1500字范文 > 实践存在论 practical ontology英语短句 例句大全

实践存在论 practical ontology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-17 14:40:11


实践存在论 practical ontology英语短句 例句大全

实践存在论,practical ontology

1)practical ontology实践存在论

1.In the light ofpractical ontology, value must not be considered as something purely substancein-itself, nor something related to its sheer natural property, nor something subject to the subjectivity of the human being."实践存在论"是马克思主义哲学的基本观点。

2.When we try to explain the terminology of "practical ontology",it is necessary for us to pay attention to its original implications and its philosophical background.汉语解释"实践存在论"时,需要注意其原始意涵和最初的哲学背景。


1.An Analysis of the Ontology of Practical Existential Aesthetics and Literary Theories--Centering on the Relation Between Practice and Existentialism“实践存在论”美学、文艺学本体观辨析——以“实践”与“存在论”关系为中心

2.Approach to Practical Existential Aesthetics;走向实践存在论美学——实践美学突破之途初探

3.Defining Conception of ‘Value in Light of ‘Practical Ontology ;从“实践存在论”出发定义“价值”概念

4.Against the Subject-Object Division:From the Phenomenological Aesthetics to the Practical Existential Aesthetics;反对主客二分:从现象学美学到实践存在论美学

5.Practical Existentialism as the Philosophical Basis of Marxist Aesthetics;作为马克思主义美学之哲学基础的实践存在论

6.A New Perspective of the Engineering Philosophy--The Existential Explanation of the Relationship between Subject and Object in Engineering Practice;工程实践中主客体关系的存在论解读

7.The Second Existence of Literary History--On the Practice of Literary History;文学史的第二重存在——论文学史实践

8.Problems and Corresponding Countermeasures in the Construction of New Countryside;论新农村建设实践中存在的问题及其对策

9.Research on Athlete s Rights and Main Problems of Protection;论运动员权利及其保护实践中存在的主要问题

10.Relationship between the two-polarity of practicse and human historical existence;试论实践的二极性与人的历史性存在的关系

11.The Medial Meaning of Practice --on the function and status of practice in Hegels Philosophy on Existential Foundation of Hegels Dialectics;实践的中介意义——论黑格尔辩证法的存在基础

12.On the Historical Basis of Practice as the Existing Mode of Humans论实践作为人之存在方式的历史性基础

13.On Sports technique and Technical Training--Existing Problems concerning Training Theory & Practice in China;论运动技术和技术训练——我国训练理论和实践中存在的问题及对策

14.On Necessity of Compulsory Oral Confession--The Contrasts Between Theory of Right to Silence and Practice;论强制口供的存在必要——沉默权理论与实践反差的思考

15.On the Inherent Logic of Practice in Practical Animadvert Theory;论实践批判理论的主体实践内在逻辑

16.The "Immanence" of Gramsci s Practical Philosophy and its Ontological Limitations;葛兰西实践哲学的“内在性”概念及其存在论上的局限性

17.Problems in Physical Education Model Reform;体育教学模式改革中存在的问题——理论的缺失与实践的困惑

18.Problems and Its Measures on Social Practice of Course of Political and Ideological Theory in Private Higher Vocational College;民办高职院校思想政治理论课社会实践教学存在问题与有效对策


Practical Existential Aesthetics实践存在论美学

1.OnPractical Existential Aesthetics from the Perspective of Natural Beauty;实践存在论美学:自然美视角

2.Zhu Li-yuan puts forward the idea of practical existential aesthetics.朱立元先生作为实践论美学的代表人物,提出了“实践存在论美学”的理论体系。

3.In brief,one of valuable attempts is to form practical existential aesthetics for giving im.我们认为,跳出主客二分的认识论思维方式,坚持美是生成的而不是现成的观点,以审美活动为美学研究的出发点,把审美活动作为一种基本的人生实践,把广义的美作为一种人生境界,从而走向实践存在论美学,可能是我们克服当前中国美学发展瓶颈的一个有益的尝试。

3)practice ontology aesthetics实践存在论美学

4)practice point of being theory存在论实践观

5)Practice-existencial Ontology实践生存论存在论

6)aesthetic viewpoint of practical theory of existence实践存在论美学观


存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethicscu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸
