1500字范文 > 旅游指南 tour guide book英语短句 例句大全

旅游指南 tour guide book英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-11 00:42:34


旅游指南 tour guide book英语短句 例句大全

旅游指南,tour guide book

1)tour guide book旅游指南

1.But now most local governments pay little attention to officialtour guide books.但纸质媒介——官方旅游指南的出版发行目前在我国却未获得足够的重视。


1.The guide-book in several languages.数种语言的旅游指南。

2.The guidebook says to turn left.旅游指南上说向左转.

3.This be the best guide to the region .这是介绍这一地区的最佳旅游指南。

4.This restaurant gets three stars in the guidebook.这家餐馆在旅游指南中标有三颗星.

5.I read about this place in my travel guide.我在旅游指南上有看到这个地方。

6.The Lonely Planet Taiwan guide is so shallow.「寂寞星球」台湾旅游指南太过肤浅。

7.Mid shot A foreigner leafs through his guidebook.(中景)一外国人翻看手中旅游指南。

8.Could you get a handbook of London for me?你能为我买一本伦敦旅游指南吗?

9.A guidebook to countries or a country.旅游指南介绍一些地区或一个国家的旅行指南书

10.Anna: One of them has read his guidebook very carefully.安娜:其中一个游客把旅游指南读得很仔细。

11.It is possible that these mountains may have been seen in a vision by the writer of guide books.这些山脉已经被旅游指南的编者纳入视野。

12.This Guide Book lists all the most famous beauty spots in our country.这本《旅游指南》一一介绍我国最著名的风景名胜。

13.To answer a few of your questions, I usually stay in cheap hotels which are listed in my guidebook.回答一些你的问题,我通常住在旅游指南上所列的廉价旅馆。

14.The tourists got out of the coach, armed to the teeth with cameras, binoculars, and guidebooks.旅客下了大客车,一个个全副武装,带着相机、双筒望远镜和旅游指南。

15.A handbook of directions and other information, especially for travelers or tourists.旅游指南,参考手册载有说明或其他资料的手册,尤指为旅行者或观光者提供的

16.there"s a guidebook in several languages on sale at the information desk.在询问台那儿可以买到一本用数种语言写的旅游指南。

17."This area has a milder climate than anywhere else in Britain," our itinerary promised.“这个地方的气候比英国其它地区都要温和。”我们的旅游指南如是说。

18.The guidebook list twenty-five cheap hotel in the bournemouth area.旅游指南上列举了伯恩茅斯地区25家廉价饭店的名单。


destination guide旅游目的地指南

1.The travelingdestination guide application system is the collection scenic area weather forecast, the foreign currency exchange rate, the train information, the scenic area scenic spot inquiry, the message function, each place local conditions and social customs detailed introduction, the scenic area news is a body digitization traveling guide system.旅游目的地指南应用系统是集景区景点旅游信息咨询、景区景点查询、留言功能、各地风土人情详细介绍、景区新闻为一体的数字化的旅游指南系统。

3)emergency travel advice紧急旅游指南

4)Is there a tour guide available ?有没有旅游指南?

5)Guide to China" s Tourist City中国旅游城市指南

6)tourism of Yunnan云南旅游

1.As major industry,tourism of Yunnan has entered the stage of surpassing general form,can be cultivated.云南旅游业已进入了作为“支柱产业”进行培育的升级阶段。


