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经费 funds英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-18 22:53:51


经费 funds英语短句 例句大全



1.The system offunds management in third class examination and repair station;三级检修站经费管理系统

2.Design and implementation of collegefunds calculation system;高校经费测算系统设计与实现

3.The Thought of the Changes from "Appropriation" to "Payment" about the Rear Service Funds in Advanced Colleges.;对高校后勤服务经费“拨”改“付”的思考


1.charged to the regular budgetary appropriations在经常预算经费下开支

2.register of expenses经费收支登记簿;经费收支登记簿;费用登记簿;费用支出登记簿

3.Inspection of the Funds of Government Spent in the Returned Students in Late Qing Dynasty;清末公费留学经费情况考察(1895—1911)

4.Influence of Taxation Reform upon Rural Compulsory Education Funds;税费改革对农村义务教育经费的影响

5.Peace-keeping Financing Division维持和平经费筹措司

6.Please break down the expenditure.请分类列出经费的细目。

7.transfer between appropriation lines (Sections)各门(各款)经费调剂使

8.Categorized by sector and source of funding按部门和经费来源分类

9.financed in part by transfer from surplus account部分经费由盈余帐转调

10.appropriation part and section经费按编次和款次分列

11.spend lavishly or wastefully on.浪费地或不经济地花费。

12.This fee covers the service fee for our company and government charges for approval from foreign economic and trade commission, government search, seals, national and local tax registration certificates and organization code.此费用已包含我司的服务费以及外经委批文、府查册费、章费、地税证费、码证费等政府部门收费。

13.recurrent expenditure经常开支;经常开支;经常性费用;经常性费用;经常性支出;经常性支出

14.But lose no time; we have lost too much already."别浪费时间了,我们已经浪费得太多啦。”

15.High overheads and maintenance cost top the list.高昂的经常性费用和保养费居首位

16.point-to-point full economy class passage直航经济客位全费机票费用

17."Dark Green Consumption" --The Green Consumption Based on Circular Economy;“深绿色消费”——基于循环经济的绿色消费

18.Miss Scarlett, Mist" Phil"s "ceased."费尔已经完了! 思嘉小姐,"



1.Carrying out material centralized purchasing to reducefund expenses of hospital;大力推行物资集中采购 努力节减医院经费支出

2.The administration offund of charity schools in the Ming and Qing periods;明清时期义学的经费管理

3.Thoughts on how to solve the problem of raisingfund for running a university and promote the sustainable and healthy development of tertiary education Take Canadian tertiary education as an example;解决好办学经费问题 促进高等教育持续健康发展——以加拿大高等教育发展为例


1.Probe into the New system of Raise and Utilize Education Outlay;探讨教育经费筹措与运作的新体制

2.Investigation is made of the educational research projects from 1992 to at our college,and the main aspects such as the number of the projects opened,the status of their bearing the prizes,and theoutlay invested are analyzed.以 1992至 2 0 0 3年间的教育研究课题为调查对象 ,主要从立项数量、获奖情况、经费投入等诸方面进行了调查与分析 ,并提出了增强教改意识 ,正确处理教育研究与教学任务的关系、加强教育研究课题的管理、加大课题投入等若干建议。

3.The traditional management pattern of the equipment soutlay under the planning economic system couldn t meet the demands of increasing development .在计划经济体制下形成的传统的设备经费管理模式已越来越不能适应形势发展的需要。


1.Suggestion About Widening the Expenditure and Raising Way in University Library;拓宽高校图书馆经费渠道的探讨

2.ased on the investigation and contraction of different kinds of cities,theexpenditure and construction investment and capital construction investment of urban environmental sanitation and the factors are systematically analysed and evaluated.在对不同规模城市进行调查、对比的基础上,系统地对城市环境卫生经费、建设投资、基建投资以及相关的问题进行了分析和研究。

3.Based on the theory of public finance, a method to determine the basicexpenditure budget quota of maritime administration is worked out.基本支出预算是由人员经费和公用经费构成,采用自下而上,根据实际需要和相关标准测算定岗定员,从而确定人员经费;公用经费根据不同性质分为固定费用和变动费用,固定费用采用历史资料的平均数或者加权平均数来计算,变动费用采用回归分析等方法,确定费用开支定额标准。


1.A strategic account of thebudget allocation in universities;高校经费管理使用中存在的问题及对策研究

2.The tightbudget for higher education:the present situation and the measures to be teken;高等教育经费紧张的原因及对策

3.Objective To analyze thebudget need of tuberculosis control and prevention.目的了解安徽省各级结防经费的需求、落实情况以及缺口大小。


1.Expound the Pattern of the Supervisedexpense of Constructive projects;建设工程监督经费模式探讨

2.Several ways of raising funds which may be adopted by colleges and universities have been analyzed according to college s actual condition in this article which believes that it has an important and realistic meaning in flexibly using these ways to solve the problem ofexpense shortage of higher education.近年来,社会融资作为高校筹措教育经费的重要方式之一正在发挥日益重要的作用。

3.After taxation fee reform, five guarantees encounter new problems such as shortage of supportingexpenses, low supporting level and backward old folk s home.农村税费改革之后,农村五保供养工作遇到了一些新的情况和新的问题,如供养经费难以落实,供养水平偏低,农村敬老院建设落后等。


