1500字范文 > 二战后 after World War Ⅱ英语短句 例句大全

二战后 after World War Ⅱ英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-08 18:55:53


二战后 after World War Ⅱ英语短句 例句大全

二战后,after World War Ⅱ

1)after World War Ⅱ二战后

1.Teaching Research Abroadafter World War Ⅱ;论二战后国外的教学研究


1.Congress has not formally declared war since World War II.二战后,国会从未正式宣战。

2.After the Second World War, Armistice Day continued to be observed on November 11.二战后,休战日继续定在11月11日。

3.During the latter of WWII and the early days of postwar, the movement of European unity came to grow vigorously.二战后期和战后初期 ,欧洲联合运动蓬勃发展。

4.A war that was waged in the name of "avoiding humanitarian catastrophe in Europe since the end of World War II"酿成二战后欧洲最大的人道主义灾难的战争。

5.Which country elected a World War II fascist war criminal( Class A) as a peacetime leader?二战后哪个国家选举了甲级战犯作为领导人?

6.The American Geopolitical Strategy and Post-war American-Turkish Rela tions;美国的地缘政治战略及二战后的美土关系

7.When she Second World War was over, some warships were placed out of commission.二战后,一些军舰退出现役。

8.A Random Talk on Dali and the Post-war Sculpture in Spain漫谈达利与二战后西班牙雕塑概况(上)

9.Consumer protection is by no means unique to the postwar period.消费者权益保护并非为二战后特有。

10.he opposed the rearmament of Japan after World War II.二战后他反对日本重整军备。

11.In the years after the Second World War the US forged ahead in nuclear research.二战后美国在核研究方面飞速发展。

12.Postwar American Power Politics in the Financial Field二战后美国在金融领域的强权政治

13.Jeffries, John. Wartime America: The World War II Home Front. 1996.《战时的美国:二次大战时的大后方》1996.

14.When World War II engulfed us, I was sent overseas.第二次世界大战爆发后,我被派遣到海外作战。

15.Many war criminals were proceeded against following World War II.第二次世界大战后许多战犯被提起公诉。

16.On the Elements of USA and Former SUUR Coursed the Out-break of China s Revolutionary Civil War After W. W. Ⅱ;论二战结束后中国内战爆发的美苏因素

17.Causes of Roosevelt s "Asia Prior to Europe" Stategy during the Second World War;二战中罗斯福奉行“先欧后亚”战略之原因探析

18.During the last years of the Second World War,二次世界大战的最后几年,


Post-War Ⅱ二战后

1.The United States Policy in Southeast Asia fromPost-War Ⅱ to 1950s;二战后至50年代美国的东南亚政策探析

3)After World War II二战后

1.After World War II, especially after the Cold War, international image issues are more concerned by governments, international organizations and international political academic circles, it directly influence nation\"s external relations, even the whole system of international relations.二战后的英国面对不断衰落的态势,对其国际形象进行自我调整和更新的努力从来就没有间断过。

4)around the World War II二战前后

1.Western Public Finance Theory:Developmentaround the World War II and Implications for China;二战前后西方财政理论发展及其对我国的启示


6)early after World War Ⅱ二战后初期

1.American s foreign economic aidearly after World War Ⅱ;论二战后初期美国对外经济援助


