1500字范文 > 高校学生干部 college student cadre英语短句 例句大全

高校学生干部 college student cadre英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-08 01:56:33


高校学生干部 college student cadre英语短句 例句大全

高校学生干部,college student cadre

1)college student cadre高校学生干部

1.This paper deals with the particular manifestations incollege student cadres unhealthy self-awareness and provides some countermeasures.主要阐述了高校学生干部不良自我意识的具体表现,分析了其形成的原因,提出了克服的对策。

2.It aims to traincollege student cadres with "five mind-sets"(i.从高等教育改革的现状出发,提出从"五心"到"五星"的"用心管理"的理念,旨在通过培养高校学生干部工作中的"五心"(责任心、自信心、诚心、细心、平常心),力争使广大学生干部成为政治上的核心作用之星、组织上的凝聚作用之星、道德上的表率作用之星、学习科研上的标兵作用之星、身体心理上的健康之星。


1.Some Problems about Improving Students Cadre Diathesis of College;提高高校学生干部素质,搞好高校学生工作

2.The contingent of student carders is the core force of students in colleges and universities.高校学生干部队伍是学生中的重要骨干力量。

3.On Discussing University Student Cadres Construction in the New Period;浅谈新时期高校学生干部队伍的建设

4.A Brief Talk about the Foster of Student Cadres in Colleges and Universities Under the New Situation;谈新形势下高校学生干部的培养工作

5.Role of College Student Leaders under New Situation;论新形势下高校学生干部的角色扮演

6.Management of University Student Cadres Based on Duty Instruction;基于职务说明书的高校学生干部管理

7.The Reflection on the Quality of the College Student Cadres;对高校学生干部队伍建设的几点思考

8.Some Thoughts on the Construction of College Student Cadre Team;对加强高校学生干部队伍建设的思考

9.An Analysis on the Construction of the Contingent of Cadres of College Students under New Situations;论新形势下高校学生干部队伍的建设

10.The Cultivation of Student Cadre in Colleges and universities;新时期高校学生干部队伍建设的思考

11.Research on keeping the advanced nature of the student cadres in colleges and universities;保持高校学生干部队伍先进性的探讨

12.Tips on Selecting a nd Cultivating Student Leaders in Colleges and Universities;关于选拔和培养高校学生干部的思考

13.How To Cultivate College Student Leaders;谈如何做好高校学生干部的培养工作

14.Student Leaders in Colleges and Universities: Their Role, Selection and Training;论高校学生干部的作用、选拔与培养

15.Producing a Contingent of Capable Student Leaders in Tertiary Colleges:Reflections and Strategies;高校学生干部队伍建设的思考与对策

16.Developing the Skills of College Student Cadres in "Managing with Passion"高校学生干部“用心管理”能力的培养

17.Building and Enforcement of the student leaders"Three-Self"Mechanism高校学生干部“三自”机制的建立与实施

18.A research of student cadre contingent in colleges during the new age新形势下高校学生干部队伍建设探析


college student leader高校学生干部

1.Building a contingent ofcollege student leaders is of vital significance in HEIs.培养一支高效、团结,具有创新意识的高校学生干部队伍对高校各项工作的顺利进行和教育目标的最终落实具有不可低估的重要作用。

3)college student cadres高校学生干部

1.This paper discusses the necessity of the application of internal marketing management theory incollege student cadres management and its basic approaches with running back over the internal marketing management theories.本文在对内部营销理论进行回顾的基础上论述了高校学生干部管理引入内部营销的必要性,探讨了内部营销理论在高校学生干部管理中运用的基本思路和有效途径。

2.The purpose of this study is trying to find out the characteristics and the present conditions ofcollege student cadres achievement motivation in a positive way, so as to arouse the chief management bureau of education, teaching staff and student cadres themse.当前,成就动机的研究已经成为现代心理科学比较重要的研究课题之一,但对高校学生干部队伍这一特殊群体的成就动机研究却很少。

4)college students cadres高校学生干部

1.Consideration on the Leadership of Qualified College Students Cadres;合格高校学生干部的领导学思考

5)college students leaders高校学生会干部

1.Taking the student union of Education and Management College of Eastern China Normal University as an example, the author points out the problems in the development ofcollege students leaders.高校学生会干部队伍是高校教育管理工作中不可忽视的一支重要的人力资源。

6)university student class cadre高校学生班干部

1.In recent years, the problem ofuniversity student class cadre s management ability become more prominent day by day, it has caused the parties concerned to pay more attention, to be urgent highly needs to carry out the relative research.近年来,高校学生班干部管理能力方面的问题日益突出,已引起有关方面高度重视,迫切需要开展相关研究。




