1500字范文 > 体育经费 sports funds英语短句 例句大全

体育经费 sports funds英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-14 18:46:40


体育经费 sports funds英语短句 例句大全

体育经费,sports funds

1)sports funds体育经费

1.This article gets some information about the countrysidesports funds and the present situation of farmer sports expend of 5 nations hundred strong county level cities in Qingdao by literature research technique on material law and questionnaire survey law.本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究方法,了解青岛5个全国百强县级市的农村体育经费来源渠道和农民体育消费的现状,指出青岛市农村体育经费主要以村集体和民间投入为主,村民个人体育消费的水平比较低,并且与个人收入、文化水平紧密相关,据此提出政府应增加对农村体育经费的投入,村集体加大在培训、聘用社会体育指导员等方面的投入,鼓励企业和个人对农村体育投资和捐助,有条件的村庄应积极培育体育市场等措施。

2.By using the method of questionnaire,the authors make an investigation on schoolsports funds in Hunan province,and found:Sports funds of school apply for gyms and sports equipment,most of the sports equipment is gymnastic apparatus and basketballs.运用问卷和访问等方法,对湖南省农村中小学体育经费使用的现状进行了调查分析。


1.Physical training fund:the breakthrough point of collecting moneyfor physical education at colleges;体育基金——高校体育经费筹措的突破口

2.Creation of Sports Income--Solution to the Lack of Fund for School Sports体育创收——解决学校体育经费匮乏的出路

parative Analysis of Financing Mode of Sports in China and Foreign Countries;国内外体育经费来源渠道的比较分析

4.The Research on the Investigation about of Physical Education Founding Expenditure in High and Elementary Schools of Yunnan Province云南省中小学体育经费使用调查研究

5.Reflection on the Construction of Colleges and Universities Sports Fund Security Mechanism in China;加快我国高校体育经费保障机制建设的思考

6.Sports Consumption and Sports Industrialization and Economic Growth;体育消费、体育产业化发展与经济增长

7.Research on the Sports Star and Consumption Cultural Function in Viewpoint of Consumption Economy;消费经济视觉中的体育明星及消费文化功能

8.Analysis the Influence of Economic Development to the Consumption of Sports Exercises;浅析经济发展对体育消费需求的影响

9.Economic analysis of factors to sports consumption in China;影响我国居民体育消费的经济学分析

10.Analysis of citizen s physical culture consumption action econocally;我国居民体育消费行为的经济学分析

11.On the Funds for Expenditure of Higher Education under Public Finance System;公共财政体制下的高等教育经费支出

12.On the Distribution Policy of Financial Educational Expenditureunder Market Economy System;论市场经济体制下财政教育经费的分配政策

13.Sports Tourism Consumption and Marketing Strategies Based on the Economic Experience;基于体验经济的体育旅游消费与营销战略

14.Analysis of the Characteristics of Sports Consumption Demand and Marketing in Experiencing Economy Time;体验经济时代体育消费需求与营销特性分析

15.Sports consumption and its marketing strategy in the experience economic times;体验经济时代的体育消费需求及营销策略

16.Systematic Analysis on Consumer Behavior in Sports Economy--Basic Condition from Sports Attention to Sports Consumption;体育经济中个人消费行为系统性分析——体育注意力转化为体育消费的基本条件

17.The Research on the Fund Source of the Festival Sports Activities under the Background of the Rural Tax Fee Reform;农村税费改革背景下节庆体育活动经费来源的研究

18.On the Fund Investment System of Rural Compulsory Education in New China;新中国农村义务教育经费投入体制研究


sports finance体育经费

1.This paper researched onsports finance, training fields and facilities of the traditional sports schools in Jiangxi , analyzed the current condition and existing problems.对江西省体育传统项目学校的体育经费和场地器材进行了深入调查,分析其现状和存在的问题。

3)physical economic consumption体育经济消费

4)sport cause funds体育事业经费

5)education funds教育经费

1.Thinking of solving the shortage ofeducation funds in colleges and universities;对解决高校教育经费不足的思考

2.The analysis about China western area elementaryeducation funds questions;我国西部地区基础教育经费问题及对策

3.On the Henan ordinary high schooleducation funds of government invest河南省普通高中教育经费政府投入的实证分析

6)educational funds教育经费

1.To develop higher edu- cation,the first thing to do is to raise enougheducational funds.资金是保证高校持续健康发展的“血液”,大力发展高等教育,首先要解决的就是充足教育经费的筹措问题。

2.This article analyzes the cause ofeducational funds in province-owned universities in the light of the increasing educational costs and the insufficient investment after the scale of students is enlarged.针对省属高等学校扩大招生以后教育成本增加、财政投入不足等致使教育经费紧缺的原因进行剖析,提出增加教育经费投入、减少资金浪费、加强财务管理等解决教育经费紧缺问题的几点建议。

3.However, the social reality of polarization between the rich and the needy within the binary mechanics of urban and rural areas presupposes that the room in which to raiseeducational funds by means of increasing tuitions is rather limited.而我国城乡二元结构下贫富分化的社会现实 ,决定了通过增加学费来改善教育经费的空间是有限的 ,因而必须通过办学体制、投资体制和内部管理体制创新 ,改变单一的办学模式 ,采取多元化筹资方式 ,提高教育投资效益 ,在学费政策上寻求公平与效率的平衡点 ,以维持高等教育的公


洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles)洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:[email protected]:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。
