1500字范文 > 导游员 tour guide英语短句 例句大全

导游员 tour guide英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-02 04:28:44


导游员 tour guide英语短句 例句大全

导游员,tour guide

1)tour guide导游员

1.With regard to the complexibility and relative uncontrollability oftour guides,it is appropriate that flexible management should be applied in the administration oftour guides.导游员是旅行社接待工作的主体,是旅行社的核心员工。

2.The paper is to make research on 242tour guides self-efficiency in both Nanjing and Yichang.对南京、宜昌两地242名导游员的自我效能感进行了调查,分析了导游员自我效能感水平与其性别、工作年限、语种等人口变量之间的相关。

3.Tour guide is the most positive, actively and is playing an important part in the tourism; is a person who guides the tourists to seek, to explore beauty.导游员是旅游业中最积极、最活跃并起着关键作用的一分子,是引导游客寻求美、探索美的人。


1.Mr. Smith is the courier .导游员是史密斯女士。

2.The courier assist the tourist at the custom check point.导游员帮助游客通过海关检查通道。

3.Function of Tour Guide in the Two-degree Aesthetic Enjoyment;论旅游二度审美构成中导游员的作用

4.Research on Pressional Loyalty of Tour Guides--A Survey on Tour Guides of Changsha;导游员职业忠诚度问题探讨——以对长沙市导游员调查为例

5.Investigation into the Current Situation of Tour Guides Self-efficiency;导游员自我效能感现状调查报告——以南京、宜昌两地导游员为例

6.On the Quality and Ability Training of Tour Guide in the Tourist Teaching of Secondary Vocational Schools;浅谈中职旅游教学中导游员素质与能力的培养

7.A Brief Research on the Knowledge Preparations of the Tour Guide at the Contemporary Cultural Tour Era;浅析文化旅游新时期导游员的知识准备

8.Better Translation Teaching for Better Tour Guides;翻译教学在培养英文导游员中的作用

9.Viewing Safeguards of the Guides Rights and Interests from Guide-related Laws and Regulations;从导游相关法规看导游人员权益保护

10.An employee of a travel agency serving as a guide for tourists.导游由旅行社派来进行旅游指导的雇员

11.The member of the group is given a detailed tour itinerary by the courier.旅游团成员从导游那里拿到详细的日程表。

12.On Ecological Quality System Construction of Tourist Guides in the Process of Ecotourism;生态旅游中导游人员的生态素质体系构建初探

13.Research on several problems of the tour guider blew unique tourism background in Xinjiang;新疆独特旅游背景下导游人员若干问题的研究

14.to deal with tourists" complaints concerning tourist guides.处理旅行者对导游人员的意见。

15.On Safeguarding the Professional Rights and Interestsof Tour Guides and their Benefit Expression;导游人员职业权益维护及其利益表达

16.How to Improve the Professional Ethics of Tour Guide;导游人员职业道德的提高途径之初探

17.public information assistance and tour coordinator/supervisor category问讯处助理人员和导游协调员/主管职类

18.A lecturer or tour guide in a museum or cathedral.讲解员博物馆或大教堂里的讲解员或导游



1.The significance and function of the tourguide to the tourists arts education in the tour are discussed from two sides.文章从审美和非审美两个方面阐述导游员在旅游过程中对旅游者进行艺术教育的作用和意义,认为在审美方面,通过导游员实地的有效的讲解可以培养旅游者的审美能力,塑造旅游者的审美境界,陶冶旅游者的性情;在非审美方面,通过导游员的有效引导可以实现传播知识经验、加强道德修养和强健体魄的目标。

2.In recent years,because of unique work environment and role requirements,job burnout has become outstanding problem that troubledguide profession.近年来,由于导游员独特的工作环境和角色要求,职业倦怠已经成为困扰导游职业较为突出的问题。

3)tour guides导游人员

1.The management oftour guides has always been a worldwide problem.对导游人员的管理一直是一个世界性难题 ,文章从我国的具体国情出发 ,对建立合理的导游人员职业机制问题进行了研究。

2.Based on investigation, the condition of thetour guides job burnout and the relationship among work stress, social support and job burnout are researched on.文章在调查研究的基础上探讨了导游人员的职业倦怠现状,分析了工作压力、社会支持与职业倦怠三者之间的关系。

3.Living conditions oftour guides comprise items of income,social welfare,working conditions and psychological health.导游人员生存状态包括其收入状况、社会福利状况、工作环境状况以及心理健康状况。


1.In the service, the first impression is particularly important for the tourguides.导游人员在导游服务中,第一印象特别重要。

2.The managements ofguides are the very important work, but in our country, at present, it have not formed the more ideal management mode too yet.导游人员素质的高低、导游工作质量的好坏,不但直接影响着旅游经济的健康发展,而且也影响着一个国家或地区的旅游形象。

5)tour guide导游人员

1.It concludes that the tour-guide language chosen by atour guide is interadaptable with thetour guide s and the tourists mental world.导游人员在引导游客进行观光的具体语境中,应选择适当的导游辞来顺应说话人和听话人(即导游人员和游客)的心理世界。

2.The contradictions and problems existing in the construction of the contingent oftour guides lie, in the final analysis, in the long-term absence of their professinal rights and interests.我国导游员队伍建设出现的矛盾和问题归根结底在于导游人员职业权益的长期缺位,现实表现在三个方面:一是旅行社企业内、外部及境外同行都存在随意侵害导游人员工作岗位行政许可独占权;二是导游人员劳动报酬权、社会保障权难以保障;三是导游人员学习培训权难以维护。

3.We studied the professional ethics of thetour guide,and founded that inferior professional ethics oftour guide have restricted development of tourism,we try to put forward some rationalization proposals to improve their professional ethics.本文对我国导游人员职业道德的现状进行了分析,指出导游职业道德的日渐式微已成为制约我国旅游业良性发展的“瓶颈”,并就旅游市场发展变化对导游职业道德的影响,针对性的提出了相关建议及解决对策。

6)Guide interpreter导游译员


