1500字范文 > 导游管理 tour guide management英语短句 例句大全

导游管理 tour guide management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-14 18:39:27


导游管理 tour guide management英语短句 例句大全

导游管理,tour guide management

1)tour guide management导游管理


1.Thoughts about the Management of Travel Market from the Paradox of the Management of Tour Guides;从“导游管理悖论”看旅游市场的管理

2.Improve Tourist Guides Management and Build Honesty System for Tourism;改进导游管理 构建旅游业诚信体系

3.A Study on the Dysfunction of Current Guide Management System to Guides in Our Country;我国现行导游管理体制对导游约束失灵的研究

4.Problems Existing in the Work of Tour-Guide Management and the Measures of Reformation;导游管理工作存在的问题和改革措施

5.Study on situation and countermeasures of administration mechanism on professional tour guide of travel agencies旅行社专职导游管理机制的现状及对策研究

6.The New Ideas for Reforming the Qualification Recognition System of Tour Guide --The Considerations Aroused from the Management Measures of Tour Duides in Singapore;导游资格认定制度改革的新思路——由新加坡导游管理措施引发的思考

7.Study on Management of Service Quality of Tour Guide Perceived by Tourists;基于游客感知的导游服务质量管理研究

8.A Tourist Supervise System by Guide Based on RFID基于射频识别技术的导游用游客管理器的研制

9.Under the Tour Guide Occupation Socialization Background Tour Guide Personnel Manages the Strategy Research;导游职业社会化背景下的导游人员管理策略研究

10.Innovative Management to Tour Guides Based on the Stakeholder Theory;基于利益相关者理论的导游人员创新管理

11.A Discussion on Effective Management of Tour Guide Base on Motivator-Hygiene Theory双因素理论在导游人员管理中的应用探讨

12.public information assistance and tour coordinator/supervisor category问讯处助理人员和导游协调员/主管职类

13.Research of the Develop Tendecy and Service Management of Cyber-Game Industry;网络游戏产业发展导向及服务管理研究

14.The Study of Tour Guide Management System in the Qingdao United Holiday Travel Agency;青岛联合假日旅行社导游员管理机制研究

15.A Comparative Research on Different Target-Oriented Tourism Management Modes;基于不同目标导向的游客管理模式比较研究

16.The Idea of Exclusive Management Between Tour Guide and Tour Agency in Xinjiang;新疆导游人员与旅行社的双轨制管理构想

17.Research on the Management of the Tour Guide Activities Based on PM;项目管理在导游带团活动中的应用研究

18.Innovative Management to Travel Guides Based on the Human Resources Exploitation;基于人力资源开发的导游人员创新管理


tour guide management system导游管理体制

3)paradox of management of tour guides导游管理悖论

4)Tourism management旅游管理

1.The Teaching Method of"Five in One"and Its Application in Tourism Management professional Training;“五位一体”教学法及在旅游管理专业中的应用研究

2.A specialized personel training of tourism management in the 21th century and study of curriculum system;面向21世纪旅游管理专业人才培养及课程体系的研究

3.Research on teaching menagement system in Tutorial System of Team——A case study of higher vocational Tourism Management;“团队导师制”教学管理制度探究——以高职旅游管理专业为例

5)Recreation Management游憩管理

6)tourist management旅游管理

1.In the teaching and research of undergraduate specialty oftourist management in Chongqing Institute of Technology, the problem of theoretical construction of the objectives and characteristics of school running has not been satisfactorily solved.针对重庆工学院在本科旅游管理的教学与研究中,其办学目标、办学特色的成体系的理论建构问题没能得到很好解决的现状,以教学体系设计为导向,将旅游管理的基本内容划分为服务管理、功能管理、发展与战略和行业管理四个层面,并以功能管理层面为重点,体现工商管理化特色,具体阐述了以战略管理理念为核心的旅游管理理性智慧导向型教育模式的设计思路。

2.With the rapid development of tourism,it has become a top priority to train qualifiedtourist management students to meet the social needs.随着旅游业的蓬勃发展,培养出符合社会需求的旅游管理人才成为旅游管理专业的首要任务。

3.In order to keep in accordance with the new norm of talent training, the specialty oftourist management in universities must be reformed boldly in the aspects of training goals, levels, the construction of curriculum system, methodology and teaching practice, so as to train the versatile and practical talents who can cater for the development of tourism in the new age because they .与新的人才培养模式相适应,高校旅游管理专业必须在培养目标、规格、课程体系建设、教学方法与手段以及教学实践环节等方面进行大胆改革,培养与新时期旅游业发展相适应的、具有创新能力和可持续发展后劲的复合性、应用性人才。


