建设


existentialism"s revolution生存论革命

3)revolution theory革命论

1.And on this basis,he puts forwards a series of important thoughts of debasing subjects and exalting the monarch,accepting God’s will theory,revolution theory,disaster warning theory and so on which contribute to the achievement of Confucian’s integrating construction to cosmic order,social order,political order and the significance of life.在此基础上他提出了屈民伸君、受命论、革命论与谴告说等重要思想,实现了儒家对宇宙秩序、社会秩序、政治秩序、人生意义世界的一体化建构,从而使儒学成为适合统一大帝国统治需要的国家意识形态和正统思想体系,对于中国的思想史、政治史的发展产生了极为深远的影响。

4)revolutionary theory革命理论

5)Life existence生命存在

1.She revealed a lonely and hopeless life existence of females,triggering a de.正是对这种过于沉重痛楚的生命孤寂体验的承载,使萧红可以从自己的女性立场出发,感同身受地唱出挣扎在生存与死灭之间的女性悲歌,展现出女性孤独而无望的生命存在,透露出一个真正现代人对于生命存在、尤其是女性生命存在的深在思考。

2.With his unique experience in life,Milan Kundera paid close attention to and seriously thought about the life existence in exile in a series of his novels.米兰·昆德拉以他独特的生活经历在其一系列小说创作中给予流亡状态下的生命存在以热切关注和深刻思考,以其个人而又社会、生活化以及哲理化的流亡书写叙述了异质文化下身处遗忘与记忆、回归与认同和自我身份纠葛中的生命抗争,揭示和追问了人类生命存在的多重维度和本质。

6)existence of life生命存在

1.Although they lived in the same historical times,feeling simultaneously the deep cultural crisis of the times,using the same symbol of value-affection to seek and ponder theexistence of life and its significance and having similar structures,the gist and styles of their works are quite different.戴震与曹雪芹是中国近古时期主情思潮中具有代表性的哲人与作家 ,他们共处一个时代 ,同感时代深重的文化危机 ,且使用同一价值符号——情去追问思考生命存在及其意义 ,但他们的思想理路却同构异质 ,文本形态迥异。


存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethicscu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸
