1500字范文 > 高校经济困难学生 Economic Difficulties College Students英语短句 例句大全

高校经济困难学生 Economic Difficulties College Students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-31 07:59:21


高校经济困难学生 Economic Difficulties College Students英语短句 例句大全

高校经济困难学生,Economic Difficulties College Students

1)Economic Difficulties College Students高校经济困难学生


1.Discussion on helping with the spiritual poverty of poor students in colleges and universities;浅析高校经济困难学生的精神“解困”

2.On the Construction of the Working System for Distressed Students in Colleges and Universities;论高校经济困难学生工作的体系建设

3.How to Effectively Subsidizing Poor Students in Universities如何做好高校经济困难学生资助工作

4.Construction of a Harmonious Campus and Handling Issues for the Financially Difficult Students in University;“构建和谐校园”与高校经济困难学生工作

5.A Study and Ponder on Psychology of Impoverished Undergraduates;高校经济困难学生心理状况调查分析与思考

6.Research on Poor Undergraduate Students Financial Aid Policy in Zhejiang Province;浙江省高校经济困难学生资助政策研究

7.Exploration of Using Participatory Wealth Classification to Identify Poor Students in Universities;试用参与式贫富排序法识别高校经济困难学生

8.A Perliminary Study of Grant-aiding Students in Financial Difficulties inInstitution for Higher Teacher Education;高师院校经济困难学生助学问题初探

9.Study on Poor Students" Work-study Program at Colleges高校家庭经济困难学生勤工助学研究

10.The cognizance research of college students with economic difficulties;高校家庭经济困难学生认定问题探析

11.Discussion about the Financial Aid to the College Students from Poor Families;对高校家庭经济困难学生资助的探讨

12.Method for Financial Aid Means Test;高校学生经济困难程度评估方法研究

13.The Situation and Educational Measure of Economically Disadvantaged College Students;高等学校经济困难学生的现状分析及教育对策

14.Analysis on the Assistance System of the Poverty-stricken College Students高等学校家庭经济困难学生救助体系研究

15.The Employment Competitive Power Research on Impoverished Students;高校家庭经济困难学生就业竞争力研究

16.The Present Situation of the Collage Students Funding System and Optimization Research;我国高校家庭经济困难学生资助体系优化研究

17.A Survey of the Financial Aid Policy of Poor College Students;高校家庭经济困难学生资助政策体系研究

18.A Research for the Helping Work of Impoverished College Students Who is Assisted;高校经济困难生助学工作的审视与完善


students with financial difficulties in higher education高校家庭经济困难学生

3)Students with financial difficulties经济困难学生

1.Based on the survey of 1199 higher vocational students in their learning,living and thinking,the paper analyzes main problems existing in the students with financial difficulties in learning,living,thinking,puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to solve.通过对云南某高职院校1199名级和级学生学习、生活、思想等状况进行问卷调查,分析了云南高职院校经济困难学生在学习、生活、思想等方面存在的主要问题,提出解决这些问题的对策和建议。

4)financially disadvantaged students经济困难大学生


1.In order for government and universities to understand inner-world which hiding in phenomena ofpoor-student , prevent and control malignant development of depression, alter the states.本文通过问卷调查(量表SCL-90和BDI)和访谈的方式对在校的、领取助学金、申请贫困贷款的507名贫困生作了实证研究,运用了生物学、心理学、社会学和经济学等多重理论进行分析,对贫困生的抑郁心理进行了具体的探讨,对其产生的原因进行论证,其中包括经济因素、社会因素和个体的精神因素,从中找出了高校经济贫困生抑郁心理产生的症结。

6)needy students家庭经济困难学生

1.On the Exact Inspecting of The Needy Students in Colleges;高校家庭经济困难学生认定中的“模糊化”问题及对策

2.Although the government and all colleges and universities have exerted great efforts to help theneedy students finish their studies,there are some difficulties and contradictions in carrying out the supporting measures.目前高校家庭经济困难学生的问题日益突出,国家和高校都采取了积极的助学措施,但在实施过程中也暴露出问题和矛盾。




