1500字范文 > 设计突破 design breakthrough英语短句 例句大全

设计突破 design breakthrough英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-18 09:20:03


设计突破 design breakthrough英语短句 例句大全

设计突破,design breakthrough

1)design breakthrough设计突破


1.Seeking Breakthrough Points with User Cognition Process Analysis运用用户认知流程分析寻找设计突破点

2.Special design in bar stage break through tradional paralled structure .it make the sculpt rich and deep sagaciousness .独特的吧台设计突破传统的平行结构,丰富造型的同时又多了一份睿智与深沉。

3.The Breach of Modern Chinese Graphic Design--Chinese Characters;中国现代平面设计的突破口——汉字

4.Pioneering and Breakthrough: The Silver Age of Chinese Plane Designing;开局与突破——中国平面设计的“白银时代”

5.Breaking through Boundary--A Talk about the Design Signif icance of Concept Clothing突破疆域——谈概念时装的设计意义

6.Innovative Design--A Breakthrough from "Made in China" to "Create in China";创新设计——“中国制造”迈向“中国创造”的突破口

7.Braking the Obstacles of Architectural Design and Structure in the Building of Wooden Construction;突破木建筑营造中建筑设计与结构技术的障碍

8.Optimal design of teaching method in breaking through difficult points of long jump techniques;跳远技术难点突破的教学手段优化设计与实践

9.Innovations in concrete design,temperature control and anti-cracking techniques for concrete construction of Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝混凝土设计及温控防裂技术突破

10.Teaching Design and Practice Based on Experiments to Breakthrough the Difficulties in Education in Senior High School;运用实验突破高中物理教学难点的教学设计与实践

11.On the Breakthrough of Accounting Measurement Attribute of New Accounting Standards浅议新会计准则会计计量属性的突破

12.Breakthrough and Innovation of Fraud Auditing in New Audit Criterion;新审计准则中舞弊审计的突破与创新

13.Road construction: Breakthrough was made in the road construction of Beijing.道路建设:道路建设取得突破性进展。

14.The construction of urban infrastructure has made important breakthroughs城市基础设施建设取得重大突破

15.The Difficulty and Surmounting of Accounting Work in the Era of E-commerce;电子商务时代会计工作的困境与突破

16.The Scenery - Teaching in the ABC of the Accounting Study;用“情景教学法”突破会计入门之难

17.Breakthrough and Innovation of Research on Human Resource Value s Statistics and Measurement;人力资源价值计量研究的突破与创新

18.On the Breakthrough and Innovation of "Enterprise Accounting System;试论《企业会计制度》的突破与创新


design conflict设计冲突

1.Thedesign conflict of traditional shopping bag was analyzed according to the innovative design ideas of TRIZ theory.以超市购物袋为例,通过对超市购物袋的调研分析,得出其存在的问题根源,并依据TRIZ理论的创新设计思想,论述了传统购物袋中的设计冲突并利用冲突矩阵提出了新的环保设计方案,倡导合理利用能源资源,减少污染物排放从而建立资源节约型、环境友好型的生态文明社会。

3)blasting design爆破设计

1.Development of open-pit benchblasting design system on platform of Auto CAD;基于AutoCAD开发露天台阶爆破设计系统

2.On composition and structure of intelligent system for tunnelblasting design;隧道爆破设计智能系统的组成与结构研究

3.Research onblasting design for the excavation stake on rock ground;石质孔桩开挖爆破设计的研究

4)destructive design破坏性设计

1.In the design of home textile products, the general methods of remaking material include material distortion design,destructive design, connection and combination design and accessory decoration design, etc.在家纺产品设计中,常用的面料再造的手法有:面料的变形设计、破坏性设计、拼接组合设计、附加装饰设计等。


1.Practice andbreakthrough of improving mining limit;提高开采上限的实践与突破

2.Breakthrough under Limitation-Design of Gynecological Section Building in Shenzhen Women and Children Hospital;在限制下寻求突破——深圳市妇儿医院妇产科住院大楼建筑设计

3.Thoughts on Achieving New Breakthrough in Liangshan s Reform;对实现凉山改革新突破的思考


1.This paper analyzes several primary causes of financing obstacles,and based on it several countermeasures forbreaking these obstacles by innovating the financing system have been put forward.笔者对融资障碍的几个主要成因进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了实施融资制度创新,突破融资障碍的一些对策。

2.this paper discusses the decisive role of physicalexperiments playing into still andbreak of physics development and into scientific research.在对大量学史资料分析的基础上,论述了物理实验在打破物理发展的“沉寂”,产生突破中所起的决定性作用,并阐明了物理实验在科学研究和发明中的作用。

3.In this period,theybreak traditional idea of socialism-planned e- conomy from practice cognition to practice cognition again.社会主义市场经济理论是中国共产党人在社会主义现代化建设过程中,实践认识再实践再认识,突破社会主义计划经济传统观念,不断形成和继续发展的。


1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)叠 135Omm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)
