1500字范文 > 高校学生 college students英语短句 例句大全

高校学生 college students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-08 11:01:09


高校学生 college students英语短句 例句大全

高校学生,college students

1)college students高校学生

1.The survey and study of institution ofcollege students in sports harm;对高校学生运动损伤的调查研究

2.The effective factors and specific measures of the mental development ofcollege students;高校学生心理发展的影响因素及健康教育措施

3.Thinking deeply on the guaranteeing and realizing of thecollege students right to education;对高校学生受教育权利保障和实现问题的思考


1.Of, for, or typical of college students.高校学生的高校学生的,大学程度的

2.Some Problems about Improving Students Cadre Diathesis of College;提高高校学生干部素质,搞好高校学生工作

3.All you have to do is to be a high school student,你必须是高校学生,

4.School Responsibility in Students Injury Accidents;高校学生伤害事故中的学校责任分析

5.Sdudying "Three Represents" Conscientiously toImprove the College Students Quality;认真学习“三个代表”,提高高校学生素质

6.Strengthening the Management of Student Profile and Serving the Employment of University Students;加强学生档案管理 服务高校学生就业

7.On University Students Sense of Indentity to Participate the Student Organization;论高校学生对参加学生组织的认同感

8.Student-Oriented: A New Concept of Student Affairs Management in Chinese Institutes of Higher Education;以学生为本:高校学生事务管理新理念

9.College students Behavioral Norm and Their Management;大学生行为规范与高校学生教育管理

10.Students Affair Management Should Represent the Fundamental Interests of Students;高校学生工作要代表学生的根本利益

11.Views on Student Work in Higher Learning Institutions;论高校学生工作中的“大”学生工作观

12.Students Enrollment of Institutions of Higher Education (10000 persons)高等学校在校学生(万人)

13.Note: Student enrollment in regular institutions of higher education includes postgraduates.注:高等学校在校学生含研究生。

14.Analysis of Factors Affecting Examinees" Selecting Colleges in the Local Colleges and Universities地方高等院校入校学生择校因素分析

15.On math study methods for higher vocational school students;高职高专院校学生数学学习方法浅议

16.There are currently 1,225 regular institutions of higher learning, with 7.19 million students;有普通高等学校1225所,在校学生719万人;

17.On Appeal System for College Students in the Campus(Part II);高等学校大学生校内申诉制度研究(下)

18.On Appeal System for College Students in the Campus(Part I);高等学校大学生校内申诉制度研究(上)


University Students高校学生

1.On making adjustments in ideological and political education for university students;高校学生思想政治工作的三个调整

2.Cultivation of aerobics interest for university students;高校学生健美操运动兴趣培养研究

3.An investigation of motivation of expenses on sports for university students;高校学生体育消费动机的调查研究

3)college student高校学生

1.A survey and analysis of psychological states ofcollege students seeking medical advice;高校学生患者就医心理状态调查分析

2.A discussion on thecollege students management under the new circumstances;浅谈新形式下高校学生工作管理

3.Social Practice:the Important Measure to Cultivate the Orientation of Political Value of College Students ——survey on 682college students and 225 social youths;社会实践是高校学生政治价值取向培养的重要举措——对682名大学生和225名社会青年的调查

4)university student高校学生

1.Research on the evaluation indicator system of information literacy of Chineseuniversity students;我国高校学生信息素质综合水平评价指标体系研究

2.Influence of Tae Kwon Do teaching onuniversity student physical and moral integrity;跆拳道教学对高校学生身心健康的影响

3.Discussion on sports rights ofuniversity students and its guarantee;论高校学生的体育权利及其保障

5)colleges and universities student高校学生

1.The characteristic thatcolleges and universities student quality appraises reaches United Kingdom having benefit to draw lessons;英国高校学生素质评价的特色及有益借鉴

ment on New Lower Circumstances Colleges and Universities Student Politics Study of the Theory——Political theory learns inquiring into thinking in the day afer tomorrow and studies to Fujian partcolleges and universities student;论新形势下高校学生政治理论学习——对福建部分高校学生政治理论学习调查后的思考与研究

3.Present,thecolleges and universities student respond to the course studying "real estate finance ",by the fact that course studying,schoolmates are able to have the real estate fina.当前,高校学生应学习《房地产金融》课程,通过本课程的学习,同学们能够掌握房地产融资和投资的基本方法。

6)college students高校大学生

1.A survey on impetuosity of thecollege students in Guiyang;贵阳市高校大学生浮躁心理调查

2.Causes for kinetic sudden death ofcollege students and preventive countermeasures;高校大学生运动性猝死原因及预防对策

3.This article gives an analyses of the reading demand ofcollege students and shows how to meet the demand of students.对高校大学生的阅读需求进行了分析,并就图书馆如何满足大学生阅读需求做了一点探讨。




