1500字范文 > 一战后 after World War I英语短句 例句大全

一战后 after World War I英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-03 17:58:50


一战后 after World War I英语短句 例句大全

一战后,after World War I

1)after World War I一战后

1.On the Change of the Relationship between Great Britain and the Dominionsafter World War I;论一战后英国与自治领关系的变化

2.On Indian Constitutional Reformsafter World War I;试论一战后印度的宪政改革


1.A Just Analysis of the case of the Leakage of the ZimmermannCipher Telegram and the U·S· Entering the World War I--What s the Reason for the US Entering the World War I;齐默尔默电报泄密与美国参战——试析一战后期美国缘何参战

2.The development of the Japanese Right Wing after the Second World War;日本战后的右翼发展——从二战后的日本和一战后的德国比较看日本军国主义

3.In the years following World War I, honors were increasingly heaped on him.一战后,荣誉不断地降临到他头上,

4.The war has been called @the last foot soldier"s war.这场战争曾被称为“最后一场步兵战争”。

5.The soldiers contested their fort to the end.战士们为了争夺堡垒战斗到最后一息。

6.The Change of Chinese Literary Thought from Word War I to Post-War;一战与战后(1918—1927)中国文化思潮的变动

7.Memories of the Last Besiege Battle of Linyi in Shandong Theater during the War against Japanese Aggression忆山东抗日战场的最后一战——临沂攻坚战

8.World War I aftermath: - The final Locarno Treaty is signed in London, establshing post-war territorial settlements.1925年,一战战后:洛迦诺公约正式在伦敦签署,确认了战后的领土划分。

9.Later, the Northwest Field Army was renamed the First Field Army, comprising 2 armies;后来,西北野战军改为第一野战军,辖两个兵团;

10.This would be a difficult and dangerous strategic operation, because the troops would have to fight without a rear area to support them.这是一个无后方作战的十分艰险的战略任务。

11.And only by persevering in the united front and in the war can we win final victory.只有坚持统一战线和坚持战争,才能有最后胜利。

12.The battle is our last chance; we must fight through.这一战是我们最后的机会,我们必须战斗到底。

13.The revolutions of the people in various European countries after World War I were just struggles.第一次世界大战后欧洲各国人民的革命是义战。

14.The battlefield is a battlefield,But the battlefield time is limited,The battlefield from now on recuperation will be for the next better fight!战场就是战场,但是战场的时间是有限的,战场过后的休整是为了下一次更好的战斗!

15.The two opposing armies fought through to the end.两支敌对的部队一直战斗到最后。

16.In Europe the explosion in the number of cars is a postwar phenomenon.欧洲汽车数量猛增是战后的一种现象。

17.After a battle royal the police hauled Tom off to prison.一场激战之后,警方将汤姆押到了监狱。

18.After a year and a half of war Russia was defeated.一年半的战争之后俄国被击败了。


The Last Encounter最后一战

3)Backward Integration Strategy后向一体化战略

4)fight to one"s last breath战斗到最后一息

5)beat generation美国二战后的一代



