1500字范文 > 经费问题 fund issue英语短句 例句大全

经费问题 fund issue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-10 21:37:21


经费问题 fund issue英语短句 例句大全

经费问题,fund issue

1)fund issue经费问题


1.additional costs reflected in financial implications statement所涉经费问题说明中开列的增添数

mittee on the Financing of the United Nations Emergency Force联合国紧急部队经费问题委员会

3.The only drawback to the plan is its expense.该计画实施的唯一障碍是经费问题。

4.The plan deadlocked over the funds.这个计划由于经费问题而搁浅了。

5.I"ve just been onto the accounts people about your expenses我刚才同财务人员谈过你的经费问题。

6.This is not just a matter of financial burden-sharing.这不仅仅是分担经费问题。

7.The Problem and Counter-measure far the outly of China on Education;试论我国教育经费问题的症结与对策

8.Regard the Membership as Fundation Open up Source of the Funds--Thinking of the Institute Funds;以会员为本,开经费之源——关于学会经费问题的思考

9.administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document... ...号文件内决议草案所涉行政和经费问题

10.Research on the Reform of Fee and Tax and Expenditure Investment in Compulsive Education of the Countryside;税费改革与农村义务教育经费投入问题研究

11.Independent Advisory Group on United Nations Financing联合国经费筹措问题独立咨询小组

12.Research on the Optimization Distribute of the Fund in Books Purchasing;图书购置经费的优化分配问题的研究

13.The Study on Applying Structure of Compulsory Educational Expenditure of China;我国义务教育经费使用结构问题研究

14.The Study On Consumer Surplus In Western Economics;西方经济学中的消费者剩余问题研究

15.Review of Study on Fund Input of Vocational Education in China;我国职业教育经费投入问题研究述评

16.On the Financial Assistance for Non-governmental Higher Education of China;浅议我国民办高等教育经费资助问题

17.On The Production, Consumption And Background Music Dubbing of Yue Ge In The Book Of Songs;略论《诗经》乐歌的生产、消费与配乐问题

18.An Analysis of Shortage of Funds in Ethnic Minority Higher Education;少数民族高等教育经费短缺问题试析


solve the problem of short funds解决经费不足问题

3)tax and fee problem税费问题

1.Thetax and fee problem has a long history in rural areas of our country.我国农村税费改革问题由来已久,已经受到国家有关部门和专家的高度重视,但农村税费问题一直未能得到根本解决。

4)the consumption problem消费问题

1.A theoretical perspective ofthe consumption problem is given to explain that human beings should eliminate traditional bad consumption behaviors firstly for solving environment problems.通过对消费问题的理论透视,提出人类要摆脱环境问题就必须首先变革传统消费理念,消除和解脱不良消费模式。

5)tuition fees in arrears欠费问题

6)Charging problem收费问题


