1500字范文 > 突破 breakthrough英语短句 例句大全

突破 breakthrough英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-24 13:31:50


突破 breakthrough英语短句 例句大全



1.Practice andbreakthrough of improving mining limit;提高开采上限的实践与突破

2.Breakthrough under Limitation-Design of Gynecological Section Building in Shenzhen Women and Children Hospital;在限制下寻求突破——深圳市妇儿医院妇产科住院大楼建筑设计

3.Thoughts on Achieving New Breakthrough in Liangshan s Reform;对实现凉山改革新突破的思考


1.I think I will fly. ?听力冲刺突破(二)?

2.That"s all right. You"ll fly back on Friday, won"t you? ?听力冲刺突破(一)?

3.I don"t think I"d like to be the young today.听力冲刺突破(三)?

4.escape through the cordon逃过 [突破] 警戒线

5.Could you get it during the lunch break? ?听力冲刺突破(三)

6.To make a sudden, quick advance, as through obstruction or opposition.突破,穿过冲破障碍突然、迅速地前进

7.BLACK ROCK SERIES--A breakthrough approach to development of mining industry in Ankang Region;黑色岩系—安康矿业突破发展的突破口

8.Are you justified in overleaping the obstacles of near-custom.你能突破陈规陋矩吗?

9.broken-field running.突破散开防守区的带球。

10.our penetration of the enemy"s defences我军对敌人防线的突破.

11.They broke through the enemy"s defenses.他们突破了敌人的防线。

12.This was the breakthrough.这是一个突破性的发现。

13.Our forces pierced through the enemy"s lines.我军突破了敌人的防线。

14.a major breakthrough in computer technology电脑技术上的一大突破

15.The line was pierced in many places.前线许多地方已被突破。

16.Our army broke through the enemy lines.我军突破了敌军防线。

17.Major breakthroughs have been made in the tax payment reform.税费改革取得重大突破。

18.IBM made a significant breakthrough in August when physicists at its Thomas J.8月份,IBM取得重大突破。


break through突破

1.To ensure that the reform canbreak through "Huag Zong-xi s law",we should improve the fiscal levy system,abolish the tax on agricultural specialities throughout the country as soon as possible and creat the situation in which.农村税费改革是农村改革的核心和关键,确保改革突破"黄宗羲定律"怪圈,首先要完善财税体制,尽快在全国范围内取消农业特产税,也要改变农村税费"孤军深入"的困境,形成农村税费改革与其它相关改革良性互动的局面。

2.Through introducing the function of rhythm in ball handing,pass,shot,defense,break through and offence,the author thinks rhythm training should be strengthened in the drilling and the rhythm control should be paid attention in the match.阐述运球、传球、投篮、防守、突破及进攻中节奏的作用 ,强调了节奏在篮球运动中的重要性 ,提出比赛中把握节奏的时机和方

3.In the development of Chinese block print it is an important task tobreak through the situation.如何突破这种状态是中国版画发展过程中面临的重要课题。


1.This paper analyzes several primary causes of financing obstacles,and based on it several countermeasures forbreaking these obstacles by innovating the financing system have been put forward.笔者对融资障碍的几个主要成因进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了实施融资制度创新,突破融资障碍的一些对策。

2.this paper discusses the decisive role of physicalexperiments playing into still andbreak of physics development and into scientific research.在对大量学史资料分析的基础上,论述了物理实验在打破物理发展的“沉寂”,产生突破中所起的决定性作用,并阐明了物理实验在科学研究和发明中的作用。

3.In this period,theybreak traditional idea of socialism-planned e- conomy from practice cognition to practice cognition again.社会主义市场经济理论是中国共产党人在社会主义现代化建设过程中,实践认识再实践再认识,突破社会主义计划经济传统观念,不断形成和继续发展的。

4)breaking through突破

1.Zhong Rong sbreaking through the tradition of Confucian poetics;钟嵘对儒家诗学传统的突破

2.Methods ofbreaking through textile green barrier;我国纺织企业突破“绿色壁垒”的路径

3.Bybreaking through traditional technology and adopting acidizing, the extraction ratio of molybdenum was raised and industrial production was realized.通过对废催化剂中有价金属钼回收工艺的研究,突破传统工艺,采用酸浸法提高钼浸出率,实现工业化生产。


