1500字范文 > 二战电影 The World War II movies英语短句 例句大全

二战电影 The World War II movies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-10 01:04:38


二战电影 The World War II movies英语短句 例句大全

二战电影,The World War II movies

1)The World War II movies二战电影

2)World War II Films二战影片

3)film strategies电影战略

4)battle movie战争电影

1.Differentbattle movies in different countries have their own features, that because of such differences: nations, backgrounds of the times, traditions of cultures and expressing ways.在世界电影史上,战争电影扮演着重要的角色。


1.a railroad depot in a theater of operations where military supplies are unloaded for distribution.在战争电影中军事武器装卸的铁路。

ment on Chinese War Films after the 1990s20世纪90年代后中国战争电影论析

3.Myth·epic·legend --Retrospection to China s "war film"after 1949;神话·史诗·传奇——新中国战争电影回眸与反思

4.On the Personalitics and Styles in the Sino-U.S War Films from the Point of View of National Comples;从民族情结看中美战争电影的个性与风格

5.To pay his tribute to the Venice Film Festival, director Peter Chan has made a special edition of his new war epic "The Warlords" to be shown during the ongoing festival.为了向威尼斯电影节致敬,导演陈可辛制作了其新战争电影《投名状》的特殊片断在电影节上展示。

6.The director juiced up the movie by adding some battle scenes导演加了些战争镜头,使电影更加动人。

7.The movie glosses over the real issues of the war.这部电影掩饰了这次战争的真正问题。

8.A Study on the Impact of E-Business on Competitive Strategies;电子商务对企业竞争战略的影响分析

9.The American Wars and the Allusions of Wars in the War Literature;美国战争与战争文学中对“战争”的影射

10.They have a movie to give you a brief introduction to the war of 1941.他们有一个电影简单地介绍了1941年的那场战争。

11.After the war, Berlin continued to write songs for movies and plays.战争结束后,伯林继续为电影和戏剧创作歌曲。

12.The Map Textual Research of the China Film Production Factory That Moved in ChongQing During the Anti-Japanese War;抗日战争中内迁重庆的中国电影制片厂图考

13.How Did the Films in the Main Rear Area Come into Being;电影、战争、革命、知识分子四重奏——大后方电影发生论

14.The exploration of the relationship between war and humanity is a major theme of movies about the two World Wars in the past century.探讨战争与人性的关系是二战题材电影的一大主题。

15.Different Films by the Small Bourgeois:Chinese Feature Films about the Anti-Japanese and Liberation Wars;别样的小资电影——抗战、解放战争时期的中国故事片

16.The EW Tactics in Air Strike Penetration of Local Wars从局部战争看空袭突防的电子战战术

17.Wars have influenced the course of history.战争影响了历史的进程。

18.The shadow of war hovers over the whole country.战争的阴影笼罩着全国。


World War II Films二战影片

3)film strategies电影战略

4)battle movie战争电影

1.Differentbattle movies in different countries have their own features, that because of such differences: nations, backgrounds of the times, traditions of cultures and expressing ways.在世界电影史上,战争电影扮演着重要的角色。

5)Anti-Japanese War movie抗战电影

1.It is also a new attempt to reflect on the Anti-Japanese War, on theAnti-Japanese War movie, on the women in the Anti-Japanese War, and on the women in theAnti-Japanese War movie from gender angle.从社会性别视角出发对抗日战争、对抗战电影、对抗日战争中的女性和抗战电影中的女性进行深刻反思,这在当代抗战电影研究领域是一个新的尝试。

6)American films about World War II美国二战影片