1.Philosophic Thinking on Our China s Break-through of Gold Medal in 19th Winter Olympics;对实现我国冬奥会金牌零的突破的哲学思考

2.A "break-through group" composed of pioneers in the forward position of the subject should be organized in order to learn like doing researches.组建"学科前沿突破组"进行研究性学习,旨在改变传统的"打针注射式"教学。

3.This paper focuses on thebreak-through of Yan Fu’s principle through analysis.在全球化背景下,各种文化的交流越来越频繁,我们应将"信达雅"放到文化交流的角度去理解,重视文化交流中的意义,并不断对这种认识进行突破和重构。


1.The Problems and Breakthroughs of Rejuvenating the Northeast Industrial Base;振兴东北老工业基地的难题和突破口

2.The development of domestic plastics industry backward status, and thebreakthrough of building our nation into a strong country of production IMM are in- troduced.重点分析了全电动注塑机与全液压注塑机的不同之处,简单地概述了国内塑料工业发展落后的现状以及把我国建成注塑机生产强国的突破口。

3.According to the national sales situation about large and medium buses in ,and through analysing the concentration degree of the producing and saling,the authors search abreakthrough about their enterprise′ s products development and sales.根据全国大中型客车的销售情况,通过对产销集中度进行市场分析,寻找本企业产品开发和销售的突破口。


突破在敌防御阵地或防线中打开缺口的作战行动。是进改作战的关键阶段和重要任务。目的是为向纵深发展进攻、分割围歼敌人创造条件。分战术突破、战役突破和战略突破。突破可以从行进间或与敌直接接触时实施,通常有一点突破(左图)、两点突破(右图)或多点突破。突破口通常选在敌人的侧后或接合部,兵力、火力、工事和障碍物比较薄弱,便于突破和向纵深发展的弱点上;必要时,也可选在敌防御的强点上。突破口的数量,应根据进攻企图,敌防御阵地坚固程度、地形条件、双方兵力对比,以及压制兵器的数量等因素确定,并有一个是主要的。为了保证突破,要把兵力兵器集中使用于主要攻击方向,对敌形成绝对优势,并作纵深、梯次、疏散配置。突破前的火力准备,要以消灭突破口上敌有生力量和摧毁其反坦克火力点为重点,压制两侧支撑点和纵深的导弹、炮兵阵地和预备队。在敌前沿前的障碍物中开辟通路,通常在火力准备时进行,有时也可在火力准备前实施。各攻击部队要充分利用航空火力准备和炮火准备的效果,以勇敢精神和协调一致的行动,按规定的时间或信号发起勇猛冲击,一举突破敌人防御阵地,巩固与扩大突破口,迅速向两翼和纵深发展进攻。突破口要有一定的宽度和纵深,能保证后续梯队特别是坦克、机械化部队顺利进入战斗。压制兵器不足时,可先集中兵力火力在狭窄地段上突破,尔后再扩大到需要的宽度和纵深。突破在古代战争中即早已采用。中国隋朝开皇九年(589) ,隋将贺若弼在钟山(今南京紫金山)以南对陈军宽达20里正面的一字长蛇阵,选择薄弱部位突破,一举瓦解全线。第一次世界大战中,进攻军队对绵亘防御正面的突破,主要是集中兵力火力在狭窄地段上的浅近纵深实施。第二次世界大战中,进攻军队面对阵地防御体系,使用大量飞机、火炮、坦克和摩托化(机械化)步兵,在一个或几个地段上实施较大纵深突破。中国人民解放军在历次战争中,通常采取集中兵力火力实施一点突破,或有重点的多点突破,保证了进攻作战任务的顺利完成。在现代条件下,有些国家军队主张利用核突击的效果,以坦克、摩托化(机械化)部队从行进间发起攻击,迅速通过和扩大突破口,乘胜发展进攻。
